Business rules such as triggers, automations, and macros affect email notifications to CCs and followers in several ways. For example, your default triggers send email notifications to requesters and CCs. You can also create business rules to do these things:
- Add followers to tickets automatically using triggers, automations, and macros.
- Use triggers and automations to send email notifications to both CCs and followers.
- Use triggers and automations to customize the text in email notifications to CCs.
You cannot configure views for CCs and followers. However, you can view all the tickets you are copied on or following from your user profile (see Viewing your user profile in Zendesk Support).
This article covers the following topics:
Adding followers to tickets automatically using business rules
You can add followers to tickets automatically using business rules (triggers, automations, and macros). This is done by adding action statements to the business rules.
These are actions you can use that are related to followers:
- In triggers, use the Add follower action.
- In automations, use the Ticket: Add follower action.
- In macros, use the Add follower action.
When an agent is added as a follower to a ticket using these actions, the follower doesn't receive an email notification saying they were added. Followers only receive email notifications when comments are added to tickets they are following.
To add followers to tickets automatically using business rules
Create or update
triggers to include the Add follower
Create or update
automations to include the Ticket: Add
follower action.
Create or update
macros to include the Add follower
Sending email notifications to requesters and CCs automatically using business rules
You can send email notifications to requesters and CCs automatically using business rules (triggers, automations, and macros). This is done by adding action statements to the business rules.
These are actions you can use:
- In triggers, use the Email user + (requester and CCs) and Autoreply with articles + (requester and CCs) actions.
- In automations, use the Notifications: Email user + (requester and CCs) action.
Two default triggers use these actions, but you can create others (see Customizing default email notifications to CCs and followers).
When a private comment is added to a ticket, the Email user + (requester and CCs) action in triggers and automations is suppressed. The trigger still fires and performs any other actions that may be included in the trigger, but the email message is not sent. Include a public comment to use this action to send an email message. See About business rule action suppression.
Placeholders are allowed in these actions (and in the Comment/description action in macros). This includes the ticket.cc_names placeholder, which returns the names of all the CCs on the ticket. See Using placeholders and Zendesk Support placeholder reference.
The Comment/description action in macros can be used by agents to add comments to tickets, and those comments can include placeholders about CCs and followers, but macros themselves don’t cause email notifications to be sent to users. However, you may have other business rules that cause email notifications to be sent to users when a comment is added to the ticket.
To send email notifications to requesters and CCs automatically using business rules
Create or update
triggers to include the Email user +
(requester and CCs) action.
Enter an email subject and body text in the fields provided. Placeholders are allowed.
Create or update
triggers to include the Autoreply with
articles + (requester and CCs) action.
Enter an email subject and body text in the fields provided. Placeholders are allowed.
Create or update
automations to include the Notifications:
Email user + (requester and CCs) action.
Enter an email subject and body text in the fields provided. Placeholders are allowed.
Jeff Robertson
FYI; there is a is in this article. It is in the second bullet point. it is uee opposed to see.
Adding followers to tickets automatically using business rules
You can add followers to tickets automatically using business rules (triggers, automations, and macros). This is done by adding action statements to the business rules.
These are actions you can use that are related to followers:
Dave Dyson
Thanks for the heads-up, Jeff, we got it fixed!
Nick Jones
We've just migrated to the new user experience for followers and CCs, and the design choice to follow the reply convention which drops CCs is causing us immediate pain. We deal with hundreds of tickets each day, and the stakeholder expectation is that communication via tickets stays visible to all parties, and that CCs aren't dropped off by one respondent. This is captured here as a design choice of the new experience:
We're looking for other work arounds, and wondering if triggers could be used to identify this case (of a Reply rather than a Reply All), and adding back the CCs or stopping them being removed?
Justin Near
Is it possible to create triggers for just followers (i.e. agent-only followers, not other CCs)?
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
At this time unfortunately, we don't support follower-based conditions for business rules. At the moment it's only limited to adding followers to a ticket
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We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the forums help influence future Zendesk functionality!
Eitan Blumin
A question from our end-users has come up in regards to notifications for CCs:
When an end-user replies to a ticket that has CCs, it sends a notification to the requester + CC'd.
But that means that the end-user who sent the reply, regardless of whether they're the requester or one of the CC'd, also gets the same notification - about the exact reply that they've submitted just now.
This has been reported to be quite an annoyance to our end-users, who end up being spammed by too many notifications, including from themselves.
Is there any way to resolve this?
After all, it's really not necessary for an end-user to be notified about their own replies that they just submitted.
Charles Gresula
Hi Eitan Blumin

You can add this condition "Current user - Is - Agent" to your trigger so that it will only fire on tickets if it is an agent who replied on the ticket but not if it is an end-user.
Eitan Blumin
Thanks, Charles, but it's not what I asked.
The recipients still need to be notified of comments added to the request, even if they're posted by other end-users.
The only issue is that recipients should not be notified about comments that they themselves have posted.
Charles Gresula
Hi Eitan,
Since the CCs(end-users) are sending the replies via email, the requester should still receive it even if the triggers do not fire on the ticket.
Here's a sample from my test account.
As you can see, there's no trigger that fired when the comment (Test reply from CC, checking if requester will receive this even if trigger has condition "Current user - Is - Agent") was added by the CC'd end-user.

