I am receiving email delivery failures for How do I stop this?
Thia email address is not meant to receive emails. If you set a dedicated integration user for your Jira integration, a verified admin user is created in your zendesk account with an email address (
). The email associated with the new Jira admin in Zendesk is not a valid email. Messages sent to this address will cause a email delivery issues.
To avoid the email delivery issues
- Look for business rules (triggers or automation) that send agents email notifications and ensure that the dedicated Jira admin user is not included to receive such notifications.
- Remove this user from groups that usually receive email notifications.
For more information about setting up the Jira integration, see the article: Jira integration resources.
Montana Greider
I have tried to remove the Jira Integration user from my default Support group, and I am unable to do so. I receive the following error:
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
HI Montana Greider!

It's probably because the agent's default group is still "Jira Integration". You would need to update her default group before removing her from the Jira Integration group.