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Nicolas DU LAC

Beigetreten 22. Okt. 2021


Letzte Aktivität 22. Okt. 2021

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Nicolas DU LAC hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Thanks indeed Mark!

We also built some workaround recently in order to be notified at least when a new user subscribes: a cron task running on one of our servers which pulls every 5 mins the list of registered users and runs a diff with the previously queried list. The diff, if not empty, is sent to us by email.

That's quite awful (and I believe it participates to global warming), but seems to work.

This way we can check the "authorized" flag on the user or his domain as soon as possible so he can access the articles with limited access. But there is still a period between user's registration and the flag checking on our side where the user can be troubled with the knowledge base emptiness (like when we don't check our emails every minute, during the night for instance...). So we added a dummy article, available for every-one telling something like "if you don't see anything here, please don't panic, wait for some time, or just email us, etc.". But here is another pain here: we cannot restrict this very article to "all but those who have the authorized flag checked". Therefore, everyone including manually authorized users have this article available for reading... which might make no sense to those who are authorized and for whom the knowledge base is not empty at all.

Well, nothing's perfect but that's a first step. ;-)



Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 30. Juli 2019 · Nicolas DU LAC







Nicolas DU LAC hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

@Nicole, I confirm: a feedback would be highly appreciated.

We are globally happy with ZenDesk, but we really miss this feature.

Getting notifications by email when a new user registers would allow us to make much better usage of the knowledge base part of the platform.

By default, any hint or code template as to how we could integrate this trigger ourselves using the API would be great.

Best regards,



Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 13. Juni 2019 · Nicolas DU LAC







Nicolas DU LAC hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

@Brett @zendesk, the use case for this feature is pretty simple:

We publish quite detailed technical information about our products on the Knowledge Base part of our ZenDesk platform. Therefore some of these information are available only to customers and require that we check some flag for the user to get access to the entire content.

When a new user registers, we would like to be able to be notified by email in order to be able to apply the flags which correspond to the user or his domain.

It is also always interesting to follow in real-time who registers and potentially to approve or deny the registration requests.

Please transfer this request to the product managers: as we see it, this is the missing feature in ZenDesk. Sending an email to one or more agents when a new user registers with the new user account details and potentially a user activation confirmation link should not be difficult nor risky to implement I believe.

Thanks in advance!


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 11. März 2019 · Nicolas DU LAC







Nicolas DU LAC hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Help Center (Guide)


For us, this is THE missing feature in ZenDesk.

Same as Andrea above: our software is proprietary and we only want to allow our current clients to have access to all or parts of the Help Center. Therefore when a new user signs in, we would need to be notified, grant access or not, and if granted, be able to assign the necessary tags for the user.

Proposed workflow:

1 - user signs-up

2 - user gets notified by email that his account in pending until validation from the organization (via some customizable message)

3 - we also get notified that such user requested registration

4 - we can click on some link to grant access and set the user tags potentially

5 - if granted, the user gets notified by email that his account has been activated and he can then loggin.

This is what we do on our corporate website and it is quite satisfactory.

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 24. Aug. 2018 · Nicolas DU LAC





