Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
A stacked chart breaks down each bar or column in a chart into subsections of the total. For example, if you've created a column chart displaying tickets by ticket type, you could further break each column down by ticket priority. This can be particularly useful when you want to see a visual representation of which items are having the most influence on a category total.
Tickets by ticket type column chart
Tickets by ticket type column chart broken down by ticket priority
In this recipe, you'll learn how to create stacked charts and work through an example.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Creating a stacked chart
In this example, you'll create the stacked column chart from the introduction of this recipe. The chart shows the number of tickets by type (question, incident, problem, or task) and then breaks this down further by the ticket priority (low, normal, high, or urgent).
To create the stacked chart
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Tickets, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- Next, add your metrics, the things you want to measure; in this case, the number of tickets created. In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Tickets > Tickets, then click Apply. Explore displays the number of tickets in your Zendesk Support instance.
- In the Columns panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Ticket > Ticket type, then click Apply. Explore displays the number of tickets broken down by ticket type. If the chart is not displayed as a column chart, you can change this from the visualization type menu (
- In the Rows panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Ticket > Ticket priority, then click Apply. Explore displays the number of tickets broken down by ticket type. Using the row selector, you can select which ticket priorities to display though often, you'll click the row selector heading to select all rows. Each priority displays as a separate column on the chart. Next, you'll group these priority columns together to create a cleaner looking stacked column chart.
- From the Chart configuration menu (
) , click Chart.
- On the Chart page, enable Stacked. Make sure the other options on this page are not selected.
Note: To find out more about the other stacking options, see Using stacked charts to display results.
Explore displays the column chart with the values for ticket priority stacked together.
I feel like an idiot, but my chart using a custom field won't stack! What might I be doing wrong?
Giovanni Berthelot
Hello Perry,
Could you please try the following steps ? :
It should work now :) Also, if you want to remove the Row selector, you can easily do it with these steps:
Did that. No stack! I suspect it is my query setup not the mechanic of stacking.
What I am trying to get is monthly bars showing the break-down by category as a stacked bar. I can get monthly with the breakdown unstacked, but nothing better.
Dylan Tragjasi
Hi Perry - I'm going to reach out to you directly in a ticket so we can take a closer look and see what might be going wrong here. We'll be in touch very shortly via email!
Barbara Brauner
Hi, is there a way to have the Row Selector select all of the options at all times? What happens in my queries is that when a new option is added (e.g. because new agent is added etc.) this option will not be automatically included in the Row Selector selection. Any solution for this?
Can you confirm what you meant about "when a new option is added"?
Are you referring to a new field value being added in the actual ticket field and you expect that it would also be added automatically in the selection list?
Or are you referring to an existing value in a custom ticket field and upon selecting/including this value, it does not show up automatically in a query?
Barbara Brauner
Hi Elaine,
Thanks for your response.
I'm referring to a variation of the first option: I've selected all "assignee names" in the row selector and when later on a new agent is added and also getting tickets assigned, they are showing up in the row selector, but not being automatically selected.
Upon further checking, the reason why you're not seeing the newly added Assignee names in the Row Selector as automatically selected is that the Row selector's default option is the "Selected values".
The reason behind the default option as "Selected values" and not "Select all" is to avoid slowing down the query in case there are a lot of values in an attribute that our customers would use in the Row section of the query and we think that it is the most appropriate for such cases.
If you want more Assignee names to be selected as you go and edit this query, kindly go into Chart configuration > Row Selector, and under the Selected position, choose the Select all option manually. In that way, you'll see that the filtered-out Assignee names in the query are automatically selected moving forward.
Don't forget to Save the query every after recent changes on the query. Hope this helps! Stay safe! (:
Barbara Brauner
Very helpful, thanks a lot Elaine!
Ana-Alicia Siqueiros
I am running into the same issue as Barry. Can you help me @...?
Barbara Brauner
Hi Ana-Alicia, if you've followed Giovanni's steps from above, you just need to click on "Ticket Channel" in the top left corner (below "Filters (1)"). That will show all channels stacked on top of each other.
Ana-Alicia Siqueiros
Amazing!! Thank you Barbara!
Alfie Penfold
Hello - I'm running into the same issue as Perry above: Selecting "stacked" as an option, but the chart remains unchanged.
I have a custom "ticket type" field selected, but believe it should still work.
Any help would be appreciated.
Gab Guinto
Can you check if all the values or if multiple values are selected under the row selector? Example:
Selected values are highlighted in grey. If only one value is selected, the chart will not be displayed as stacked values.
Lauren Tucci
Mine also did not stack after following these directions. Wondering what I'm missing...
Gabriel Manlapig
Can you send us a sample screenshot of your report query? Also, please make sure that the option Chart configuration >> Row Selector >> Selected position is set to Select all.
Since, If only one value is selected, the chart will not be displayed as stacked values.
I hope that helps. Thanks!
Namah Vyakarnam
Is it possible to ONLY have the total number of all selected rows show at the top of the stack, and not have any of the other numbers show for each individual color?
Gabriel Manlapig
Yes, this is possible. Please go to Chart Configuration >> Displayed Values >> Show value, and select Hide.
For reference, please see the below screenshot.