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This report shows you how to measure the amount of time between when a ticket is created to when it is solved for the last time.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Creating the report
- In Explore, click the reports icon (
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a Dataset page, click Support > Support - Tickets, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Duration between events - Calendar hours (hrs) > Full resolution time (hrs).
- Click Apply. Explore calculates, and displays the median time taken between when a ticket is created to when it is solved for the last time.
- Now, you can slice this data by adding one or more attributes. For example, if you add Ticket created - Date as a column, you can see the full resolution time on a day-by-day basis.
Customizing the report
Typically, the report you just generated will return a lot of results. To make your report more digestible, you can filter ticket results and select different chart types to represent your data. For example, you can filter ticket results to a specific month and select a line chart to show the increase or decrease in resolution time during that month.
To add a month filter to the report
- In the Filters panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, click Time - Ticket created > Ticket created - Date.
- Click Apply. The filter is displayed in the Filters panel.
Now, when you click the Ticket created - Date filter, you can select only the months you want to see on the report.
To change the report to display a line chart
In the visualization type menu (), click Line.
The chart is redrawn as a line diagram.
Alon Eidelman
We are really struggling with building the metric as described.
Our goal is to create a report that presents the number of days a ticket is open and under our company's responsibility (calculate the resolution time without the pending in days).
Example: New Ticket (1 Business Day), Open (5 Business Days), Pending (10 Business Days), and Open again (1 Business Days) and Solved. I'm expecting to see 7 days in total.
Currently, the results are unreliable.
Please advice.
Thank you
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Sounds like you are describing the built in metric, requester wait time.
Alon Eidelman
@... This is actually what we did but the results are not reliable.
It should count (according to my understanding) the time we handled the ticket without the pending hours/ days. But when we manually checking the results, the numbers are wrong.
I could not explain the reason why and it doesn't make sense that we are the only one that noticed it.
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
You may need to raise a support ticket to look into a specific ticket.
However, metrics such as Requester Wait Time are not updated real time with every data export to Explore.
The native duration metrics are not live counters, instead, they measure time duration between specific events. Support computes the time difference between two event timestamps and adds the results with the following behaviors:
So if your ticket is Solved or Closed, you can look back and see the metric values and they should reflect the journey of your ticket.
But a ticket sitting at open will not show as counting towards the Requester Wait Time until the ticket status changes. When the status is updated to Pending or Solved, then the metric is updated. I suspect that is the issue you are seeing.
Does that sound it fits with your data?
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Matt gives some guidance on a workaround in his comment here.
Jorge Moreno
We are looking into creating a report that would show the attributes grouped in custom brackets:
Tickets resolved within 3 days
Tickets resolved within 3 to 5 days
and so on, is there a way to define this? When I try a custom grouped metric I am given a defined set of brackets (1 to 5 hours, 1 to 7 days), but I don't see the option to create custom ones.
Michael B
It sounds like you want to set custom Full Resolution Time brackets. To do that, you can duplicate the standard Full resolution time brackets attribute and update the brackets to your desired timeframes. The standard formula is:
If you duplicate this attribute, you can update the formula to be something like this (or however you want the brackets defined):
Ravindra Singh
This formula is AVG(agent wait time)/AVG(full resolution time), so by default it should be always less than 100% ,because full resolution time is always greater than agent want time, then why i am getting these results.
Please assist.
AMU Cx Lead
I'm attempting to measure the MEDian full resolution time for tickets solved last month, and then compare that time/month to the same time period for the past few years. I'm having no luck. Help?!
David Sarnowski
AMU Cx Lead, you could look at using the repeat pattern as described here. If you use the advanced option on the date filter, you can scope your results to last month and then apply a repeating pattern for each year you want to go back to.
I'm trying to use the built-in "full resolution time brackets" in a table to compare from organization to organization. The time brackets are not showing in the right order, no matter what I try. They are like this:
0-5 hours
1-7 days
5-24 hours
7-30 days
>30 days
It seems like it's sorting by the first digit of the date range, which is ridiculous. Using "Advanced" only lets me sort on metric "count of tickets" not my rows or columns.
