Explore features a prebuilt live dashboard that displays important information about your Zendesk products in real time, in one place. If you're on an Enterprise plan, this dashboard behaves like any other Explore dashboard in that you can share it, schedule it, or clone it to make your own customized version. If you're on a Professional plan, the dashboard is read-only
- Zendesk Support Professional or Enterprise
- Zendesk Talk Professional or Enterprise
- Zendesk Chat Professional or Enterprise
- Zendesk Suite plan (for messaging)
Additionally, the name of the live dashboard in the Dashboard library depends on whether you use live chat or messaging:
- Live data: Name of the live dashboard if you use neither live chat nor messaging. Includes the Support and Talk sections.
- Live data (including Chat): Name of the dashboard if you use live chat. Includes the Support, Talk, and Chat sections, but not the Messaging section.
Live data (including Messaging): Name of the dashboard if you use messaging.
Includes the Support, Talk, and Messaging sections, but not the Chat section.Note: If you recently turned on messaging, you might not see this dashboard yet. See Why don’t I see the Live data (including Messaging) dashboard? for details.
If your account was created before November 3, 2021 and you migrated from chat to messaging, you’ll see both dashboards in the Dashboard library.
This article contains the following topics:
Related articles:
Accessing the live dashboard
To access the live dashboard
- In Explore, click the Dashboard icon (
) in the left sidebar.
- From the list of dashboards, select the Live data dashboard.
If you use live chat, select Live data (including Chat). If you use messaging, select Live data (including Messaging). If you use both, select whichever option you want to view metrics for.
Support reports
The Support section of the real-time dashboard displays the following information:
- New tickets (30 min): The number of tickets that changed to New status in the last 30 minutes.
- Open tickets (30 min): The number of tickets that changed to an Open status in the last 30 minutes.
- Tickets created and solved per hour: (Non-live data) A chart showing the number of tickets created (column) and solved (line) each hour for the last 8 hours. This report is based on historical data that syncs once per hour. Depending on when you load the dashboard and when the sync occurs, you might not see data for the past hour. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting.
- Agents online: The number of agents who are online and available to work tickets. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status and current tickets. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Agents offline: The number of agents who are offline and unavailable to work tickets. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Solved tickets (30 min): The number of tickets that changed to a Solved status in the last 30 minutes.
- Satisfaction (today): The percentage of customers who rated a ticket as "Good" today. The number below the satisfaction percentage indicates the change in satisfaction since yesterday. A negative result indicates a drop in customer satisfaction which you might need to investigate.
You can filter the reports in the Support section by Ticket group or Ticket brand. You can select up to five attribute values for each filter.
Talk reports
The Talk section of the real-time dashboard displays the following information:
- Calls in queue: The number of calls in the queue.
- Ongoing calls: The number of currently connected calls.
- Calls started and completed per hour: (Non-live data) A chart showing the number of calls started (column) and completed (line) each hour for the last 8 hours. This report is based on historical data that syncs once per hour. Depending on when you load the dashboard and when the sync occurs, you might not see data for the past hour. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting.
- Agents online: The number of agents who are online and available to take calls. This includes agents who are in a wrap-up state from a previous call. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Agents offline: The number of agents who are offline and unavailable to take calls. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Average wait time: The average time customers wait for their call to be answered.
- Longest wait time: The maximum time a customer waited for their call to be answered.
The wait time metrics are refreshed each time a new call is answered.
You can filter the reports in the Talk section by Call group. You can select up to five attribute values for each filter.
Messaging reports

The Messaging section of the real-time dashboard displays the following information:
- Active conversations in queue: The number of active conversations that have not yet been answered by an agent.
- Active assigned conversations: The number of conversations being addressed by an agent.
- Inactive conversations in the queue: Unassigned conversations without a reply from the end user for 10 minutes.
Inactive assigned conversations: Assigned conversations without a reply
from the end user for 10 minutes.Note: There are differences in how we count towards Inactive conversations for customers participating in the Conversation Inactivity Timer beta. Learn more in Live data widgets for Explore dashboards.
- Average concurrency: The average number of conversations assigned to agents whose status is Online.
- Average and longest requester wait time: The average and longest time end users are waiting for an agent’s response across all active conversations only.
