When an agent updates the ticket through an email, the Auto-assign to the first email responding agent trigger assigns tickets to that agent.
To automatically assign a ticket to the first agent who responds from the ticket interface, follow the steps below.
To automatically assign a ticket
- Create a new trigger
- Add the below conditions under Meet ALL of the following conditions
- Object > Ticket > Ticket | Is | Updated
- Object > Ticket > Assignee | Is | -
- Object > Ticket > Comment | Is | Present, and requester can see the comment
- Add the action Object > Ticket > Assignee | Object > Ticket > (current user)
- Click Create trigger
For more information about triggers, see the article: About triggers and how they work.
Jathan Désir
Hi All,
I'm glad to see that there is an addon app to auto-assign a ticket to an agent as soon as they open the ticket, however, I believe that this was something that could be done via Zendesk without the need of an app.
Could someone please share if this is possible?
Brett Bowser
Hey Jathan,
There's no native functionality that will automatically assign the ticket to the agent that opens up the ticket unfortunately. The closest functionality you would get to this is through Guided Mode which I've linked the documentation for you.
I hope this helps!
Jason Paterson
Ideally I'd like the app (or Zendesk) to be able to set it to auto-assign to the agent when they first reply to a ticket, similar to how this trigger works. The only problem I have with the trigger is when I open a ticket, reply to the user, and then want to assign the ticket to someone else all on the first submit. The trigger still assigns it to me, so I need to go back in and reassign it again.
Jathan Désir
@...-- That's a great question. I've actually solved this with many triggers by making an exception by putting a label in place (i.e. don't auto-assign) or something like that. You could have it do it just for you, or manually put it there when you assign a ticket, so it doesn't re-assign it back to you. Play around with it, and you'll see what I mean. You'll need to add a check for that label in the Trigger rule to either see if it is or is not there.
Philip Yu
Hi Zendesk Support Team,

I am trying to follow this guide but the only actions available to me is 'Email user' (see image below), would this be due to our subscription plan or maybe there's a setting I need to toggle?
I want to mention I followed the instructions on setting up 'Meet ALL conditions' as listed above.
Hi Phillip,
Based on your description, it looks like you're on Essential Plan, which has limited set of conditions and actions. You can check this article for more information - What trigger conditions and actions are available for customers on the Essential plan?
To check which plans include Triggers, you may check these pages:
Creating triggers for automatic ticket updates and notifications
Zendesk Support Plans
Sarah Seiwert
Got it. We've got out trigger set up exactly as directed. However, agent A on our team was away on vacation and originally assigned tickets. Agent B checked in on their personal queue while A was away. When agent B offered the requester an emailed update, the trigger automatically reassigned the ticket to them. How can that be? I thought the trigger setup was only set to automatically assign tickets to the agent that offered the first reply? What additional conditions or exceptions need to be added?
The trigger should only fire if the first reply was offered to the agent. I suggest that you contact our advocacy team and provide a sample ticket where your issue occurred so that we can check what happened.
This article will give you the instructions on how you can have a conversation with one of our advocates: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408843597850-Contacting-Zendesk-Customer-Support#:~:text=conversations%20with%20Zendesk-,Option%201%3A%20Contacting%20Customer%20Support%20from%20within%20a%20Zendesk%20product,-Ask%20for%20Zendesk
Bill Reed
Is there a way to do this, but only if the responding agent is a member of a specific group (or the group that is already associated with the ticket)?
I had this set up, but-- it's changing the set group on the ticket if someone from outside that group responds or adds a comment before a member of that assigned group does.
Arianne Batiles
Hi Bill Reed,
Do your agents only belong to one group? If so and you want the trigger to be assigned to an agent belonging to the group the ticket is assigned to, you will need to add Group as a condition under meet All and you will have to create the same trigger for each group.
If an agent belongs to multiple groups, you can specify the group under actions as well.
Bill Reed
@Arianne Batiles
Let me put it this way:
We have two groups which work together. Let's call them Group A and Group B.
The tickets come in and auto-assign to Group A.
But if a Group B agent takes a look and solves the ticket, it reassigns it to Group B. And I need them to stay with Group A.
Having Group be part of the actions does not work if the solving agent does not belong to said Group. So I can't set the assignee to the agent who solved it *and* set it to Group A, it has to be one or the other. Am I correct here?
Arianne Batiles
Hi Bill Reed,
Yes, an agent from a different group (ex. Group B) can respond to the ticket but can't be an assignee if he is not part of Group A. So either someone in Group A will be assigned and solve the ticket or allow the ticket to be re-assigned to another group.
vincent solitario
Is this possible in trigger or automation?
What we wanted to happen is this.
Agent last reply> after 5 minutes (customer no feedback/reply) sent a message for follow > after 10 minutes (customer no feedback/reply) > sent a message to close the ticket then the ticket is automatic solved
Arianne Batiles
Hi vincent solitario,
Triggers fire based on ticket events while our automation only runs once every hour on non-closed tickets and checks if conditions are met. Unfortunately, it's not possible to send a message based on the number of minutes the customer last replied.
As a workaround, you can create macros your agents can use to send standard responses. See Creating macros for tickets for more details.