On tickets where the origin channel is not a Text message, for example, a voicemail or a phone call, Zendesk defaults to sending out public comments via email instead of a text message.
This recipe explains how you can create a workflow with a custom ticket field and a Text trigger to easily automate an SMS reply to your end users instead of sending an email notification.
The workflow includes the steps below.
- Step 1: Create the custom checkbox ticket field
- Step 2: Create the new trigger
- Step 3: Train your agents
Step 1: Create the custom checkbox ticket field
Create a new custom ticket field and place it on your ticket forms to indicate when you’ll send a text message to the requester.
Create a checkbox ticket field and name it Send text. Under the Permissions section, select Agents can edit.
Add the created checkbox to all the ticket forms your agents use to talk to customers.
Step 2: Create the new trigger
This trigger will fire when an agent updates the ticket with a public comment and the Send text checkbox in the custom field is selected, sending the text message to the requester.
- Create a new trigger that sends text messages if the Send text field is checked.
- Under Meet ALL of the following conditions, add:
- Ticket details > Current user | Is | (agent)
- Object > Ticket > Send text | Is | Checked
- Object > Ticket > Comment | Is | Public
- Under Meet ANY of the following conditions, add:
- Object > Ticket > Ticket | Is | Created
- Object > Ticket > Ticket | Is | Updated
Important: If you already have a trigger that allows you to start a conversation with proactive outbound texts, don't use the condition Ticket | Is | Created as this causes a duplicate SMS notification. - Under Actions, add:
Notify by > User text | Ticket > (requester)
From | Your phone number
Body |{{ticket.latest_comment}}
- Object > Ticket > Send text | Unchecked
Notify by > User text | Ticket > (requester)
- Click Create trigger
Step 3: Train your agents
Now your agents will be able to send SMS by checking the Send text field in the ticketing interface.
For this workflow to function as expected, the customer's profile has to be set up with a Direct line that is SMS-compatible. For more information, see the article: Understanding how Talk calls become tickets.
Gabriel Manlapig
This issue may occur due to to the fact that your Talk line number for SMS is not registered for the A2P 10DLC Campaign. Please take note that US carriers implemented A2P 10DLC, therefore businesses who use Zendesk to communicate with their US based customers through text messaging must register their business information and use cases to avoid carrier filtering. To register, fill in the Zendesk Text A2P 10DLC Registration form.
I hope that helps. Thank you!
Reba Hoeschler
Is this last bullet supposed to be: Send text | Is | Checked?
JR Lausin
This action should really be Send text | Is | Unchecked
The reason why is because it needs to remove the check on the send text field automatically so the next time the agent will need to send text again in the same ticket the trigger will fire.
Jaclyn Snook
Is this on the roadmap to be native functionality? I am disappointed that this still requires custom triggers.
Shawna James
Raida Lopez
I am integrating Dialpad into my instance. When a customer texts us, I want the reply to go back out as a text message to them, even though it came in as a ticket for us. How can we make this happen? TIA!
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Nick J. Maloof
Hello, I've created the following Send Text Trigger, but I still can't see it available when I have a ticket opened. Any thoughts?
Pauli Juel Østerø
This is just stupid. Not being able to select text/sms when creating or replying to a ticket…. its just beyond me how anyone with the slightest responsibility within Zendesk thinks thats a-okay.
You're spending more time publishing dumb articles about making excuses for yourself and making you look foolish, than to just fix the problem and get on with in.