This troubleshooting guide includes steps to troubleshoot and resolve common chat connection issues. Use this guide if you're experiencing one or more of the following issues:
- A gray 'x' appear in my chat window with multiple different visitors
- A disconnect error message, such as the following:
- Disconnected, attempting to reconnect
- Disconnected. Please refresh dashboard
- Delays in the Chat dashboard functionality or the dashboard is unresponsive
- Messages are duplicated due to disconnects
- Chats are regularly unassigned even when you have chat routing configured
Follow the steps below to resolve issues with your live chat connection:
- Step 1: Determine if there is an issue with your web browser
- Step 2: Check for connection blockers
- Step 3: Check for Visitor issues
- Step 4: Check your chat connection settings
- Step 5: Contact Zendesk Customer Support
Step 1: Determine if there is an issue with your web browser
- Clear your cache and cookies. Clearing your browsing data can resolve formatting or loading issues.
- Log into your account in a private browsing window, incognito window, and different web browsers. If you have success in a different web browser or private browsing window, your issue is most likely due to a browser extension or setting.
- Remove extensions or restore default browser settings that may block your ability to chat with customers.
- Restart your web browser or computer. Issues with Chat can be caused by a local-storage issue, low browser memory, or an outdated browser.
For more information, see the articles: Why is Zendesk slow and Zendesk Support system requirements.
Step 2: Check for connection blockers
Security restrictions or network settings can sometimes cause trouble with your connection. Reach out to an admin or IT person to determine if any of the following restrictions apply to your account:
- Switch to a different network to see if you experience the same issue. Testing from a different network is the simplest way to identify if there is an issue with your local network.
- Ask your team if a VPN is being used. If so, do you experience your issue off of the VPN?
- Do you have a firewall or any anti-virus software blocking traffic to your site or ability to chat? If so, does the issue still occur when you temporarily disable these features? Read our recommendations for configuring your firewall for use with Zendesk and public IP addresses.
For more information, see the article: How to configure your network for Zendesk Chat
Step 3: Check for Visitor issues
The web browser of visitors
An issue with the browser of a visitor can result in a visitor disappearing from the visitor list. Determine if the agent is experiencing chat issues with multiple visitors, or with a specific visitor, IP address, or company. Often this issue can be resolved by the end user. Ask the visitor to perform similar troubleshooting steps detailed in step one as their web browser or mobile device is most likely the source of the issue. For more information, see the article: Visitor requirements for Chat.
A high volume of visitors
High traffic of visitors can be the cause of disconnects between visitors and agents. The high-load dashboard should be enabled to see if this feature alleviates the performance issues. For more information, see the article: Using the High Load Dashboard.
Step 4: Check your chat connection settings
View the following metrics in your chat connection settings:
- Server: The Chat dashboard should connect to a server that is geographically closest to you.
- Connection Type: If this metric displays another value other than "Ws" (Websocket) you could have a firewall blocking your connection.
- Status: You should see the option “connected.”
- Connection Quality: An indicator of the connection quality between your network and Zendesk Chat servers. The more filled in with black the line is, the better your connection. If the filled-in portion of the line is less than 50%, test your connection.
- Connection Progress: The number "100" indicates that you are successfully connected and any value less than "100" indicates a connection issue.
- Uptime: The amount of time (seconds/milliseconds) detected from your browser that Chat is connected over the total time of the session. If you were recently disconnected or have had breaks in the connection, the first number (time connected) will be lower than the second number (total session length).
- D/C Count: If the disconnection count (D/C Count) is higher than the Connected Count then you are most likely experiencing an issue with your Chat dashboard connection.
- Server Timeouts: Indicates the number of disconnections on the server end.
The settings previously mentioned help determine the possible source of your chat connection issues. Report these issues to an account admin or an internal IT Team to further troubleshoot once you have narrowed down the source of the issue.
Step 5: Contact Zendesk Customer Support
If you still experience issues after you complete the steps in this guide, contact Zendesk Customer Support and provide the following information:
- When did this issue first occur? How many times has it happened?
- How many agents are impacted? Which agents and visitors are involved?
- Determine if all of the agents on the same network (WiFi) or the same location (IP addresses).
- Provide any relevant screenshots of the issue.
- Send a screenshot of your Chat Connection settings, Chat Dashboard diagnostics, and support details immediately after the issue occurs.
Jah Tan
Hi Katie!
Looks like we are getting a trend of certain agents getting this error message despite our chats within business hours. Connection, Browser, and their profile permissions are all okay though. Is there some sort of bug going on?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Jahleel,
Do you have Support and Chat operating hours? If yes, I highly suggest that you double-check your chat operating hours to confirm the schedule. Operating Hours are found via Settings > Account > Operating Hours.
Jah Tan
Hi Cheeny!
Thank you for your reply! Our agents are working within our business hours but it seems that some of them are unable to switch online for some reason. Their skill and groups are okay, nothing different from other agents who's can go online. Their browsers and internet connections are okay. Is this a bug? Are there any other troubleshooting steps we can try?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Jahleel,
You may check if there are any Service incidents related to your account at Moreover, I can see that one of our Customer Support is already assisting you on this issue. I will make a follow-up on that ticket too.
Jah Tan
Thank you!
Carlos L
Hey team,
Some of our agents are having issues with their chat connection. They usually manage to reconnect after refreshing and waiting a few minutes, but it happens to them every few hours. The error code is UND. Any idea why this may be happening?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Cheeny Aban
Were you able to try all the troubleshooting steps provided in this article and the issue still persists? If yes, please have the affected agent generate a har file and initiate a conversation with us so we can further check this for you.
I hope that helps!
Boa noite!
Eu estou recebendo o erro a seguir com frequência, por que isso ocorre?
Obs.: é resolvido ao clicar em "atualizar chat", mas gostaríamos de sanar o problema na raiz para que não ocorra.