- Average and longest handle time: The average and longest time that an agent has spent interacting with an end user across all active conversations only. Learn more about when the counter resets for live reporting in How is the Handle time metric calculated?
- Agents online: The number of agents who are online and available to work on conversations. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status and current chats. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Agents away: The number of agents who are away and not available to work on conversations. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Satisfaction (today): The percentage of customers who rated a conversation as "Good" in the last 30 minutes. The number below the satisfaction percentage indicates the change in satisfaction since the previous 30 minutes. A negative result indicates a drop in customer satisfaction which you might need to investigate.
- Average time in queue for active conversations: The average time customers wait for their conversation request to be answered by an agent.
- Longest time in queue: The maximum time a customer waited for their chat request to be answered by an agent.
- Tickets created and solved per hour: (Non-live data) A chart showing the number of conversations started (column) and completed (line) each hour for the last 8 hours. This report is based on historical data that syncs once per hour. Depending on when you load the dashboard and when the sync occurs, you might not see data for the past hour. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting.
The wait time metrics are refreshed each time a new conversation request is answered.
You can filter the reports in the Messaging section by Group or Channel. You can select up to five attribute values for each filter.
When you activate a new social channel, refresh your browser to ensure that new tickets created from that channel are reflected on the dashboard.
If there has been no activity in any channel for seven days, channel values no longer appear in the filter drop-down. When tickets are created from any channel again, refresh your browser to see the channel values in the filter drop-down.
Chat reports
The Chat section of the real-time dashboard displays the following information:
- Active chats: The number of currently connected chats.
- Chats in queue: The number of chats in the queue.
- Chats started and completed per hour: (Non-live data) A chart showing the number of chats started (column) and completed (line) each hour for the last 8 hours. This report is based on historical data that syncs once per hour. Depending on when you load the dashboard and when the sync occurs, you might not see data for the past hour. For details, see Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting.
- Agents online: The number of agents who are online and available to chat. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status and current chats. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Agents away: The number of agents who are away and not available to chat. If you're on an Enterprise plan, click this metric to drill into specific information about agent status. For more information, see Seeing live agent status and activities.
- Satisfaction (30 min): The percentage of customers who rated a chat as "Good" in the last 30 minutes. The number below the satisfaction percentage indicates the change in satisfaction since the previous 30 minutes. A negative result indicates a drop in customer satisfaction which you might need to investigate.
- Average wait time: The average time customers wait for their chat request to be answered.
- Longest reply time: The maximum time a customer waited for their chat request to be answered.
The wait time metrics are refreshed each time a new chat request is answered.
You can filter the reports in the Chat section by Department. You can select up to five attribute values for each filter.
Permanently deleted user
One of things we don't in Explore is some sort of live tracking on how many agents are working on support tickets (live). With live dashboard for Zendesk Support, would it be possible track something like number of live agents updating tickets? Thanks!
Heather Rommel
Hi all,
I'm not sure who to give Kudos to Rob Stack, but please thank whoever put this amazing dashboard together - it's fantastic!
Rob Stack
Thanks so much Heather Rommel, I'll be sure to pass this feedback onto the team!
Francisco Manalo
Would I be able to create a live ticket tracker by employee?
Rob Stack
Hi Francisco, I don't think that's possible right now, but it's a great idea for a feature. I'd definitely encourage you to add that to our Explore feedback section at https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360001200913
This will make sure it comes to the attention of product group members and other customers who can then vote for your idea. Thanks!
Rachel Cabana
Is it possible to set up any email notifications for this Live data dashboard reporting? Our goal is to find a way for one or two of our Admins to receive live data reporting by email as a way to track any spikes in ticket volumes. Currently, there is no feature that exists within Zendesk that allows this so I'm wondering if there something within this feature of Live Data Dashboards that can simply be emailed to us (as frequent as we want) as an alternative?
Rob Stack
Hi Rachel Cabana, thanks for the feedback. While this is not currently possible, the engineering teams are aware of this need. To assist them in planning and prioritizing, it would be great if you could add this request to our Explore feedback section at https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360001200913 Thanks!
Edwin Woo
Hello just curious as to what the time frames are when looking at this data? For example, it shows we have 2500 new tickets within a certain group. Is that for the last 24 hours?
