While on a call, you can put the customer on hold or mute your microphone so that you can consult with another agent or track down other information.
To put a customer on hold (Team, Professional, and Enterprise)
- In the Talk console, click the pause button (
While on hold, the customer hears the on-hold music and the agent will hear a beep every 15 seconds. The timer above the Talk console displays the how long the agent has been on the call with the user. Click the pause button again to resume the call.
To mute your microphone (all plans)
- In the Talk console, click the microphone button (
). Click the button again to unmute your microphone.
Kevin Froleiks
Is it possible to disable or at least change the beep noise every 15 seconds?
Currently, it is not possible to configure the beep every 15-seconds. There's no option within the Talk settings page to disable or change the duration when the beep occurs and change the beep sound as well. The beep sound can only be heard by the Talk agent as a reminder that they're still on a call with a customer.
If you have some time, I recommend that you start a post about this in our Feedback - Voice (Talk) using the Product Feedback Post Template. Our Product Managers actively monitor our feedback threads, and conversations with high user engagement ultimately get flagged by the team for roadmap planning. Thank you!
Ali Baxa
Hello - is there an option now to get rid of the beeping?
Hello - is there a way to hear what the default ‘hold’ music is without calling our contact centre and asking an agent to put me on hold? :)