How are one-touch tickets calculated?
The one-touch resolution calculation counts any solved or closed tickets with less than two agent replies. Use the One-touch tickets metric to make this calculation in Explore.
If a customer re-opens the ticket with an additional question and the agent responds and solves the ticket again, it will no longer count as a one-touch resolution.
However, if the customer reaches back by saying 'thank you' for example, and the agent solves the ticket without making another reply, the ticket will still count as a one-touch resolution.
Note: When a proactive ticket is created and solved immediately, and the customer replies, the initial comment from the agent is not counted as a one-touch ticket. Only a second agent comment on proactive tickets will count as a one-touch ticket.
For more information, see the article: Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support.
Joshua Bentley
Based on what I'm reading here, one-touch tickets and one-reply tickets should have the same stats, is that correct? So if I check all one-touch tickets for last week, it should match the number of one-reply tickets for last week.
Imelda Dooley
Referring to Brett's response to Christophe regarding tickets that don't require an answer. To confirm - if it's closed off by an agent without a response, it's still included as a response in this metric. Is that correct?
In an earlier response to the question "How are one-touch tickets calculated?", it was advised that if a customer re-opens the ticket with an additional question and the agent responds and solves the ticket again, it will no longer count as a one-touch resolution. However, if the customer reaches back saying 'thank you' for example, and the agent solves the ticket without making another reply, the ticket will still count as a one-touch resolution. Based on my first point, would it not register as a response, therefore not making it a one-touch resolution.
Many thanks
Hi Joshua,
Based on the One-touch tickets formula below:
This will include tickets that have only one public response from an agent or no response at all.
I’m not sure what you meant by one-reply tickets as upon checking, we currently do not have that listed in our default metrics. Can you please provide more information about the one-reply tickets that you’re referring to?
Hi Imelda,
If the agent just solves a ticket without a public response, then yes, the ticket is still included in this metric. The One-touch tickets formula looks for tickets that have <2 Agent replies. This means that tickets with one public reply or no public reply at all count as one-touch tickets.
From the Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support article,
I hope this clarifies your inquiry. Cheers! :)
If there is a lot of back and forth in the ticket via social media (ex. Facebook Messenger), is that considered as one-touch?
Chandra Robrock
Hi @...! If there are two or more Agent Replies (i.e. public comments left by an agent) on the ticket, it wouldn't be considered a one-touch ticket.
Siron Santos
If I reply a ticket to a client with a different status than "solved", he returns with another reply and only then I answer to him with the "solved" status, will it be a one touch ticket or not?
Brett Bowser
Hey Siron,
That will not be considered a one-touch ticket since the agent is replying more than once on the ticket before it was solved. One-touch tickets will have a single agent reply before the ticket has been solved.
Hope this clears up any confusion!
Temiloluwa Paul Adetola
Hi @...
Would it also be accurate that the first line of the code is IF (VALUE(Agent replies) =1 instead of <2? I feel it's less trouble this way rather than having to filter out the tickets with 0 replies.
Thank you
Hi @...
Using IF (VALUE(Agent replies) =1 could indeed work, but you would exclude from the results all the tickets having been solved without an agent reply, so a written public reply from the agent, after a first message from an end-user.
This would mean that those kind of tickets would be excluded :
- Proactive tickets solved immediately
- Merge tickets without replies
- Talk tickets that did not require a written follow-up
- Chat tickets that also did not require a written follow-up
- All tickets solved with only an internal note from the agent
The definition of one-touch tickets takes into account all those definitions, thus the IF (VALUE(Agent replies) <2
I hope this helps!
Temiloluwa Paul Adetola
Hi @...
Thanks for weighing in on this.
Yes, all the listed ticket variations will definitely counts for One-Touch. The reason I asked if (=1) would be a good fit is that I was looking for the closest means to really know if the content of an agent's first reply solved the customer's query. So based on this, I need to consider tickets where there's an actual reply and if the customer does not reply till ticket is closed, then that single agent's reply most probably solved the customer's query.
So in this case, tickets where where is zero reply might skew the result I'm looking for.
But thanks again, this definitely helps.
Hi again @...
What would then be possible is to create a new custom metric using IF (VALUE(Agent replies) =1 under a different name so you would be able to get those data as well as the "regular" one-touch tickets with 0 replies via the original metric.
Filippo Dell'Anno
Could you please help me creating a view showing on average, the percentage of touches used to solve a ticket? For instance: in the last month we had on average 1,7 Touches in solved tickets.
I am struggling a bit to find the solution.
Thank you.
