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Katie Cerrone

Beigetreten 06. Okt. 2023


Letzte Aktivität 06. Okt. 2023

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Katie Cerrone hat einen Kommentar hinterlassen

Community-Kommentar Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Need SLAs to accurately report on tickets that transfer between agents.


We use "tiers" as different levels of support. When creating a report to show us our % of SLA achieved broken up by tiers, we noticed that if we sort by "tier" the tier is actually measuring the response time from when the ticket first appeared, and not the response time of the tier the ticket is currently in. For example, T3 shows as 100%, but that is only because the ticket was initially on T1 and T1 responded in SLA. So, the tier is only reflected as the tier the ticket is currently in, not the tier in which the SLA was achieved or breached.

Each tier should have it's own SLA. If a ticket comes into tier 1, it has a specific SLA. If it is transferred to tier 2, it should have a new SLA. We want to see a report with the % achieved for both of those tiers to see how well the tier 1 team did AND how well the tier 2 team did. It seems though like the way it is set up now it only checks when the ticket was created and then from that point onwards it only checks resolution times.

When I reached out to Zendesk, they let me know that this is a current product limitation. "The SLA belongs to the ticket as a whole, not each individual and ultimately the last assignee will inherit all of the SLA targets in reporting. For this reason, SLAs do not accurately report on tickets that transfer between agents."


We really need this in order to more effectively understand how our teams other their Tier 1 are doing.

Kommentar anzeigen · Gepostet 06. Okt. 2023 · Katie Cerrone





