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Changing the article owner

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 06, 2025




I cant seem to find this attribute in Explore KB Dataset.


Can someone help me?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey @...! Article owner is not currently one of the attributes available with the Guide: Knowledge Base dataset in Explore. You can check out this article, Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Guide, for a list of all the attributes available with the dataset. 

I was going to recommend that you cross-post in our Explore Product Feedback Forum so our Product Managers can review and others in the community can see, but it looks like you have already done that here: Group Owner in Explore for Guide


Hi, we are creating help center articles via API and now we wonder how to fill in the "Owner". In the API documentation is no declaration therefore available. 


Why is it that comments on an article goes to the author and not the owner? Is there a way to change this behavior? 

You can set a whole group as an owner of articles. And it would be great if all members of this group could get a email when new comments are added.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Kristian,

There's no way to change this functionality at this time, however, I do agree that this would be a great solution to ensure that all members of a group will receive comment updates on an article.

I'll be sure to pass this along as feedback to our Guide product managers.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with us!


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Dinesh Korgaokar

Zendesk Luminary


do we have a API endpoint to update owner. 


Hi Dinesh,
I'm sorry to say there isn't a way to update an article owner via the API. For visibility to our product team, would you mind posting your use case to our Feedback - Help Center (Guide) topic, using this template? Thanks!


Hey all!

Curious why the options for this "Owner" field don't include any of the User Groups or Management Groups we'd set up within Guide itself and instead rely on the Groups that have been configured on the Zendesk Support side.

Seems a bit odd considering all the other ways we can set up various groups of users within Guide itself, and I'd love to be able to created Guide-specific user groups for this Owner field instead of adding even MORE Groups on the Support side that could add further confusion for agents working in the Support product.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi John, the groups created in Guide is called User Segments which is used to determine access to Help Center content. While Support Groups are used to create collections of agents based on criteria those agents have in common. Although I understand that it would be more effective for you if User Segments will be an option in changing ownership in Guide, unfortunately this is not possible at this time.

If you have some time, I recommend that you start a post about this in our Product Feedback page. Our Product Managers actively monitors our feedback threads, and conversations with high user engagement ultimately gets flagged by the team for roadmap planning.
You can create a new post in Feedback - Help Center (Guide) following the Product Feedback Post Template.


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Kenneth Morris

Zendesk Luminary

Some articles in our guide content show as no owner. What is the system that lets an article have no owner?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ken,
Ultimately, our system will and by default, populate the author's name to 'Unknown author' if the original author of the article is deleted as the system will give placeholder names like that. This is based on my testing.
I hope this helps!


Is it possible to make an author a group instead of an individual or remove the author notation altogether?  We would like to have cohesion with all authors being reflected as the same group or not at all instead of an individual, how can we do that?


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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jennifer, 
Group is not available as of the moment to set as an article author, you can only select agents.  If you'd like to hide the article author that is possible, you can check this article for more details How do I hide the author of help center articles? 


Hi it seems like it is no longer possible to set a light agent as the Owner is this correct? This ability was really key to our team managing our light agents ability to own and manage their article content.

Additionally it seems like a Group can now be set as the Owner? Has this changed since the comment May 2023?



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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Krithiga!
That's correct, light agents are no longer able to be the Owner of an article.


Hi, I've just tested in my demo instance and it's possible to set a light agent or a group as the owner. Please update the article. Thanks.


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