Chandra Robrock
Filippo Dell'Anno It sounds like using the metric Agent Replies and selecting AVG instead of SUM could work here. That would give you the average number of Agent Replies (or touches) for the specific tickets you're looking for (i.e. Solved Tickets within the Past Month).
Zendesk also includes a % of One-Touch, Two-Touch & Multi-Touch tickets as a metric you could select as well:
Also including a few other Explore recipes that might be a helpful reference for you in terms of other ways you could drill into this data:
Filippo Dell'Anno
Hi Chandra,
Thank you, you guys make our work life easier :)
Ticketmaster UK Limited (smooch-cus_Jq6hTWiG9VcXJR)
Can you confirm if first touch resolution accounts for tickets that are solved automatically without any agent involvement (e.g. using a trigger to reply to customer and solve ticket, 0 agent replies)?
As long as the ticket has less than 2 public replies or even no reply and was set to Solved by any means, it will be counted under one-touch tickets.
Marie M.
Hi There!
Question about one-touch resolutions.
If an agent replies to a customer but puts the ticket in 'pending' status while awaiting the customer's response, and then the agent replies back to the customer once they respond and THEN solves the ticket out, would it be considered One-Touch given the first reply wasn't 'solved' but rather pending?
Thank you!
Dave Dyson
In your example, the ticket would have two agent replies, so it would not be considered a "one-touch" ticket. As the article above says, "The one-touch resolution calculation counts any solved or closed tickets with less than two agent replies."
Riah Lao
We have similar situation with Marie M., ours though is agent putting the ticket on hold and replied to the customer (1st reply). Agent replies again to the customer (2nd reply) to provide resolution.
Not sure if it is fair to the agent to penalize them from non FCR for Pending/Hold scenarios.. Is there a workaround?
This is the formula for One Touch tickets based on Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support. It only means that it will only count one touch tickets if the reply is less than two and the status of the ticket is Solved or Closed. Putting the ticket on Pending and On-hold is irrelevant as it will not be counted on this metric.
On Marie's example, it will no longer be counted as one touch ticket for the agent already replied twice when the ticket was solved. It will count all the public replies on the ticket when it was set to Solved.
Hope this helps!
how are follow-up tickets considered in the one touch tickets?
I have noticed that every ticket is counted separately.
The same for merged tickets. I know that we can exclude merged tickets, but do we consider follow-up tickets.
For me this should be not considered a one touch ticket.
Main ticket= 1 customer message + 1 agent reply = ticket closed
Follow-up ticket= 1 customer message + 1 agent reply
The above should not be considered one touch ticket, how do I calculate this?
Gab Guinto
I'm afraid it's not possible to identify in Explore which tickets have follow-ups. There's a recipe for reporting on follow-up requests, but there's no workaround at the moment to identify the closed tickets from which follow-ups were created.
If you have time, I would suggest that you upvote and add your use case to this Community thread. The Product team monitors the Product Feedback threads, and if they see enough engagement on a topic, that might be considered for the next roadmap planning.
Thanks Gerardo.
Ana Kelly
Hey guys. I read all the comments, but I still have questions. Could you explain how the one-touch metric works for the Chat channel? Does this metric have any value for the channel? Thank you in advance!
Alex Zheng
Chat updates are not considered under the metric of Agent Replies which is what is being used in Explore to calculate one touch tickets. If a customer chats in and the ticket is immediately solved with no follow up this ticket will be considered to have 0 agent replies and still be considered in Explore as a one-touch ticket.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Greg S.
Do Zendesk Talk call recordings attached to the support case count as public replies?
We have a standard of emailing a recap to our customers after a phone call ends that covers what was found and what was done to resolve the issue.
For example:
Customer emails in a ticket or submits a ticket via web form
Agent calls customer, determines issue and resolves it on the phone, and the call is recorded and attached to the case. While the call recording is private, the call itself was public with the customer.
Agent emails customer recap and solves case.
Alex Zheng
Phone call recordings are not considered as a public reply so in your example this would be one agent reply and be considered as a one-touch ticket.
Claire Doc
If the customer replies 'Thanks' to a Solved ticket and the agent moves the ticket back to 'Solved' without a public reply to ensure it counts as a one-touch ticket. Will the ticket fail to meet the 'Next Reply Time' SLA as no public reply was added?
Noly Maron Unson
Hi Claire,
Tickets set to Solved immediately fulfill all active SLA targets associated with the ticket.
Hope this helps.
Eddie Lancinao
Hi ,

we are using auto-replies in email notificationsif the end-user closes the ticket, will it count as a One touch ticket also?