The Time Tracking app enables you to monitor how much time you spend on tickets. You might see all or just some of the following options, depending on how your administrator has set up time tracking.
Every agent must do a one-time browser refresh to see the Time Tracking app after it's installed.
The app must be installed and set up by an admin. See Setting up the Time Tracking app.
Making the Time Tracking app appear after installation
The first time you use the Time Tracking app, do a hard refresh on your browser for it to appear. You will only need to do this once.
To make the Time Tracking app visible
- Press Command + Shift + R (Mac) or Control + F5 (Windows) to refresh your browser cache.
Tracking your time spent on tickets
To pause and resume the timer
- Click pause and play to pause and resume the timer as
needed, such as if you still have a ticket open but
are taking a break to answer an unrelated phone
To reset the timer
- Click the refresh button to reset the timer to 0.
- Click Show timelogs to review how long different
agents have spent on that ticket.
- In ticket
events, check the Total time spent (sec)
and Time spent last update (sec) fields for
If an agent submits time that matches the previously recorded time, a change event is not recorded for the Time spent last update (sec) field because the value is unchanged. Only the Total time spent (sec) field is updated to reflect the cumulative time.
To edit the total time spent on a ticket
- When you submit a ticket, you might see a window like
the following, which allows you to edit or confirm
your time:
When the window appears, the timer begins counting down from 15. If you don't click Cancel or Submit time before the 15 seconds are up, it closes, and you are returned to the ticket.
Edyta Tudek | starszy kierownik
Hi, I have the same issue @Elaine do you have solution for this?
Edyta Tudek | starszy kierownik
Example: ticket 16453574. In the ticket more than 10 minutes logged, in reports only 0.4.
Edyta Tudek | starszy kierownik
Hannah Lucid
Hello, is there a way to apply “tags” or “attributes” to the time tables? For example, we have a third-party IT support company that uses our instance. They want to use Time Tracking app as a way to know the billable time. However, sometimes the time tracks won't be billable, either due to an agent triaging tickets, not meaning to click into the ticket, etc.
Edyta Tudek | starszy kierownik
Hi, tags/attributes can help with difference between real logged time in the ticket and time in explore? I don't understand....
Edyta Tudek | starszy kierownik
Hi, is there any new information on this?
Simon Collier
Is there a way to take auto-pause off for only certain groups instead of turning it off for all agents entirely?
Similarly, is there a way to track time spend on a ticket only starting at an escalation to another group? Thank you!