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Russell King

Beigetreten 06. Juni 2022


Letzte Aktivität 11. Mai 2023

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KommentarUsing email in Sell

Hey @Patrycja Walencik - As mentioned if the trigger to add an email to a record in Zendesk is the addition of the unique BCC address supplied on the Zendesk record that email should be added to the record.  ONLY emails that I have added the unique BCC address should be added to Zendesk.  If I don't add the BCC address the email is not logged.  Simples!?

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 11. Mai 2023 · Russell King







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KommentarUsing email in Sell

Me again... This is still an issue as we have a lot of internal emails back and forth amongst the team who all use their primary email to log into Zendesk and therefore rendering the BCC email forwarding feature useless.

Is there a reason why an email used to log in to Zendesk is blocked from using this feature?  Surely the addition of the BCC address should be the trigger to add that email against the record the unique BCC address relates to?  That is the point of the feature no?  If I add the BCC address to an email one would expect the email (regardless of origin) would be logged against the record in Zendesk!  

Have I missed something?  Blocking this feature because the originating email address is used to log into Zendesk doesn't make sense to me.  I want and need to be able to add internal team correspondence about my customers and deals into the relevant records and I can't.

Look forward to hearing a reply and hopefully one that enables this feature!

Thanks - Russell 

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 11. Mai 2023 · Russell King







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Community-Kommentar Feedback - Sales CRM (Sell)

Hi Patrycja,

Please can you explain what this will achieve and the implications of removing all email addresses from the block list?  I assume you mean all of our internal / my colleague emails that they use to log into Sell?  Are there implications with doing so?  Any loss of features to be wary of with this work around?

AND - If this will resolve the issue of allowing me to forward emails into the notes from my inbox (emails from colleagues or others) is this not the result that I have been asking for?

Would be good to continue this thread in the public domain so others may also benefit.

Kind regards,


Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 15. Nov. 2022 · Russell King







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Community-Kommentar Feedback - Sales CRM (Sell)

Hi Pati,

Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time, but this is exhausting! 

I've seen the updated article and it has been re-written to cover all the actions this feature can do, which has zero relevance to what I have been asking for a response on for several months!

All I have ever asked is for the feature to do what it says on the tin, it's as simple as that;

Your feature states - "To add an outside email to this deal, forward or BCC to:"

Why then would you decide to "BLOCK" me from doing that and why did no one tell me this is what you do till yesterday?  I use my primary email to log into Sell and it is what I use to communicate with customers and colleagues alike.  There are important instructions and details within those emails that don't make it back into the customer records because your system blocks them. 

You are blocking this feature for a reason, so rather than give me the run around for another several months on this issue, can you please just explain why you block me from sending an email from my own inbox into a record of my choosing?  It doesn't make any sense.

Salesforce and other CRM's let their customers decide what content they wish to BCC / Copy into their records using the same type of feature and I am struggling to understand why you do not.  Please explain.

Thank you in advance!


P.s.  - Link to original discussion for reference of previous replies to reported issues - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408828858906-Using-the-BCC-email-address-for-external-email-messages?sort_by=created_at 


Kommentar anzeigen · Bearbeitet 14. Nov. 2022 · Russell King







Russell King hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Sales CRM (Sell)

Good morning (from the UK)

I arrived here from another thread I follow relating to a feature not working - 

Using the BCC email address for external email messages

We have connected our email accounts and that works fine however, the issues still remains that we are unable to forward emails back into notes using the BCC email address as described.

As you might expect when closing deals we have numerous calls and emails both directly with the customer and internally with numerous colleagues all with specific and valuable data relating to our clients and customers and each specific deal.  When an email is received from a customer and is taken out of the public space, discussed internally (via email) we require those internal discussions to be recorded back into notes.  We will then respond to the customer from their original email. 

Currently we are having to copy & paste the email string from Outlook back into notes and if you do not delete out the internal email addresses everyone in the string receives multiple @alerts and emails per copy/paste as Zen treats an internal email address as if you have @name a colleague.  

This BCC email feature that is "featured" on the record cards does not work, has not worked for several months (if ever) and needs a fix asap please!  

I look forward to hearing from you (again) about this matter.  

Many thanks!

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 11. Nov. 2022 · Russell King







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KommentarUsing email in Sell

Unless I have missed a communication I haven't seen any update, response or fix for this issue? 

So in answer to Cristen Scolastico's enquiry the answer is not to worry about losing emails, as you won't have any emails in the system using this feature, ever, full stop.  The feature doesn't work and is still being investigated since June 2022.

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 04. Nov. 2022 · Russell King







Russell King hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarUsing email in Sell

This BCC / FWD feature still isn't working and you've rolled out an update to the Deal record > left margin UI which neither fixes the issue or improves the navigation of the deal record.

The BCC / FWD feature purposefully states - - -  "To add an outside email to this contact, forward or BCC to:" - - - Yet it does nothing of the sort. 

Could someone please confirm, by reply to this message, if this is a known bug/issue so I don't waste more time trying to work out if I am doing something wrong.  Thank you.

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 17. Juni 2022 · Russell King







Russell King hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

KommentarUsing email in Sell

As already mentioned this feature doesn't appear to work.  I notice that it says the subject line MUST include FW: or FWD: in the subject line.  Really?

I tend to (want) to use this feature for copies of internal emails that originated outside of Sell, so you are saying I need to add FW: or FWD: to the subject line as well as the unique link?

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 06. Juni 2022 · Russell King





