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Activating and configuring side conversations

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Amy Malka

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Feb 26, 2025




Tengo Enterprise y no logro ver la opción de habilitación de conversaciones paralelas en mi instancia. ¿Pueden ayudarme no entiendo por que pasa esto?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Oye Mariana

¿Puede confirmar que está configurado como administrador en la cuenta?

Si está en Enterprise, definitivamente debería poder ver esta opción.

¿Puedes compartir una captura de pantalla de lo que ves al final?


Si soy administradora pero no la propietaria de la insancia. Este es el print


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Oye Mariana

Tendré que crear un ticket en su nombre para que nuestro equipo de atención al cliente pueda investigar esto más a fondo.

Recibirá un correo electrónico en breve indicando que se ha creado su boleto.



Gracias espero me solucionen pronto, recibí el email de la creación del ticket. 



Hi there,

I'm the administrator of our team, however, I am unable to locate this feature/option in my Admin>Settings>Tickets




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Matt - 

What plan level are you on? 


Hi @...

We're on an Enterprise plan.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Okay, it looks like you would still need to get the Productivity Pack add-on in order to enable side conversations on your account. You'll need to contact your sales rep to get that added. More info here: What does the Productivity Pack add-on include? 


Hi @...

We also have an Enterprise plan and  I also can't see Side conversations feature.

How can I know that we have a Productivity Pack add-on?

Can you please validate if our account doesn't have the Productivity Pack add-on?

Also I am planning to test the feature first in a Zendesk Sandbox is the Side conversations available in a Sandbox environment?



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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Michael Ivan, Do you have an Account Executive? if yes, we suggest that you reach out to your Account Executive to verify the full information of your plan. You may also check your subscription by going to Admin Center > Billing > Subscription. More information can be found Viewing and managing plan subscriptions

All the best



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Heather Cook

Zendesk Luminary

How do I disable side conversations for CLOSED tickets?


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Heather,

Unfortunately, closed tickets are locked. They cannot be reopened or updated in any way. Ticket properties on closed tickets cannot be changed, furthermore, business rules such as triggers and automation do not act on closed tickets at all.



We have the Enterprise plan and cannot see the Side Conversation section on the Ticket Settings.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mayra!
Thank you for messaging us. 
Please make sure that side conversation is enabled on the account. You can follow this article on how to enable it: Enabling side conversation 
Let me know if this helps!


Hi @Josh, the option to enable side conversations is not present on my view in Ticket settings. So the instructions in the article don't help. Your link send me to the same article.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mayra!
Could you provide a screenshot of the options you only see?


This is what I see.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mayra!
It seems the reason why side conversation is not available is because you need a Collaboration add-on. This is required for Plans not in Suite. You will need to reach out to your account manager or request this to your account owner.


I am trying to test some side conversations in Sandbox, but I don't have side conversations in Sandbox, is this not available in Sandbox?

I have it on Production. 


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Luis, 

I would suggest that you check your account to confirm the features under your plan. Further, it can also be caused by role restrictions. Can you confirm if you are also listed as admin on your Sandbox? If not, you need to have it updated to enable side conversation. 


Thank you @...

I am an admin in both Sandbox and Live. And I have Side conversations on my Live, and I have a previously made macro Side conversation that no longer shows. 


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Zendesk Engineering

I would like to look into this further so I have created a ticket for you. Please wait for my update via email and let's continue our conversation there. 


Dane I've this issue also. I've created my Sandbox environment to test Agent Workspace, which I've enabled, but Side Conversations isn't available to enable?

I'm on Enterprise Suite and Side Conversations is enabled on my Live instance.


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Zendesk Engineering

Dermatica Ltd,

As it turns out, Sandbox does not inherit the actual Zendesk Suite Plan. It will only be on the Support Enterprise plan. That's the reason side conversations is not available. However, you can coordinate with your Account Executive and request for the sandbox to be boosted for you to have the option. Please remember that it will still depend on the discretion of your AE if the sandbox account will be boosted or not.


Ok great, thanks for the update Dane I'll reach out to our AE and see if they can help.


When I start a side conversation with another Support instance, I don't get any replies on the side conversation. How can I fix this?

(Ticket sharing is not an option in this example)


It looks like now when you click Forward via email, the content is not automatically included. Can we bring this back?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Anton,
If you are certain that they have indeed sent a reply and it's not in your suspended views. Ask them for the Message-ID of the reply they sent and contact support directly to investigate further.


Hi Zendesk, 

We have an Enterprise account and I'm not seeing the option to enable side conversations, would this be something to direct to my account rep? Below is a screenshot of what I see from my Tickets Settings. 


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