Guide admins can create, edit, and remove links in any new or existing article in the knowledge base. Agents who are not Guide admins can create, edit, and remove links in articles where they have management permissions.
Inserting links in articles
You can insert a link in an article for existing text or at the point where your cursor appears.
To insert a link in an article
- In Help Center or Guide Admin, create a new article or edit an existing article.
- Highlight text or place the cursor where you want the link to appear, then click Insert/edit link on the editor's toolbar.
- In the dialog box, do one of the following:
To link to a URL, in the URL tab, paste in the link URL. For example,
. Make sure you include the entire URL, including the HTTP or HTTPS format. If you don't add the entire URL, you'll get a broken link. -
To link to a heading in this article, click the Heading tab, then select a heading in the article.
The title of each heading appears, along with its style, so that you know the heading level for each heading in the article.
To link to an article in your Help Center, click the Help Center article tab, then select an article title that appears or enter a search for an article, then select an article that appears.Note: If you use multiple languages in your Help Center, we recommend inserting links using the Help Center article tab, to ensure that the article opens in the language that the customer is currently viewing the Help Center.
Click Clear beside the article title if you want to remove the link to an article and select a new article.
To link to a URL, in the URL tab, paste in the link URL. For example,
- In Text on link, enter or edit the link text you want to appear in the article.
If you highlighted text in the article before you click the Link button, the text appears in the field. If you edit the text here, it will update in the article.
- Select Open in new tab if you'd like the link to open in a new browser tab.
If the checkbox is not selected, the link will open in the current browser tab, replacing the article.
- Click Link.
The link appears in the article.
Editing links in articles
You can edit any existing link in an article to change the text or link target.
- In Help Center or Guide Admin, open an existing article in edit mode.
- Highlight the link you want to edit in the article.
- To change the link text, simply type over the existing text.
- To change the link target, click Insert/edit link on the editor's toolbar, then do any of the following:
- In the URL tab, select the existing URL in the field and paste in a new URL, then click Link.
- Click the Heading tab, select a heading in the article, then click Link.
- Click the Help Center article tab, click Clear, if an article is currently selected, and select another article in your Help Center, then click Link
The link is updated in the article.
Removing links in articles
You can remove a link from text if you want to the text to be plain text and no longer a link.
To remove an existing link in an article
- In Help Center or Guide Admin, open an existing article in edit mode.
- Highlight the link you want to remove in the article.
- Click Insert/edit link on the editor's toolbar, then do any of the following:
- Click Remove link at the bottom of the dialog box.
The link is removed from the article.
Ryan Boyer
We've noticed the following behavior when using the Help Center article tab in the Insert/edit link feature.
Articles will only display if you are part of the Managed by permission group of that article. If there is an article with a Managed by permission of group which you are not a part of, then the article will not display. This occurs even if you are part of the permission group for the Visible to setting. Is this expected behavior? In the scenario I outline, you can still insert the link to the published article by copying and pasting the URL; however, in my opinion, you should still be able to use the Help Center article tab to link to the article as well.
Ariane Frances dela Cruz
Hey Ryan,
Based on the first part of the scenario that you have outlined, this is an expected behaviour that articles with certain permission can only be viewed by the Group that has access to it. On the other second part wherein this also happens to articles that you're supposed to have permission. I would love to dig deeper into this and I'll create a ticket for you.
Abdul Khader Malim
Currently this way of added links approach not jump into respective section. Any solutions ?
Shane Smith
Is there a way to get a "where used" list of every article link in Zendesk? We often have a situation where we have dozens of links to the same article in Guide and we need to update them (or remove them).
If there is an automated way to do this, please let me know. Thanks!
Russell Chee
Hey Shane,
Thanks for reaching out to us, I hope you are well. Thank you for letting us know your use case around the workflow you are looking to implement.
To set expectations, at this current time unfortunately there is not a feature like this within Zendesk that could detect certain hyperlinks so you can list them and change them. Having said that please feel free to post in our Product Feedback forum for Guide with your particular use case where like-minded individuals could see relevance in your feedback and upvote it. Have a great one and take care!
George Diaz
I'm trying to link headings within an article to make a table of contents, however a common issue is when linking to a heading, it displays the content immediately below the heading, is there a way to link to the heading, but also include the heading to show a user what section they are in?
Thank you!
Dave Dyson
Hi George!
I've seen this too! But I believe you're seeing the same thing I have, which is when you're looking at an article as a agent, the heading will be obscured by the toolbar that includes the links to add and edit articles. But if you mouse over that toolbar, a little up arrow will appear under the center of the toolbar, and if you click that arrow, the toolbar will slide up and you'll see the header (which is what your end-users will see).
You can also verify this by viewing the article when logged out (assuming the article is set to by viewable by "Everyone", or by logging in as an end-user.
Hope this helps!
George Diaz
Hello @...