But on the email of the requester, that comment was still received.
Eitan Blumin
That's interesting.
Does that work for CC'd contacts as well?
For example, when the requester adds a message, will the CC'd receive an e-mail?
Charles Gresula
Eitan Blumin
Here's a sample.
I tried sending a reply (using the requester's email)
It showed in Zendesk and no trigger fired.

It also showed in the CC's email even if no trigger fired in Zendesk.

Eitan Blumin
So, actually, I don't need to configure any trigger that sends notifications to end-users about posted comments?
But conversely, what if I DON'T want end-users to receive notifications? (for a certain type of tickets, for example)
Charles Gresula
Eitan Blumin
You still need the trigger for agent replies, without that trigger, the requester and the CC won't be updated when an agent replies thru Zendesk.
As for your question, "what if I DON'T want end-users to receive notifications? (for a certain type of tickets, for example)" - You need to define that it the conditions of your trigger.
Example, if the ticket that you want to exclude from the trigger has a specific tag "no_notification", you can use the condition "Tags - Contains none of the following - no_notification"
More information about the trigger conditions that you can use here: Trigger conditions and actions reference
Eitan Blumin
Okay, so to summarize:
If an end-user replies, regardless if they're the requester or CC'd, all recipients (except the poster) would receive a notification, regardless of a trigger.
If an agent replies, then it's dependent on a trigger.
Did I understand that correctly?
Charles Gresula
That's correct, agent replies thru Zendesk are being sent to the end-users email thru triggers. When notification triggers are deactivated or misconfigured, ticket updates do not send an email to the end-users.
Eitan Blumin
I see. Okay, I'll try it out. Thanks!
The article mentions we can use a trigger or automation to send notifications to followers:
I don't see that option in either the trigger or automation:
In this article, Customizing default email notifications for CC's and Followers, It says you can only change the subject and body text:
Can you please confirm if it is possible to add conditions to notifications sent to followers through a trigger/automation? I would really like to be able to exclude certain notifications from being sent to any followers.
DJ Buenavista Jr.
Email notifications for followers are handled differently. Followers get email notifications when comments are added to tickets they are following, and this happens as soon as you turn on Enable followers in your admin settings. There’s no way to disable email notifications to followers (other than to stop using followers by turning off Enable followers), but you can customize the text in email notifications to followers using the followers email template.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Tarandeep Gohlar
I would like to automatically add a follower (CSM) based on the organization they are associated to.
Currently the only way I can do this is by having a trigger which would need to list all the organizations they are associated to.
This is not scalable when staff join or leave and when accounts are constantly changing.
We have a Salesforce integration where the CSM for the account is being added to Organizations.
Is there a way to automatically ad the CSM as follower or Cc based on the ticket being associated with an Organization?
Zsa Trias
Hello Tarandeep,
Creating triggers is also the best way I can think about if you want to automate notifying users depending on what the ticket organization is.
Would it also help adding an organization tag, so that tickets under the organization would automatically have the tag. However, you would still need to create triggers for this. This way, instead of updating the trigger to update the recipient (CSM), you can just update the org tag so that a different trigger would run depending on who's the CSM that should receive a notification.
Stephane Gonthier
I have the same requirement as Tarandeep.
I have already added under the Organisation a 'CSM' field (that value comes from HubSpot), however, I can't seem to find a way to create a trigger which will automatically add the CSM If this value is not empty as a follower on the ticket.
Caroline Scott
I have this scenario. Our finance team use our Zendesk instance to contact members of staff across the organisation. Not all of the staff members use Zendesk but are all agents, light or full agents. Finance create a ticket and use a macro that sets the staff member contact as a CC (as you cannot set the requestor to a specific person). The CC gets a notification that they need to investigate the case and to respond either directly on the ticket or via their email if they don't use Zendesk. There is a 14 day timeframe to respond. If the staff member (the cc) does not respond I need them to receive a follow up notification reminding them this ticket is outstanding.
I created an automation to send a follow up to the requestor and ccs after 7 days, the requestor receives a followup but the cc does not because they are an agent. I contacted Zendesk about this and was told this is normal.
I am currently testing followers and cc's but cannot see how I can send a followup notification using automations. I do not need to add a follower as the staff member is already as follower. What do you suggest?
Jennifer Morris
I need to create a link to allow the agents that have been added as followers the option to unfollow a ticket by clicking on a link. I have a group transitioning from Freshdeskt Zendesk, and they currently have this as an option. They can also customize the emails followers get and create triggers around followers specifically. Is Zendesk planning to expand the functionality for followers?