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Explore recipe: Tracking ticket assigns across groups

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Stephen Gallagher

Any idea how we could count tickets ID with "2 times assigned to" as "1" ?



Francois Spinnael not yet :(

I'm wondering could someone on the Zendesk team give us a steer?

Taylor Bowser @... Chandra Robrock Dane


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Zendesk Engineering

@Francois and Stephen,
I'm currently testing it. I'll provide an update as soon as I have the result. 


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Zendesk Engineering

@Francois and Stephen, 
Instead of using Update ID, please try to use Update Ticket ID on the formula. This way, it will only return the result for the ticket and not the events on the ticket.
IF ([Changes - Field name] = "group_id" AND
[Changes - Previous value] != "999xxx"AND
[Changes - New value] = "999xxx") THEN
[Update Ticket ID]


Excellent, Dane - thank you!

It's worth noting (for anyone with the same issue) that this worked (for me) only after I used D_COUNT. The steps at the top of the article refer to COUNT.


Dane & Stephen Gallagher

Thanks guys! it works


Hi Team

When we use the T1 to T2 assignment time metric on our report it returns the values as per the ticket Closed date, and not for when the tickets were reassigned.

For example: Ticket xyz was reassigned from Tier 1 to Tier 2 on April 10th and then closed on April 12. If I extract a report for Ticket reassignments for April 10th, this ticket doesn't show up instead shows up for the April 12th timeline report when it was closed.

Is there a way to have the tickets show up as per the reassigned date?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Nikita,
What I'm thinking is it's possible you are using the attribute Tickets Solved - Date as part of your query. This will extract data depending on the date specified when it's set to Solved. The best option is to use Tickets Update - Date attribute instead.



I am trying to create a report that counts tickets created in the original group A, before the ticket is updated in any other group.

Using the standard "Created" for groups, seems to track the last group when the ticket is updated.


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Tony,

If tickets are automatically assigned to a particular group at the same event of ticket creation, then you should be able to see the initial group assignment if you slice the Tickets created metric by the default attribute Update ticket group. Is this what you are looking to report on? That should show you how many tickets were assigned to the groups at the time they were submitted. 


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jon,

If you have a metric that counts updates involving group_id, then you can slice the data by Update ticket group. This should show you the destination group name (the group the ticket was assigned to after the update). But, if you also need to see the previous value, then you can slice your report by the Changes - Previous Value and - New value (if your report counts the updates where Changes - Field name is group_id. Is this what you have came up with? To display the group names, you can build a separate calculated attribute or renamed sets to display the group name instead of the id in your table.


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