When you create result manipulations, there might be parts of your report that need to be there to ensure the calculation is correct, but that you don't need to display. You can hide empty columns or rows.
For example, if you use a result path calculation to display the difference in results over time, the first reference result will be empty (the Q1 2015 column in the image below). You can hide it, resulting in a cleaner-looking chart.
This article covers the following topics:
Hiding rows and columns
- In the report builder, click the Result manipulation icon (
- Select Hide part of your result.
- Enter the number of first and last results you want to hide. Alternatively, you can
type in specific rows or columns.
- Click Apply. Hide results is automatically be added to the Filters panel.
Hiding columns without an attribute in the Columns panel
If you haven’t added an attribute in the Columns panel, hiding any number of columns using the Hide part of your result menu will return a blank screen. This happens because this menu affects only columns generated by attributes added in the Columns panel of the report builder.
Instead, if you don’t have any attributes in the Columns panel and you're using the Table visualization, you can use Chart configuration > Columns to remove any columns you don’t want. For more information, see Working with tables.
Hiding columns in reports with multiple metrics
When you use the Hide part of your result menu to hide columns, the number of hidden columns refers to the columns generated by the attribute values, not the metrics.
What this means is that, in the image below, each of the blue boxes below is considered a single column, because all the information is being generated by a single value of the Ticket status attribute.
Hiding rows when metrics are displayed on rows
Similarly, if you have the Metrics on rows setting selected, hiding rows using the Hide part of your result menu may appear to hide more rows than you initially expect.
In the image below, each of the blue boxes is considered a single row. This happens because the Metrics on rows setting is selected. Without that setting selected, the two metrics in the report—Tickets and Solved tickets—would appear on the same row.
John Tieu
Is it possible to hide a column from a table query from both the query itself and from an export?
For example, in my table query I have COUNT(Tickets) as the metric and went to Chart Configuration > Columns to hide the column from viewing in the query itself. However, the COUNT(Tickets) still appears when exporting.
Taylor Bowser
Hi John,
This is expected behavior when hiding columns via chart configuration>>columns. Instead, you'll want to hide the preferred column by going to result manipulation>>hide part of your result. Hiding columns here will be respected in exports.
Hope this helps!
Puneet Misra

How can I hide the tickets column from a COUNT(Tickets) Metric? I am not using columns on my report but there is a column for tickets that is populated with 1 representing every ticket ID. I am using the ticket ID and subject as rows. (screenshot below)
Stephen Belleau
Hey Puneet Misra - it's this part of the article that you'll want to refer to:
If you are using the Table visualization, you can choose Chart Configuration > Tables to remove any columns you don’t want. For more information, see Working with tables.
FYI this will hide the metrics column in Explore, but I believe exports / schedules will still show it.
Puneet Misra
Stephen Belleau Can you elaborate on the steps? I am using the tables visualization type and I do not see tables under Chart Configuration and the steps in the Working with tables. do not have the information that is helping get the desired result.

Stephen Belleau
Puneet Misra oh you're right! The article needs to be updated. cc: Rob Stack
It is Chart Configuration > Columns that you want.
Rob Stack
Hi sphen, I'm opening a ticket to have the current Explore writer take a look at this. You should hear back soon. Thanks!
Erin O'Callaghan
Hi Stephen Belleau and Puneet Misra, thanks for pointing this out! The article has been updated to state that you can use Chart configuration > Columns, just like Stephen Belleau said. :)
Hi Zendesk - When hiding a part of a result (row), changing this value sometimes hides all of my results. For example, I am using a basic ticket count query and displaying totals:

The image below has the first 14 rows hidden, but if I hide the first 15, then only the Total is displayed (deleting both of the 29 Sep 21 and 30 Sep 21 row sets). I would like the values for "30 Sep 21" displayed in addition to the Total (to show the current date that the data is for). Thanks in advance!
Christophe Tiraboschi
I will create a ticket on your behalf so we can investigate this.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Thank you Christophe Tiraboschi !
Hi Zendesk - Is there any way to display only totals from a query without having to hide rows/columns?
I currently have totals displayed, but with hidden rows (=31) the total disappears for those months with 30 days (or less). It is a rolling "look-back" query to previous month(s), so the number of days/rows in the query will fluctuate.
Thank you!
Please disregard my previous post - was able to figure it out by removing "Metrics on Rows" from Configuration and using "Top/Bottom" on Result Manipulation.
I hope all is well!
Currently, you can only work with the option presented in this article to achieve that. For the moment, this functionality works with the "Hiding" concept, which, consequently, you can display the remaining rows and columns.