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Using labels on your help center articles

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 06, 2025




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Zendesk Engineering

HI Elizabeth,
You can add or remove labels on individual articles. Hence, you can freely experiment on the labels you want to use on articles.
As it turns out, partial matches on labels is not supported. It should be an exact match for the labeled article.


Hi Dane, 

Thanks for the check in.

I'm after deleting labels, as in removing them entirely from Zendesk.

I set up some test labels, and can't find a way to remove them. Our translation firm was asking if they needed translating. I wanted to avoid incurring accidental costs by removing the labels we're not using anyway.

Can you advise on how to remove labels which are not in use, aka deleting them?


Do labels only work with words? I'm trying to use numbers in labels to drive internal KB searches and they don't return any articles.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Elizabeth,
Whenever you remove all the labels in your article it's as good as deleting them. It will no longer auto populate when a match has been added. 

In addition, you can also use the Delete Label API to delete it. 
DELETE /api/v2/help_center/articles/labels/{label_id}
Yes, you can use alphabetical or numerical values and even a combination of both. Just take note that it does not support partial matches. It should be an exact match.


Hey Dane,

Appreciate the followup. Good to know that when they're not in use, they're effectively invisible and don't influence search results.

It was the deleting step I was after. Thanks for clarifying.


Dear Yuno's Owner
'Yuno Surveys' profile has been deactivated for the past few days. Due to which many users are facing problems, and inability to conduct surveys.This includes the main offerwall Wannaads, Lootably, Hangmyads, Dalia research etc.!
You are requested to kindly check it and try to start Yuno Survey profile again.
Please confirm and try to answer !!
Thank You
Please send me about problem on my email -


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Vinit,
I have noticed that a ticket has already been submitted regarding this concern. Please wait for the update from one of our Advocates. Please remember to not include personal information like emails when posting in our Community.


Hi Zendesk,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the great article. Does the labeling feature on Zendesk support the space character? For example,  would I be able to add the label "patch notes" or would I have add the label as "patchnotes" or "patch_notes"


Hi Raymond, thanks for the compliment (I'll pass it along to our documentation team) and welcome to the community! Yes, labels can be multiple-world phrases with spaces, as shown in this screen shot in the above article (bubble wrap);


Hi @...,

Thank you for letting me know! I have one more follow-up question our chatbot does not recognize the phrase "path notes" but it does recognize "path%notes" and pull up the relevant KB article. I was wondering what may be causing this and if it is possible to fix this.


PS: Feel free to remove this comment if it is outside the scope of this community forum.


Hey Raymond - what chatbot are you using?


Hi @...

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the delayed reply. The web widget that we are using employs messaging and flow builder. Please let me know if you require more information


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Raymond,
It seems that a ticket has already been submitted for this concern. 
Just in case you are still experiencing na unexpected behavior, please reply to the email that was sent by our Advocate and we'll look into it further.


There's a tip in this article on "Using labels" that says: "You can add a maximum of 50 labels." However I have several articles in our help center that have more than 50 labels. Can this section be either modified (if the information is indeed erroneous) or can more information be added to prevent the confusion about the max of labels? Many thanks in advance.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Shirin,

The 50 labels limit is for individual articles. This user tip is under the section "Adding and removing labels on individual articles"


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Zendesk Engineering

It should be 50 labels for each articles you have. 
If you have verified that it's indeed more than 50, please contact our support directly so that we can further check.


Hi ZD team!

Are special characters supported as labels?

Our platform supports the use of @ and @@ to mention people and tasks. Customers are searching for those special characters in our help center and getting no results, even though those characters are present in the relevant article(s) and added as labels.



Will a label with a dash be treated the same way as one without? I have pickup and pick-up as labels; do I need both?


Is it possible to show the labels for the users/customers, and also click on them to show other articles with the same label?


How do tags and labels work together? 
Are labels now meant to be more internal facing for content management purposes? For example, if I label a log in article with 'Q3 release' or 'duplicate' or 'variation' - will it factor in the search results? 
If the article is labelled with the abovementioned labels, and tagged with 'username', 'product name' and 'password' and 'activate account', will the search pick up these tags and override the labels?  


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Joanne,

Unlike labels, which improve search relevance and are used as search keywords, content tags are not searchable nor do they boost search relevance. Instead, content tags let content authors manually create groupings of related content across different sections, topics, and content types. End users can click the content tag displayed on an article or post to open a search page with links to related content, making it easy for them to quickly find the information they need in your help center, no matter what type of content it is or where it sits in your content hierarchy.

Hi Niclas,
As it turns out, this feature is not supported. I'm thinking that it can be achieved by customizing your Help Center. You will create a section where all the labels will be presented and the customers can then click the corresponding labels. Unfortunately, customization is outside our scope.


Suggestion: I would like to be able to manage labels in bulk in the Arrange Articles Section. The tags are located here, and it would be more efficient than doing 30 at a time in the Manage Articles Section


Is it a good idea to add a label that is a keyword, but it is already in the title?

Example title: How to fix your car's brakes

Labels: car, brakes

Are those bad labels because they already appear in the title and thus is redundant? Would a better label be something like "DIY" or "Repair" or "maintenance"? 


One question I have that I have not been able to find here is does capitalization matter? I took over the help center from a prior colleague and we have a ton of duplicate labels some capitalized and some are not. For example Hospital and hospital. Does capitalization make any difference? 


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Hiedi Kysther

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Danielle DeCosta,

Yes, Labels are case-sensitive if there are labels that have different capitalization they won't be counted as one. 

Hope this helps! 


Hi Hiedi Kysther

Please help me understand your answer to Danielle. The article says that "Article labels are not case-sensitive". Yet, you've clarified that they are case-sensitive. Can you let me know which is correct?

Thank you for your help!


Hi Zendesk team - different Q today: your article states

Do not include variations of the same word, including different tenses or plural forms

You do not need to include multiple labels for variations of a word. For example you do not need a label for "return" and "returns" or "update" and "updated." Search stemming allows different forms of the same word to match. In particular, the singular and plural forms of a word will generally match.

I'm trying out the label "reversion" (to create a new version of a document) and expected it to cover uses of "reversioning", based on your statement about not including variations of a word, including tenses.

Following our style guide we prefer "re-version" and "re-versioning" but our customers think differently, so I want to direct them to the correct article.

Unfortunately the label "reversion" doesn't pull up the relevant content about re-versioning documents as expected. 

So: does search stemming not work in this instance? 

Please advise? Cheers, EB


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Zsa Trias

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Elizabeth,

Let me create a ticket for your inquiry so we can look into your account. You will receive a separate email for the ticket that I am going to create. 



Can show labels on home page and on click those labels associated articles?



Has there been a change in the permissions on who can add labels to articles? We have some folks who could previously update article settings (including labels) who now have a very limited view of the article settings bar. 


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