Guide admins can award and remove badges from a user's profile. You must enable badges and create them before you can award them. In addition, you can only award badges to users whose help center profiles are enabled. If you award a badge to a disabled user profile, the badge will be redirected to the admin center profile.
As a Gather user, you can view any Gather badges that have been awarded to you, next to your profile picture.
This article covers the following topics:
Awarding a badge
If you are a Guide admin, you can award a badge to a user.
To award a Gather badge
- From a community post or comment, click the user profile of the user.
The profile page opens.
- Click the Edit profile button, then select Award badge.
The Award badge window opens. You'll see a list of any badges that have been created for the community.
- Click to select one or more badges.
If you have a long list of badges to choose from, use the scroll bar or search box to find your chosen badge.
- Click Award badge.
The badge is awarded to the user, and now appears next to their profile name and picture in all previous and new posts and comments. The user will get an email that the badge has been awarded.
When you award a badge to a user, they will receive an email notifying them that you have awarded a badge to them. The notification also includes a link to view the badge on their profile.
Removing a badge
You must be a Guide admin to remove a badge.
To remove a Gather badge
- From a community post or comment, click the user profile of the user.
The profile page opens.
- Click the Edit profile button, then select Award badge.
The Award badges window opens. You'll see a list of any badges that have been awarded to the user.
- Deselect the badges that you want to remove.
If you have a long list of badges to choose from, use the scroll bar or search box to find your chosen badge.
- Click Save.
The badge/s that you deselected are removed from the user's profile details in all previous posts or comments.
Shivani Bhatt
Hi @... , I've enabled the badges and my theme is updated, I still don't see the badges. Pls help.
Kasper Sørensen
Hi @...
Maybe you can try with the latest Copenhagen theme to verify whether it is a problem with your theme or with setting up badges in Guide Admin?
Maggie St.Clair
We have a theme that is created by Lotus Themes. I have been working with them to get the code in so that we can award badges. I have award two badges to one of my customers that is a moderator. I am trying to verify that all of the code was updated properly. Should the badges show up on their posts/comments that were created in the past or do I need to wait for him to add a new post or comment now that I have awarded a badge? I am not seeing it on their old posts so trying to determine if there is an actual issue or not. If any other users have some insight I would greatly appreciate it.
Kasper Sørensen
Hi @...
This sounds like an shortcoming of the theme then. If the user has been awarded badges, and they are not appearing, that's then because the theme is built to not show them.
Maggie St.Clair
Thanks, Kasper. I will reach back out to Lotus Themes.
Maggie St.Clair
@..., so I just went back in to grab some screenshots and now I do see the one title badge shows but only for the original post and not for the comment. Does it require different coding to show for comments as compared to posts? I removed my customers last names from the screen shot but I can promise you that the Ryan user is the same person with the same log in. As you can see he has the badge for his original post, but it is missing when he later comments again. Do you still think this is an issue with the theme or that something isn't loading properly?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi @..., yes the theme developers can decide how much or how little to include badges. From the theme developer's point of view it is a piece of user information, like the avatar or the user's name, which they can decide to include or not.
For comparison, you could try installing a clean Copenhagen theme (on a test account / sandbox if you don't want to disrupt your live theme) and compare with that.
Maggie St.Clair
Thanks for the recommendation to add the Copenhagen theme. I did that and now see what the badges should look like. Now I can better explain it to the theme developers so they can fix it. Appreciate the quick responses and assistance, @....
Brianne Reinhardt
I want to use the API to automate some badge assignments based on some facts about a user's community stats. I have some javascript working in a test theme, but if I were to make this live my API token would be exposed. Does the Zendesk team have any recommendations for utilizing the API right from within Help Center theme without exposing the token for POST requests?
Eric Nelson
Hey Brianne,
Unfortunately we don't as we recommend not using your admin api token within your help center codebase. Would you be able to give me more information on the community stats you're basing this off of? We may be able to come up with a solution that doesn't need to live within your help center.
Have a wonderful day!
Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy
Brianne Reinhardt
Hi @...!
Yeah, I absolutely don't want to use my token within the codebase. Community Stats: We have 4 badges related to post count, 3 badges related to comment count, 4 badges related to subscription type/count, and 2 badges related to vote type/count.
