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Best practices: Measuring and optimizing your self-service channels

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 06, 2025




Hello Ashley, Jennifer and all - we are beginning to calculate our self-service score (we are a B2B company with 3 Help Centers with several hundred articles in each HC). In comparing our scores using GA4 data vs. "old" UA data, we're seeing that our users numbers are much lower in GA4 (by half in some cases). Obviously, this greatly impacts the score - and not in a good way. With the same number of tickets from Explore, but half as many reported users in GA4 our score is much lower.  Is anyone else encountering these difficulties? Do you have any guidance on how we might adjust our expectations to account for this difference? Thank you! 


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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sally!
This might be something on GA4's end, were you able to check with them if the same data from UA is being pulled compared to GA4?


Hi Mike, I've done some research of other online comments about the discrepancies  and it seems it is inherent to the new way GA4 tracks users and events that is often causing the numbers to be lower over the same time period when compared to UA. See this article for one example of the analysis: Since we are stuck with GA4 now, I'm looking for any input from other community members on whether they are seeing a difference in their self-service scores when comparing UA vs GA4 data, and if so, are you adjusting your "benchmarks" or goals for your score? Thanks. 


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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sally!
Did try digging any info about it but haven't seen any details about GA4's benchmark. What I would love to do with your partnership is attack this from both fronts; on my side, I'll flag a couple of articles for revisions as there are places we can call this out that could expressly mention it so others don't experience the frustrations you've experienced, and on your end if you could submit product feedback as outlined here to communicate use case, headaches caused, etc. so our product team can take it into future roadmap + release consideration I would be greatly appreciative.


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