Dave Dyson
Hi Edwin! That's the number of tickets currently to that Group that are currently in New status (not the number of newly-created tickets assigned to that Group within a given period of time).
For more information about the different ticket statuses, see About ticket fields
PT Dadlani
Hi - Is it possible to port over an existing dashboard into a live one without having to recreate it in totality?
Dave Dyson
Hi Punit,
You can't port a dashboard into another dashboard, but you can clone an existing dashboard and then modify it (including adding live data widgets to it): see Cloning Explore dashboards and Adding live data and live filter widgets to dashboards. Hope that helps!
Emma Nightingale
I have explore enterprise but don't have access to the live dashboard?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Emma,
I suggest that you reach out to your Account Executive so they can review the details of your plan and check if you should have access to this functionality.
Edwin Woo
Is it possible to filter the dashboard by a certain form? It only allows me to view the support group.
Dave Dyson
I'm afraid it's not possible to filter the live dashboard by the ticket form. In case you're not already aware, you can filter the default Zendesk Support dashboard by ticket form, and it's also possible to create a View that filters tickets by ticket form.
Edwin Woo
@... Is it possible to break down the widgets and see the ticket ID's?
Dave Dyson
Sholto McNeilage
Would there be any reason I can't see any of the Calls/Chats/Tickets per hour (8 hrs): in these live reports in Discover?
We have The Support Suite Enterprise grade license.
Dan Borrego
Normally the reason you are not able to see it is that there is no data available on the last 8 hours.
By no data available I mean, so chat started and completed No Call initiated and finished, or no ticket opened and closed.
If you believe you have a problem with the dashboard, please submit a ticket, and we will investigate it further for you.
Bryan Haeussler
Is there any plan in the future to allow some level of customization of the live data queries?
To give an example of an element you might want to report on in addition to just group: 'unassigned' vs. 'assigned' tickets, since this helps to understand the flow of the backlog with a bit more precision (e.g. a number of open but assigned tickets are likely to resolve more quickly than a lot of open unassigned tickets).
Is there plans to add multiselect to the live filters at all? Love the live dashboard but due to some separation of roles within the same Team they have different groups to direct the contact, allowing multiselect would give us a holistic view of each Team as required.
Stefan Link | acardo activation
Is there a way to implement an indicator which gives information about when the data was refeshed latest? e.g.
Data refreshed at last: Date + Time
Just a few things raised by my stakeholders, if any of these could be added for future or plans on what is coming in future.
- Ability to exclude certain tags/fields from the Tickets Solved info.
- Individual breakdown for individual by channel showing Online and Away statuses, along with how many chats they are on vs assigned already. So show as xxxxx agent 1/3 etc. Also see channels that are in wrap up so we know how soon we'd have another available agent.
- A tile to show how many available chats to be taken, there could be 5 agents online which can take 15 chats between them.
- A live current day overview (separate tab possibly) so we can see things like avg wait time, longest wait time, chats over the day up to current time with same refresh rate.
Brett Bowser
Thanks for taking the time to share this with us! I would recommend cross posting your feedback in our Explore Feedback topic since that's actively being monitored by our Explore product managers.
You can use the following template when creating your post and I'll be sure to pass that along to our PM's.
Thanks again!
Mohamed Elbawab
Hello Team ,
Can i use the live dashboard feature (near realtime) for any dashboard that I generate in normal dashboard tab ?
Dave Dyson
Generally, dashboards you create using our non-live Explore datasets will be limited to the data refresh rate determined by your Suite or Explore plan: Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting
However, you can add live data and live filter widgets to those dashboards: Adding live data and live filter widgets to dashboards
CJ Johnson
Could I get some clarification on who this is available to? The article seem to have conflicting information. The header clearly states that this only available for Enterprise Explore, but the text says Support Professional also gets it, despite being greyed out in the header?

Alex Zheng
This is available on for Enterprise Explore plans, I believe the text you are referring to is in reference to the widgets in the dashboard. So for example if you do not have at least Chat Professional you will not have access to the Chat widgets on the dashboard.
Best regards,
Erin O'Callaghan
Alex is exactly correct! I've updated the language in the article to be clearer, as well.
Ola Timpson
Is there a way to swap the default live dashboard from showing a Chat section to showing a Messaging section?