Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
For this reason, you'll also see any tickets that your agents assigned to themselves and solved in the same action showing as 0.
What you'll need
Skill level: Moderate
Time Required: 20 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Creating the report
To create the report
- In Zendesk Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Tickets, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- Now, create a standard calculated metric to show the time between first assignment to first resolution. Click Calculations (
), then click Standard calculated metric.
- On the Standard calculated metric page, add a name for the metric like First assignment to first resolution time.
- Enter or paste the formula below into the Formula field.
(VALUE(First resolution time (min))/60/24) - (DATE_DIFF([Ticket first assigned - Timestamp], [Ticket created - Timestamp], "nb_of_days"))
Tip: If you're working in a language other than English, read this article to help you enter Explore formulas in your language. - Click Save.
- In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Calculated metrics > First assignment to first resolution time (the metric you just created), then click Apply.
- Ensure the metric aggregator for First assignment to first resolution time is set to AVG (see Choosing metric aggregators).
- In the Rows panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Assignee > Assignee name, then click Apply.
- Click the Assignee name attribute you just added and exclude NULL from the results.
- From the Chart configuration (
) menu, click Display format.
On the Display format page, change AVG(First assignment to first resolution time) to Custom. Then make the following changes:
- Decimal place: 1
- Suffix: days
You could also add a date filter to the report by using the information in Editing dates and date ranges.
The report is now complete. See the screenshot below as an example.
WRO Jacuk-Zurak, Marta
Is it possible to get the First Resolution time as a date? I would like to see all tickets that were first-time solved within the last 7 days.
Hi @...
That's a great question! I was trying to find a way to build this in a custom attribute with the current options available in Explore. But unfortunately we would require an option similar to MIN/MAX previously in Insights.
The good news is, that we are currently working on adding that option to Explore and are planning to release it in the upcoming weeks. So make sure to follow our announcement page to be informed when this comes - Zendesk Announcements
Tina Yates
All good information in this article. I'm wondering is there a way to find time between a second or third assignment to resolution? thanks
Hi Tina,
Thanks for getting back to us. At the moment, there would be no way to natively do this in Explore aside from maybe doing a custom metric. However, checking on this I still have not been able to find any leads. We have articles on tracking ticket assignments, number of reassignments, and the duration of time for each assignee, though nothing that would relate it to the ticket being solved being that assignee and status would be two separate fields. I would suggest posting this as a feature request though, I'm sure there would be use cases where this would be useful.
Hope this helps! Cheers!
Marco M. | Zendesk Support
Tina Yates
Thanks Marco Malbas, can you please direct to me the article that would relate to "the duration of time for each assignee", I'm not having success in finding it.
Hi Tina, you may check this article here. The example on this article would for the the group field, but you can change it to look at the assignee field instead by changing "group_id" to "assignee_id". However, this would require you to set the exact IDs of the assignees in the custom metric.
Marco M. | Zendesk Support
Antoine Baudoin
Hello, can you please tell me if these KPIs are based on business hours or not? Thanks in advance
Gab Guinto
The calculation is based on calendar hours. There's a business hours metric for resolution time, but the first assignment time in Explore is measured only in calendar hours, so I'm afraid there's currently no option to get an accurate calculation of first assignment to resolution in business hours. But, you can modify the formula above and reference the business hours metric for First resolution time, but just note that the value of First assignment time in the metric calculation won't take into account your business hours/schedule.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
How is this different from "Last assignment to resolution time (hrs)"?
Dave Dyson
"Last assignment to resolution time (hrs)" would measure the time in hours from the last time the ticket was assigned to someone, to the time the ticket was resolved. This could happen if a ticket was escalated from one team to another, or one agent to another.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
I'd like to calculate this by business hours, but the First Assignment Time metric does not have a business hours option. Is there a way to create a custom standard calculated metric to achieve this?
Ideally, I'd like the formula to measure the true resolution time to be:
CJ Johnson
Is there any way to get this returned as a timestamp instead?
Is first assignment inclusive of system triggers or only through agent reassignments? I'd like to measure our reassignment rate and the time it takes to reassign.
If there are two cascading triggers that make assignments (ie one to a group, then a second to an individual), would these be counted as two?
An alternative approach, assuming there was only one reassignment, it seems like [resolution time] - [last assignment to resolution] would work, but to limit it to only tickets where there was one agent reassignment I need to know if the trigger assignments would count toward that total.
Except that the last assignment to resolution time seems to be giving me inaccurate data - why would there be so many 0.0 hr tickets?
CJ Johnson
mfg I see your image says "Last assignment to resolution time". I found that this metric doesn't really work for my tickets. The metric doesn’t handle multiple resolutions or reassignments correctly. It returns negative days/hours if a ticket reopens and resolves.
It also counts a ticket changing from assigned to unassigned, as a re-assignment. So if you had an agent solve a ticket, then un-assign it from themselves 5 hours later, it returns -5 hours for Last Assignment to Resolution.
Dave Dyson
In answer to your question about first assignment and triggers, Time - Ticket first assigned is the time when the ticket was first assigned to an agent. So in your example with two triggers, it would be the time the second trigger assigned the ticket to an agent.