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Tony Felicetta

Beigetreten 07. Feb. 2022


Letzte Aktivität 28. Dez. 2023

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Tony Felicetta hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarSingle sign-on

Hello, I have been watching this thread for some time, and through various web searches have been unable to clearly define the steps needed.  I am looking for an A-B-C checklist, I have most of it together but then it drops entirely at implementing the JWT login scripts.

For example:

1. Configure Okta SSO JWT authentication within Zendesk (COMPLETE)

2. Configure Multiple Brands within Zendesk (COMPLETE)

3. Configure Multiple Help Centers > 1 or 2 per brand (COMPLETE)

4.  FACT - we are using Okta as the SSO solution passing the JWT to Zendesk (confirmed working) -- NEEDED is dependent upon the users email domain (@domain111.com, @domain222.com) this would direct the user to the necessary Help Center

5. QUESTION - where should the proposed login scripts reside, Zendesk or Okta or?  This step is very vague and does not seem to describe "how" the JWT identifies the logged in user to direct them to the appropriate help center.  For example, a user with email @domain111.com would be directed to support-domain111.zendesk.com , similarly if the user email domain is @domain222.com then they would be directed to support-domain222.zendesk.com .

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 07. Juni 2023 · Tony Felicetta







Tony Felicetta hat einen Post erstellt

Post Q&A - Help center and community

Hello, I have a use case below that requires we link a logged in Zendesk user to an external website/webform due to the complexity and external vendor required to maintain/re-design etc very quickly as-needed for a very specific industry.  The goal is that the user information would pre-populate within the webform (via webhook or ??).  This should not require SAML/SSO level, just basic information.

Example:  User "Susie Smith" is logged in and viewing the Help Center main page.   She selects a link "Feedback and Requests" - this link opens a new page (ideally) where a webform is shown -- her user name, organization or other known user information has already been pre-populated (sent from Zendesk through the link).  Susie then goes through a series of questions that are conditional -- either hiding or revealing additional questions.  Upon completion, this external system then sends the information back to Zendesk where it will open the ticket for the customer, associated to their login ID.

I have created this across several other systems, however after reading through Zendesk docs, it is not entirely clear - or I cannot find a straight forward example, or I may not be looking at the correct docs? 

Gepostet 07. Feb. 2022 · Tony Felicetta