For example, for posts: Whenever a user submits the post form (without errors), we GET the user's post count and compare it to some pre-determined criteria (1st post, 5th post, etc.), and if they meet that criteria we POST the badge assignment for that user. Right now it's pretty simple, but in the future we may want to also delete badge assignments as users "level-up."
Comments, subscriptions, votes work similarly with different triggers and criteria obviously.
The GET can be done without a token since end users have access to their own stats, but the POST can only be done by an admin obviously.
Thanks for your help!
Brianne Reinhardt
@... Hey Eric, just following up on the above.
Eric Nelson
Hey Brianne,
Apologies for not seeing your previous message! The best way I can think to handle this would be for you to pass the request to an external service which then does the POST request. For example:
After the post count has been compared and the criteria met. You pass the user id via an ajax request to a small node.js server which ingests it and handles the POST request to award the badge. This has its own downsides, but would allow for you to keep your api token secure.
Hope this helps,
Have a wonderful day!
Eric Nelson | Manager - Developer Advocacy
Hi there!
I'm managing the gather community page and I would like to award badges for our staff who will respond to comments and posts. However, when I follow these instructions, I am being taken to the staff member's/user support profile instead. Is there a work around to this or any suggestions?
Dave Dyson
I just want to make sure: if you click the user's name in a community post/comment, it should take you to their Gather/Guide user profile. That's where you should be able to find the "Award badge" button. If you click their name at the top of their Guide/Gather user profile, that will take you to their user profile in Support (so don't do that). Does this help, or are you seeing different behavior?
Hi @...,
So I clicked on the user's name from the comment/post like you mentioned, and it took me to their profile on the Support page, where I see all their submitted tickets. From there, unfortunately, I don't see anything that allows me to add a badge.
Dave Dyson
Kimber Wiggs
How can I learn more about creating an awarding automation? Frankly, the lack of badge automation is a real shortcoming of the system. I just don't understand how other users keep up with awarding badges when it all has to be done manually.
Even with the Community dashboard in Explore, it seems like it will take lots of time and effort to figure who needs a badge vs. who's already been awarded one. Is there a report parameter/filter that could filter out users who already have a particular badge?
Dave Dyson
Although there's not an in-product way to view a list of who has any given badge or assign badges in bulk, the Badge Assignments API endpoints do provide some additional options: Badge Assignments
For the best visibility to our product team, would you might creating a post in our Feedback - Community Forums (Gather), using this template to format your feedback?
Virginie Bracq
Hi @...
I have the same problem as Franciso. I am trying to assign badges to my colleagues but every time I click it takes me to their support page with their tickets. "User profiles" is turned on as you mentioned. Hoping you can help me :)
Brett Bowser
Where exactly are you selecting their name? Also, have these colleagues ever created a post or comment in your Help Center? If not, you'll want to instead grab their user ID when viewing their user profile (should be a series of numbers). Once you've copied that, navigate to your own Help Center profile and paste that user ID in the browser URL. This should take you to their profile page in Guide where you can then apply the badge.
Let me know if the above doesn't make sense!
Marcus Ko
Hi, I have already enabled user badges and am using the OBSCU theme. I am unable to see the "Award Badge" button which I am able to see from another theme.
Will we ever be able to set up the award badge button to a theme via editing the back-end code?
Hi, i have the same issue as Virginie. I can create badges but I can't award or assign them to me or my colleagues. Brett solution still didn't allow me to find a place where to award a badge
The normal step to access the Gather Profile of the customer is just to click their names.
Once you have clicked the name, you should be routed to their profile with the Award Badge option. If you are using a custom Theme, test it using the Copenhagen Theme.
Just in case this is not the behavior that you are experiencing, please contact our support directly and we'll look into it further.
Allie McCaw-Niederer
I, too, am running into difficulty awarding a badge to my own team members. When I click on their posts within Gather, their Support profile opens up showing all their tickets. I do not see anywhere to Award a Badge.
Mike DR
You would need to go to their Zendesk Guide profile, then on the "Edit proflie" button, if you click on the arrow just beside it, it will show the "Award Badge" button.