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Live data components for Explore dashboards

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




How do I multi select groups or brands on the live data filter?


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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Serena Galvez, it's not currently possible to select multiple groups or brands on a live data filter. It's and excellent request though and I'd encourage you to add it to our Explore feedback forum at Thanks!


When will average wait time in the queue for messaging be available as a reporting metric that isn't live? This is a standard metric and should be available already.



The live metrics was a great thought, and we've been waiting for it for so long, but the metrics seem limited. I only get a count of tickets, but that does not give me any insight.

For example, I would know the count of all the new tickets in the queue, but that does not really help me. I would want to break this down further to know from which Ticket Form these new tickets come in.

I can do this on an Explore report, but that's not real-time, and it has a 1.5 to 2 hours delay. So it's difficult for us to get real-time insights and take real-time decisions.

Can we look at a feature request to expand the capabilities of live data to give more real-time tracking?




Hi, i also have the some opinion like Rylan said, zendesk please more faster to update this limitation, to real time data,. 


Can anyone suggest a solution for the following reporting request.

(We use Messaging with the new Agent Workspace and are on  Enterprise Suite) -

I have been asked to create chat/messaging reports showing both the times during the day and week that our 10 or so chat agents are available and monitoring chat as well as the times that they are not, so we can be aware of our coverage gaps and see who is following the schedule - I cant figure out how to do this in Explore.

Any tips appreciated,




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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Ms Presley, you've contacted Zendesk. We make customer service software and can't help with this request. However, if you visit you'll find customer service numbers at the bottom of the main page. I hope this helps and thanks!


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi William,
I'm afraid the historical data on time spent online/logged in and statuses of agents are not yet available as metrics, so it's currently not possible to create those reports in Explore. But, the team is currently working on making these datapoints available soon. You can check this post from one of our Product managers for more information.




Thanks for the info - I have a tolerable work around, I can still go to Chat analytics from the Legacy Chat UI, and pick agent data, leaderboard, and if I do the reports on a day by day basis, it will show me who was on-line by the hour, obviously, having to take screen shots of the data for each day to create a report is not ideal, but it gets me something, I really hope that the feature will be considered for Explore in the future


I want to email a dashboard at the end of each day with "today" as the date filter so no one has to change the dates as when I email it currently it reflects the last rolling month.  



We have enterprise and it is for Support reporting.



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Gayla!

I hope all is well!
The time filters in a Dashboard are used for your viewing only, they usually default to 30 days in the past until today. The time filter selection there will not be "saved" in such a way that the next time you open it the time filters from before are still applied, the same for dashboard delivery. 
You can establish the workflow you wished upon using the Dashboard Bookmark. You will want to create a bookmark of the filters you want and then pin the bookmark. Then your scheduled dashboards will use the pinned filters. You can learn more about the process of Taking dashboard filters and bookmarks to the next level (
I hope this helps!!


Are there plans to include other basic preset filters, like ticket form, in this dataset? 


Hi CJ,
No plans that I'm aware of - can you add your use case and desired filters to one of these feedback theads? Need More Explore Live data filters or Zendesk Live Dashboard: Data Filters



Would it be possible to add filters?

I want to exclude certain tickets (by filtering Ticket Types). 



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Tim,
it is possible to add filters to live data, but they are limited to the specific list you can find on the drop-down menu while creating or editing a dashboard.
In this article you can find out more about adding live data and live filter widgets to dashboards.


Do the live widgets for messaging support SunCo? I made a dash with some of the messaging live widgets and they never show data beyond agent availability. 


Can I drill in to see what the individual ticket numbers are?


How can I get an accurate up to the minute count of TODAY'S tickets?  

It appears I'm stuck with historical or live.  Historical is delayed by 30 minutes or so depending on the size of our database.  The ‘LIVE’ data doesn't include anything older than 60 minutes.  That seems . . . uhm . . . also not accurate.

How do I get an accurate count of TODAY's tickets?




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