Why do I see Download failed when trying to export a report in Zendesk Explore?
The Download failed error can occur when exporting a large report. Upon exporting your report as an Excel or CSV file, the export service reloads the report in the backend to extract the raw data. If the report contains a large amount of data, the export service may timeout during the process and result in a failure.
Note: The report builder has a greater timeout limit than the export service. This means that reports could be successfully loaded in the report builder, but still timeout during the exporting process.
To resolve this issue, narrow down the scope of the report, such as adding a date filter over a smaller timespan or filtering on additional attributes.
Jahn Jerenz Bronilla
This is somehow frustrating given that we highly depends on reporting. Insights is much better given it can hold thousands of attributes/values.
Hope you can provide some sort of solution to this.
Yin, Yue
Hi team,
I just want to download last year ticket report,but failed.
This is somehow frustrating given that we highly depends on reporting. Insights is much better given it can hold thousands of attributes/values.
Hope you can provide some sort of solution to this
Brandon Tidd
Hi @...,
One solution might be to do quarterly data exported to Excel, and then combine the datasets.
Hope this helps!
Brandon Tidd
Jahn Jerenz Bronilla
Brandon Tidd - this is the workaround that I am currently doing but we of course want to have the data in one flat file only like what we have in Insights.
Explore do have a limitation of 50,000 Rows but apparently wont allow you to export it in one go as you need to dissect it in 3 parts.
Hope ZD Team can find a solution on this one instead of just always saying to build an API.
Jahn Jerenz Bronilla
This is totally frustrating that a simple task can't be done because of this limitation.
Hey Eric Gao - I signed up for Large EAP to have 500k report in one go but even a year of data can't be downloaded/exported. Can we possibly do something about this please? Explore is a powerful tool but with this limitation it is very frustrating and not so convenient to splice the supposed 1 export into 10 export.
Brett Bowser
Is the Large Queries EAP not functioning like it's supposed to on your account? Or is the 500k limit what is causing the issue on your account?
Let me know as I may need to create a ticket on your behalf so we can investigate further.
Hey Brett Bowser, Explore is asking if I want to export it via CSV since it's a large file but as soon as you hit the Export to CSV I will need to wait for atleast 20mins then it will just be a failed download.
What's the sense of having the large EAP if it's just going to fail when downloading the file?
FYI - Already raised ticket but the agent just closed it without resolution:
Ticket ID: 10449412
It's actually the Large EAP not working correctly as I have checked manually and the data doesn't even reach the 500k limit. Here's what I am always getting and not sure how you guys will fix this.

Always failed everytime I am trying to export CSV file.
Brett Bowser
That sounds like a potential bug so I'm going to create a ticket so we can look into this error with you.
HI Brett Bowser, hope this is just a bug as I am experiencing this issue since June 2022. Again, one of the CS Consultant just closed my ticket without resolution.
Thanks for creating another ticket by the way.
Jahn - is this still happening to you?
Brett Bowser - any fix here?
I have been experiencing this issue for the last week but my coworker has been able to download it with no issue.
Leigh KELSEY fortunately, it's been resolved already on my end.
Brandon Tidd
Hey Leigh KELSEY -
Not sure if it's the same issue or not, but if you're experiencing the issue and your colleague is not, I would suggest a) clearing your cache and b) trying from a different browser. You might also consider opening a ticket with Zendesk support.
Hope this helps!