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Workflow: Add a disclaimer to a specific ticket form in help center

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Leah Hughes

Zendesk Employee

Edited Oct 02, 2024




Many thanks for this very useful solution! The missing option to add text boxes to online forms is a massive limitation and this is a practicable workaround.  

However, since we support several languages, I'd need to use it with a dynamic content placeholder. Is this possible? Simply replacing the HTML part of the disclaimer by a placeholder, for instance {{dc.placeholder_name}}, doesn't work.

[Edit: I solved it by simply making sure to use a different form name for each language and then assigning the corresponding text versions as suggested above.]  



This doesn't work for me. I have added jQuery and placed the script in the script.js tab, after 

$(document).ready(function() {

I have replaced the "Insert the name of your form to end users here" with the name of my form.

Nothing changes.


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Karl,
When you select the form are you seeing any errors in the browser console?


Could someone update this article to reflect the latest Copenhagen theme code? script.js no longer contains this:

$(document).ready(function() {



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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Hey Diana Iglesias Irvin, this should do the trick:
2nd step should be like this, add this code at the very end of your JS file:

$(document).ready(function() {
var selected = $('#request_issue_type_select option:selected').text(); if (selected == "Insert the name of your form to end users here") {
$('div.request_ticket_form_id').append('<p>Insert whatever disclaimer or note you want here!</p>');


Also, please make sure to add at the end of your document head this one (cause the new Copenhagen doesn't have jQuery library by default):

<script src="" integrity="sha256-/xUj+3OJU5yExlq6GSYGSHk7tPXikynS7ogEvDej/m4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Is there a way to add a disclaimer or note like this to the form that doesn't involve editing the theme template? We just switched from an old and outdated custom theme to Copenhagen in order to receive automatic updates, but it looks like if we implement something like this we'll become a custom theme again and lose that benefit.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Andy!
This method is actually needed if you want custom disclaimers for multiple ticket forms. For this, it will really involve custom coding.


Would there be a character limit to this element? We're currently struggling to incorporate larger texts into forms.


Vlad How can you add this to the bottom of the form, between the attachment box and the submit button? 

Or, how can I add it to the bottom of a field, but only display on certain forms? I have a field I need to do this to that is shared across almost all forms. BUT, I only need to add some text to it on one form. 


Hi Nicole, 
You could make the disclaimer appear in multiple forms by adding additional checks in the if statement of the Javascript code example above -- for example:
if ((selected == "Form name 1") || (selected == "Form name 2")) {
You could add several forms that way.



I would like to know how to include a hyperlink in the disclaimer text. For instance "click here" with it linked to for example. Thank you!


Also, would it be possible to frame the disclaimer text within a red box? Thank you!


Hi there - is there a way to add a disclaimer to every article in our help center? 


Hi there - is there a way to add a disclaimer to every article in our help center? 


Lexi Acosta 

You can edit the article_page.hbs template from the Guide theming interface to include a banner on all article pages. Here's HTML instructions.




Is there a way to move the disclaimer to the bottom of the form (just above the Submit button)?


Thank you!


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