The community features are wonderful, especially the post actions. However, what happens when the default actions aren't exactly what you are looking for? Currently there is no way to add or modify the actions that are available, but with Curlybars the existing actions can be re-purposed. Please note that this information will only affect the customer facing actions, as the admin options in the drop-down cannot be modified.
Displaying new status icons
For the purpose of this article, let's say we want to change the actions from Planned, Not Planned, Completed, and Answered to: In the Works, Under Construction, Implemented, and Officially Answered. To make these modifications, the replacement text will need to be inserted in all of the affected pages. To learn more about how to use Curlybars to make these changes, see Customizing your help center theme.
The image below displays what the original statuses look like:
The image below displays what the new statuses will look like:
There are two steps to change all customer facing instances to the desired replacement name:
Modifying 'Show all'
- In the Help Center, Edit your theme code. For more information on how to edit a Help Center theme, see Customizing your Help Center theme.
- Select the community_topic_page.hbs as the template to edit.
- Locate the code for the filter labels inside the dropdowns:
- Modify the {{#each filters}} with the following 'identifier' information:
{{#each filters}} <a href="{{url}}" aria-selected="{{selected}}" role="menuitem"> {{#is identifier 'all'}}{{name}}{{else}} {{#is identifier 'not_planned'}}Gathering Feedback{{/is}} {{#is identifier 'planned'}}In the Works{{/is}} {{#is identifier 'answered'}}Officially Answered{{/is}} {{#is identifier 'completed'}}Implemented{{/is}} {{/is}} </a> {{/each}}
- Click Publish.
Changing status icons' names
The next change you need to make is for the actual status icons on the Community topic page. Your updated status icons will resemble the image below.
- Scroll down to the {{#is status 'none'}} expression lower on the Community topic page.
- Enter the following code to change your status icons:
{{#is status 'none'}}
<span class="status-label-{{status_dasherized}} status-label striped-list-status">
{{#is status 'not_planned'}}Gathering Feedback{{/is}}
{{#is status 'planned'}}In the Works{{/is}}
{{#is status 'answered'}}Officially Answered{{/is}}
{{#is status 'completed'}}Implemented{{/is}}</span>
{{/is}} - Click Publish.
- Next, select the community_post_list_page.hbs template and locate the same {{#is status 'none'}} expression.
- Enter in the above code there as well.
- You have successfully modified your list pages and drop-downs. The only thing left to do is make sure the status indicator on the individual posts reflect the correct wording as shown in the screen shot below.
- Select the community_post_page.hbs template to modify individual posts.
- Enter the following code on the {{#if post.status}} expression:
{{#is post.status 'none'}}
<span class="status-label-{{post.status_dasherized}} status-label">
{{#is post.status 'not_planned'}}Gathering Feedback{{/is}}
{{#is post.status 'planned'}}In the Works{{/is}}
{{#is post.status 'answered'}}Officially Answered{{/is}}
{{#is post.status 'completed'}}Implemented{{/is}}
{{/is}} - Click Publish.
Using dynamic content to translate your statuses
If your Help Center is available in multiple languages you can use dynamic content helpers to translate your new terms. For more information on dynamic content see, Dynamic content helpers and Providing multiple language support with dynamic content .
You can create the dynamic content in Zendesk Support and then use the helpers below in place of the previous term.
This will enable your status icons to translate for your many customers.
Now that all of your bases are covered, all end-user information should display your own words, and not the default options provided with the feature!
Michael Shillingford
Hi all, once a post has a status - is it possible to create a feed which shows all posts which have a certain status?
EG - create a feed of the latest posts marked "answered"
Also - is there any progress on making this an actual feature? We need more statuses than the ones available by default, and we desperately need to be able to do things like change their names and colours.
Micah B
Want to continue this thread - I would also love the answer to both of @...'s questions! Thank you.
Kasper Sørensen
Hi @... and @... - yes you can filter on answered (or other statuses) on the topic page. For example, this link shows you the answered Gather feedback posts.