David Sarnowski
Nikki by default, Zendesk will order values in an attribute alphabetically/nurmerically. You could use an ordered set to arrange the values in the order that you want.
David Sarnowski
Thanks for your help. I did discover that functionality and tried it a couple of times before. But even though I create my custom order, it isn't applied. I see on the article you shared:
David Sarnowski
Nikki, you will not make this change with the sort options. After you create you ordered set, it creates a new attribute. It looks like you named this custom attribute "obvious order". When you are working with your query, you will want to look for "obvious order" in the attirbutes or either Rows or Columns.
Thank you so much for your patience with me! Yes, I got it working now. That has bugged me for months and I haven't taken the time to ask about it. THANKS!
Sigmund Domingo
Is there a way that Full Resolution Time can be calculated using the Support: Updates history dataset? We would like to filter the data by Organization (site) and the updated Organization Name is only available as "Updater Organization Name".
Unfortunately, it can't be used on other dataset. You can just use the attributes associated with organizations on the Tickets Dataset.
Kenny Rohan
HI, does the full resolution time report calculate in business hours for example 8 hour days or is it based on a 24 hour days and does it also include weekends? Thanks
Brett Bowser
There should be a dedicated Full Resolution Time metric available for business hours (Full resolution time - Business hours (min)) that you can use in your reports. More information here: Metrics and Attributes for Zendesk Support
I hope this helps!
Kenny Rohan
HI Brett, yes I realized that after I had already sent the comment to you. Sorry and thanks!!
Ian Valleser
Hi. We have been trying to create a report for our business where it would show the Resolution Time on a weekly basis where it would start from the time the ticket was created, the agent replied and then escalated or transferred to T2 with the Tags (VXIT2), the agent wait time for the T2 agent to pick up the ticket and until the ticket was completely closed/solved.
In addition, we would like to differentiate the Resolution time between those tickets that didn’t have any VXIT2 tags but were still transferred from T1 to T2.
Hoping someone could help.
What does last assignment - mean in the full resolution time report?
What I want is a metric which shows full resolution on a ticket , even if the end user replies back during a certain time period on the exact same ticket.
E.g. end user sends an email (ticket) to zendesk >> agent replies and sets ticket status to hold while investigating issue >> 24 hours later agent replies again setting status to SOLVED >> 48 hours later end user replies again >> agent replies and sets status to SOLVED
on the final time the ticket is set to solved - after 96 hours, if no reply from end user on the same ticket, we'd want to report to show it as a full resolution
please advise, thanks
Alex Zheng
Last assignment time to resolution is calculated as the duration in minutes between the last agent assignment and the resolution of the ticket.
In your example the full resolution time would take into account the duration between ticket creation to the last ticket solved. So even if the end user does or does not reply the full resolution time is from the final time the ticket is solved.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Can we create a report to find the resolution time for tickets in different duration like in Resolve in 15 minutes
Resolve in 30 minutes
Resolve in 45 minutes
Resolve in 1 hour
More than 1 hour
Also for tickets received from specific email ID's only..Is this possible
David Sarnowski
Admin, there is an existing attribute named Full Resolution Time Brackets. You can duplicate that attribute and then edit the brackets to show timeframes you want to use.

Hello - I have always used this recipe.
But since we have a lot of ticket being merged and tickets being solved automatically, I am now adding a filter “agent replies brackets: exclude 0 replies”.
Can you please confirm that this is the right way to do it?
James G
I believe it would be helpful for us to understand how the Agent replies metric is calculated in this situation. This knowledge will clarify whether using the agent replies bracket and excluding tickets with 0 replies is the appropriate choice for you. You can find detailed information on how agent replies are calculated in our documentation here: What is the difference between public comments and agent replies in reporting.
Alternatively, since your goal is to exclude tickets that are merged, you may want to consider the recipe we have – Explore recipe: Excluding tickets closed by merge. Additionally, if you have a unique identifier, such as a ticket tag for those tickets being solved automatically, then you can also add that tag to the formula shared in the recipe to ensure they are excluded.