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Explore includes chart types that help you to understand reports that compare team, or category results. These chart types are recommended for reporting on metrics in relation to attributes (categories).
Bar chart
A bar chart is similar to a column chart, but displays results from left to right. Attributes on a bar chart are displayed on the Y axis, while metrics are displayed on the X axis.
If you are building reports with sorting or benchmarking, viewers can compare results against each other easily. Bar charts display results on a grid, so you can add trend lines to track increases or decreases.

- In Colors, you can edit the grid, background, and individual metric colors.
- In X axis and Y axis, you can edit text style, alignment, label format, minimum and maximum values, and visibility.
- In Trend line, you can add and edit your trend lines. Adding a trend line in the chart configuration menu will show trend lines for each metric. To show a trend line for only one metric, see Adding metrics as a trend line.
- In Chart, you can create stacked results, so multiple metrics will be combined into one column.
Dot chart
A dot chart is similar to a bar chart, but displays results as a dot showing the value of the metric. Attributes on a dot chart are displayed on the Y axis, while metrics are displayed on the X axis.
If you are building reports with sorting or benchmarking, viewers can compare results against each other easily. Dot charts display results on a grid, so you can add trend lines to track increases or decreases.
When you select a dot chart, you can change the following options in the chart
configuration () menu:
- In Colors, you can edit the grid, background, and individual metric colors.
- In X axis and Y axis, you can edit text style, alignment, label format, minimum and maximum values, and visibility.
- In Trend line, you can add and edit your trend lines. Adding a trend line in the chart configuration menu will show trend lines for each metric. To show a trend line for only one metric, see Displaying a metric's result as a trend line.
A treemap is a visualization of hierarchical data such as a user name or ticket channel. The treemap consists of a series of nested rectangles whose size is proportional to the attribute value. For instance, in the screenshot below you can see at a glance that Ruth Perkins and Rachel Cook have the most problems and incidents in the Documentation group. A treemap is useful for comparing several results at the same time. If you add more than one attribute to the Columns panel, a treemap will show results in a hierarchy. The first attribute's values will group the second attribute's values, the second will group the third, and so on. The last attribute's values will be the tiles. You can rearrange the hierarchy by dragging and dropping to re-order the attribute order in the Columns panel.
The values for each group will appear as a title bar over the tiles. If you hover over a title bar, the treemap will show you overall results for the attribute.
If you only want to view results for a select group, you can click the + icon on the title bar to zoom in. You can click the - icon to view all results again.
- In Colors, you can edit your treemap header, text, and background colors.
- In Chart, you can change to the classic view by selecting
from the Treemap version drop-down list.
Below is an example of the classic view:
Bubble pack
If your attribute contains several different values, you can use a bubble pack to easily identify the largest and smallest results. Bubbles will vary in size, depending on the number of results a value contains. Bubble packs work better when there is a limited number of attributes and metrics on your report frame.
If you add multiple metrics to your report, only the first two will appear. The first metric will represent the size of the bubbles, and the second metric will be color-encoded to show the difference in results based on a color gradient. The second metric is color-encoded by default. Any subsequent metrics you add will not be visible on your report.
If you add multiple attributes to your category, more bubbles will appear, so results are sliced by every possible combination of the added attribute values. The bubbles will only show the value names for the attribute that was last added. You can hover over a bubble to see what other values are slicing the result in a datatip. If you do not see a datatip, ensure that the Show datatips box is checked in Chart configuration > Datatips.
- In Chart, you can check Flatten hierarchy to show all of your results together, rather than grouped into circles. You can also arrange your options in either ascending, descending, or no order in the Ordering drop-down list.
- In Colors, you can select a background color and color encoding options. If you unchecked Flatten hierarchy, you can select the colors for the circles grouping your results in Node color.
Picto chart
A picto chart enables you to visualize differences in each value using images or symbols. Picto charts function best using one metric and one attribute with a small number of values. In your chart legend, you can see what colors correspond to what values and the approximate number each image represents. You can change where your legend is located and the legend style in Chart configuration > Legend.
- In Chart, you can select a new image to represent your results. Images are
divided into different categories. You can select a new category from the Icon
drop-down list. You can also edit the amount of space between each icon by dragging the
circle on the Icon margin bar. Each image is automatically assigned a value, but
you can uncheck Automatic scale to enter a new number to represent each image.
- In Colors, you can change the background color and the image color. If you check Automatic color, your values will be assigned colors.
Could we have a bit more documentation on how to build treemaps? I'm a bit confused
Rob Stack
Hi Alessio, I'm working on this and hope to update you soon!
Rob Stack
Hi Alessio, I've added a bit more information to the treemap section and hopefully it helps! If it doesn't, please do let me know where you're getting confused and I'll try to help more. Thanks!
As for Treemap, is it possible to add the size to each part of the map?
For example:
Hi Nemo,
I did some tests with the treemap chart but it looks like there is no way to add the size to the each part of map. This is most likely because treemap is designed to be just a visual display and comparison of the values.
If you'd like to have both the labels and values inside the chart, you may want to opt for a different chart type, like Pie Chart:
Thanks @...
Rob Stack
Hi Rob.
Wonder could you please share that how did you manage to have the treemap show different colours for each piece?
In order for you to have different colors, you need to use multiple metrics on your query.
Thank you so much! Dane