Jessica Peck
Thanks for this article and all the useful comments - I've been able to update everything with the new label text except I have the below 2 issues/questions.
1. How do I update the below area where you can search/toggle on Post status here:
It seems it was discussed in the thread but I didn't find a solution unless I missed. I tried adding to the js the below but it didn't work:
$('.topic-filters .dropdown-toggle:contains("None")').text('None');
$('.topic-filters .dropdown-toggle:contains("Planned")').text('Planned');
$('.topic-filters .dropdown-toggle:contains("Not Planned")').text('Not Planned');
$('.topic-filters .dropdown-toggle:contains("Completed")').text('Completed/Answered');
$('.topic-filters .dropdown-toggle:contains("Answered")').text('Community Conversation');
2. I updated the pick list for agents in the post using the below js and it works for my access (admin) but other users (full agents, light agents) still see the old values.

$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(2)').text('None');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(3)').text('Planned');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(4)').text('Not Planned');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(5)').text('Completed/Answered');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(6)').text('Community Conversation');
Is there something more I need to do so these statuses will also appear in the dropdown for agents?
Any help is super appreciated!
Paul Curson
Hi all,
I am also having the same issue as Jessica - Did anyone get the JS to work for the status change drop-down for agents/admins?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi @...
Regarding the "Show all" filter labels, the article explains this in the section "Modifying 'Show all'".
Regarding the post actions, these are not customizable.
Jessica Peck
Kasper - thanks for confirming the post actions are not customizable.
In regards to the 'Show All' I've updated the community_topic_page.hbs as described in the "Modifying 'Show all" section of the article. I see that if I open a specific community topic and do the 'show all' dropdown the newly configured options are there correctly:
However, they're not if I go to the main Community page (i.e. /community/topics), then toggle the 'All Community Topics' dropdown to 'show all posts' (i.e. community/posts):
The 'Show All' options under the All Community Posts still show the old values:

Is there another place I'm missing? Thanks so much for the help!
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Jessica Peck
Ah I see. I think that's simply because you need to apply the same change to the community_post_list_page.hbs template. Like the community_topic_page.hbs template, it has a part that configures the available filter options.
Jessica Peck
Hi @...
I have the below configured in the community_topic_page.hbs and it's still not displaying the updated values in that dropdown - is there someplace else I'm missing?
Thanks so much!
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Jessica Peck
Here's a simple example I did to do a test that customizing it works:
And it looks like this in the drop down:
Maybe start simple like this example, and then expand it out
Aaron Dillingham
Not sure if this applies to this topic but this is where support directed me to post... I'm trying to change the color of the gear icon in the posts anyone have any ideas how to accomplish that?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Aaron Dillingham -
You might have to straight up replace the image, but this may point you in the right direction:
Hope this helps!
Ifra Saqlain
@Aaron Dillingham, I also wanna give suggestion :b
If you add the given code to your style.css file then your gear icon color would be changed:
Jesse H
I followed the instructions on this page and I can't seem to get the filter label itself to match the wording of the new status that has been selected.
Example here:
- selected is 'currently releasing'
- the button label itself is displaying 'show not planned'
Is someone able to direct me to what I am missing from this article?
Jason Wong
Hi Jessica Peck
I am interested to know where/how you applied the JS code to change the Admin options for setting the status as you coded here. I've done everything else but interested in changing the Admin options .
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(2)').text('None');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(3)').text('Planned');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(4)').text('Not Planned');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(5)').text('Completed/Answered');
$('.post-actions .dropdown-menu :nth-child(6)').text('Community Conversation');
Jessica Peck
Hi Jason, I was able to successfully use that JS code at the end of the script.js to change the post action labels in the gear dropdown for users with the role of 'admin':
However, when a normal agent (light agent or full agent) uses the dropdown it still shows the old labels.
@Kasper Sorensen is that still true that we can't customize the post-actions in the CSS so the update values also appear for full agents - do the updated post labels only appear for admins?
Jeremiah Latour
Can you add a Status value?