Administrators can reset a user's password by sending a reset email to the user's registered email address. The email contains a link that lets the user reset his or her password. Only administrators can send the reset email.
To reset a team member's password
- In Admin Center, click the People icon (
) in the sidebar, then select Team > Team members.
- Locate the user who forgot his or her password and click the Edit.
- On the user's profile page, open the Security Settings tab and click Reset in the Password section.
- In Support, click the Customers icon (
) in the sidebar.
- Locate the user who forgot his or her password and click the Edit.
- On the user's profile page, open the Security Settings tab and click Reset in the Password section.
You can also manually set a user's password if the option has been enabled by the account owner. See Allowing administrators to set passwords. Instead of selecting Reset in the steps above, select Set and specify a new password for the user.
Zendesk recommends using the email reset workflow instead of setting passwords manually. A common hacker technique is to repeatedly call or email a support center posing as a frustrated customer who forgot his or her password and who is unable to recover it, and persisting until a support agent has no choice but to change the password manually for the irate customer. If in doubt, use the reset option and send a password-reset email.
Marty Ewings
Is there a way for non admin agents to reset end user passwords? This is something we have to deal with routinely, but we don't want to give all our agents Admin access just for this one task, and waiting for an ADMIN to come online in a Global Support Desk can be a bad customer experiance
Cheeny Aban
Hi Martin,
As of the moment, only an Admin can reset the user's password. We understand your need for this functionality so I am marking this comment as product feedback. We also encourage you to create a new post in the Support Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the product feedback topics in the community help influence future Zendesk functionality.
Jeff Bowden
I also need non admin agents to have the ability to reset passwords, this lack of functionality is a burden on supporting our support members
Michelle Duong
To add to this topic, when Admins click the 'reset password' for our customers, they can then reset their password. In doing so, we've received recent feedback regarding the process for them, please see below for their experiences:
Adding this here in hopes the experience can be improved across browsers.
Charlie Hackett
I've been trying to set & reset a zendesk password for almost 6 weeks and need HELP! I freelance with a company that recently switched to zendesk. They assigned me a new email address ( I'm supposed to be able to communicate with their clients and they with me on their website (via zendesk, I assume.)
Work orders and communication are then supposed to be forwarded to my gmail account. (THAT’s the address I used to register here to post.) The orders come to my gmail account just fine, but any communication (to be done ONLY from their website) from me to the clients or them to me is not being forwarded to my gmail address.
When I try to reset my password, I‘ve been told to put in as the email address, and a reset link is supposed to be sent there. But since I have no access to that email account, (as it’s only on their site as a forwarding address) I don’t get those reset links. The company sends reset links as well, but my point to them is… since I have NO ACCESS and forwarding doesn’t seem to be working, I am not getting them!
They have my correct gmail address. I get things from them all the time. Nothing from zendesk is being blocked or moved to my spam folder. AND communication I receive from them THROUGH zendesk i.e. “” comes through without a problem. The company says, “It’s simple!” It’s not. I’m no troglodyte, and actually computer savvy, but I’ll be damned if I can figure this out. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
When it comes to account specific concern like access issues, it will be better to handle it through a ticket. I'll create a ticket for you and please wait for the update from one of our Advocates. Moving forward, you can also initiate a Messaging session to one of our Advocates directly.
Nick Lamb
We're trying to de-admin folks and this is a huge blocker for us.
Marty Ewings
Is there a way to trigger the "email reset workflow" via API or is this only done via the UI
Erica Girges
There isn't a supported way to do so via API. Only the account owner can change their own password so isn't an available way to trigger that workflow for someone else. Here's a link to our documentation that goes a bit more into what API capabilities you do have for User Passwords.
Jillee Brown
While following the directions for resetting an end user password, I am not finding "edit" in the customer section.
Gabriel Manlapig
To view an end user's profile, click the end user's name on the Customers page.
Then, click through the different tabs on the main window to view Security Settings to reset a user's password.
I hope this helps. Thank you!
Motor Underwriting
We're struggling to get existing users logged in to the system this week, including my own access as administrator. We're also not getting anywhere using the "forgot password?" link on the website log-in page. Are you able to assist?
Brett Bowser
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'm going to bring this into a ticket so our Customer Care team can follow up with you to assist further.
You'll receive an email shortly stating your ticket has been created.
AJ Sneed
I'm creating a 4th brand and need it live for some testing for our account but its showing up as a clickable link when password resets are sent out. Is there a way to remove specific brands from these emails?
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi AJ Sneed
In the Admin Center>End Users, there's a setting called “Include a list of active Help Centers in account emails”. Just tick off the box so that the other Help Centers won't appear in the password reset Email
AJ Sneed
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana Thank you so much! I was fighting with this for a few days and just completely overlooked it.