I tested the suggestion, however it is still not an acceptable solution. I've attached a screenshot of what this still looks like and I was still wondering if there is a better solution to pad out the heading so viewers can see it clearly?
Dave Dyson
Hi George -
Sorry I was unclear! Your end-users won't see that arrow, as they don't have access to the tools it's hiding. As an example, here's what I see when I go to the Inserting links in articles bookmark on this page:
As you can see, the dropdown is obscuring the section header. When I click the arrow to minimize the toolbar, I can still see the header, but the arrow is still there just like in your most recent screenshot:
But that's still because I have the permissions to edit the article – the arrow is there to allow me to reveal the links to add and edit articles. But end-users don't have those permissions, so they won't see the arrow at all. Here's what it looks like when I go to that bookmark when I'm not logged in:
No unsightly arrow now! Hope that helps clarify things :)
Shawn Miller
For example:
Article A links "See: Article B" but I later re-name Article B to Article C, I would need to go back to Article A and update the link.
Dave Dyson
Hi Shawn,
Yes, that is as-expected. When you change the name of an article, it's probably a good idea to search your help center for references to it so you can change them. I'm sorry there isn't an easier way to do it that I'm aware of.
Jan Schweigerer
Hi there! Love this feature so far.
Instead of linking a specific article, I'd like to link to a section though. Any advice on how I could do that?
Amy Gracer
You can link to an article manually: Go to the section to which you want to link, and then copy the URL out of the address bar.
Then edit the article in which you want to insert the link.
Click the Link tool, and then on the URL tab, paste the URL you copied, and then type the text of the link.
Aaron Miller
Hello all, just wondering if it's possible to change the text color of a hyperlink in one spot of an article. I have a KB that's color-coded and the default color we've set looks yucky. It's not the end of the world, but I would be cool if I could tweak it. Maybe changing something in the HTML?
Dave Dyson
Hey Aaron!
Sure thing! Here's a way to change the color of specific hyperlinks in your Help Center. You're going to need to know how to edit the HTML source code in your articles (see Help Center article editor toolbar reference and look for the "source code" toolbar button), and how to edit the CSS file in your Help Center theme (see Customizing your help center theme).
For this example, I created a simple article with two links (this already has my modifications applied, where I've changed the second link to green):
In the article source code, I've added a "class" attribute ("alternate_link_color") to the second link's html:
And then added some CSS to the bottom of my help center theme's style.css file (adding it to the bottom means it will override any CSS above it). Note that I've added a brighter green for the link, and then a dimmer green for links that have been visited):
You can search for "html color picker" online to find tools that will allow you to generate the color code you want for inclusion in your CSS.
Hope that helps!
Aaron Miller
That is fantastic, thank you so much!
Dave Dyson
Glad to help, Aaron!
Andreas Walser
how can I add a link to a DRAFT article?
Brett Bowser
Hey Andreas,
Where exactly are you trying to add this link? You should be able to navigate directly to the draft and copy the URL from there and paste it in your desired location.
Let me know if I'm misunderstanding your question!
Andreas Walser
Hi Brett
Thank you for your help. Ok, that's the old school way :-). But the draft articles do not appear in the insert link form.
Thank you.
Dganit Rauchwerger
Although I have defined text sections in my article with Heading 4, they are not appearing in the Heading tab when I try to link to them from within the article. Until today, this was working fine.
Would appreciate any help.
Tammy Nasu-Salguero
Many headings of different levels (1 to 3) in articles are not appearing in the Heading tab for me either.
Cameron | Traeger
Adding to the above that many headers are no longer appearing in the Heading tab. I've found that it usually fails on the last header--sometimes is resolved by re-linking the header directly above the one not showing up, but it doesn't always work.
Jennifer Rowe, is ZD aware of this issue/actively working it?
Ad Astra Support
I just checked mine too, and only the first header is showing as an option to link to. We are on enterprise.
Dganit Rauchwerger
In the meantime, as a workaround, I'm adding anchors to the text that I want to link to. The anchored text is showing up in the Heading tab.
Here's the article that I used to learn how:
Milan Wack
There seems to be a bug. I'm no longer able to link headings within one article - which is necessary for the structure of my articles. Can you please investigate here or tell me - what I'm doing wrong? (It worked well until cw 42/2021.)
Hi Zendesk Support/Community,

Headings are no longer appearing as linkable when writing articles. Please see screens below. Any ideas?
Holden Hewett
There is definitely a bug. It looks like only the first heading is being added to the list of selectable headings.
Heading ids are not automatically being generated any longer. You can work around this by manually adding ids to each heading:
After adding ids to each heading:

Like many others, this is extremely disrupting to my workflow when creating articles.
Please provide some kind of update if this is a bug or new intended behavior.
Milan Wack
Holden Hewett Thanks for the advice - that's a solution.
Kristina Tibbitts
Any updates on the bug? The anchor workaround didn't work for me and this is making it very difficult to create articles.