Change the text of the Submit a request link on your help center by editing the code in your theme.
The workflow includes the steps below.
Step 1: Verify the prerequisites
This change requires you to edit the theme code of the help center and is only available on Suite Growth plans or higher.
Step 2: Make a copy of the theme
To change the text of the Submit a request link on your help center, replace the text in the code that sets this text.
Before you make changes to your live theme, make a copy of the theme and update the copied version.
Step 3: Change the text
To change the text of the link
- In Guide, select the icon Customize design (
) in the sidebar
- On the theme you want to edit, select Customize to open the theme
- Select Edit code at the bottom of the page
- Select header.hbs and replace the following code:
{{link 'new_request' class='submit-a-request'}}
with the code
{{#link 'new_request' class='submit-a-request'}}Contact Us{{/link}}
Replace the text Contact Us with the text string you'd like displayed.
Select Publish to save the changes
The theme code will display the new text.
This change will only alter the display of the link on the home page and will not change any breadcrumbs on your site. If you would like this text to be updated wherever it is displayed, consider using Javascript or JQuery.
Leah Peev
Not a coder here - I am using Copenhagen theme, and am trying to apply the default answer above, but my lines of code read:
{{#if settings.show_submit_a_request}}
{{link 'new_request' class='lt-topbar__link'}}
it's not the same as in the answer above:
{{link 'new_request' class='submit-a-request'}}
I tried it anyway, and it did seem to work - so yay - mostly.
My problem is, I need to have it be translatable into multiple languages - when I toggle through the languages on my HC, it remains the same 'Contact Us' in each language, instead of auto-translating like it did by default when it was Submit a Request...
How do I incorporate a Dynamic Content String into this line of code - or can I????
I created the Dynamic Content Placeholder: {{dc.hc_header_submit_a_request_link_label}} , but I'm not sure how to add that in...
Ifra Saqlain
Hey Leah Peev,
Use like this:
Only copy and paste it.
Dan Hunt
I am trying to have different forms on each page/article. For example, on my home page, I only want 'Submit a request form 1' and on one of my articles, I want 'Submit a request form 2'. I currently have a form drop-down on my home page.
Any help is much appreciated
Lila Kingsley
Hi Dan Hunt
Ifra assisted me with something similar last year--making articles go to a specific ticket form based on article section and all others go to the default form (and suppressing the form picker drop down).
Ifra is so great and a total PRO and I'm sure they can help with a more concise response, but, in the meantime, you can check out the comments in July 2021 in this post for details. Though again it was about controlling form by section and it sounds like you want something a little different...but might be enough to point you in the right direction to get started.
Ifra Saqlain
Thank @Lila Kingsley.
Hi Dan Hunt :), you can put the below code snippet with the form ID on your every page like this:
hom_page.hbs -
article-Page.hbs -
And you can get the form ID by your searchbar of your window.
By default, if you don't want to show form dropdown then simply hide that via CSS.
If any confusion, feel free to ask :)
Dan Hunt
Ifra Saqlain Lila Kingsley, thank you both. I will give this a go.
Dan Hunt
Is there a way to make this specific to each article?
Ifra Saqlain
@Dan Hunt, you can get it by the following way:
Get the article ID from your searchbar. Click you specific article, article id will be shown in the searchbar, copy that and paste that in the code.
Copy 11111111111 and paste in the code
For second one;
Paste here:
Same for each article. You can do it via {{#is ... }} {{else}} {{#is ....}} {{else}}.
Casey Keefe
Hi Zendesk - I am trying to update a heading on our New Requests page, but having no luck locating where I can set .new-request-title to "Contact Support" (it currently just shows a dash). Does anyone know which file within the theme I would be able to do this in? I have tried through .css
Note that this is within the New Requests page itself and not the header. Thanks in advance for your help!
Ifra Saqlain
Go to the new_request_page.hbs file > Find for {{t 'submit_a_request'}} > Remove/Comment it and write yours.
If any confusion feel free to ask :)
Pulkit Pandey
Hi c.keefe
Please follow the below steps to update the heading of the New request title to "Contact Support"
1. Look for the following {{t 'submit_a_request'}} on your new_request_page.hbs file
2. Now Replace the {{t 'submit_a_request'}} with the Following text Contact Support
Let me know if it solves your issue
Thank You
Team Diziana
Casey Keefe
Thank you Ifra Saqlain and Pulkit Pandey
Used the following code and the text appears briefly, then looks like it is "hidden" behind the header:
<div class="container new-request-page">
<div class="container-inner">
<div class="row clearfix">
<div class="column column--sm-8 column--sm-offset-2" id="main-content">
<h1 class="new-request-title">Contact Support</h1>
Apologies for no screen shot, but Zendesk keeps giving me a message about uploads (file is 0.6KB)
Ifra Saqlain
I know about screenshot but no worries.
You can add the below line to style.css file at the bottom area:
Try this and let me know if it works.
You can share the public URL of your HC and set your working theme live then I can share exact code.
Casey Keefe
Thanks Ifra Saqlain !
With that code, the text did not appear and the dash shifted over to the left. Here is a link to the New Request page in question:
Thank you again for the quick responses and assistance!
Ifra Saqlain
See your script file has this code snippet:
Wrap it inside this 'if' condition like below, so only copy the below code and replace it with your code, because I have added 'if' condition in your code
Test it and let me know.
Casey Keefe
That worked Ifra Saqlain - thank you so much! I would have never figured that out!
Ifra Saqlain
Glad to hear!
Aldith @ A Gratton's Edge Inc
Is there a way to change add text to the submit a request page just above the submit button in the form?
My use case is to add some expectation text to the page prior to submission to limit duplicate requests.
Pulkit Pandey
Hi Aldith Gratton
Please, add the below code at the bottom of your script.js file
Let me know if it solves your issue
Team Diziana
Aldith @ A Gratton's Edge Inc
Pulkit Pandey Yes - it worked like a charm
Tahfizul Islam
Hey guys i request a verify code for my calculator but you guys are nit responding and also not giving me a code? Plz help me and give me a code, i have so mane important file in this app, this is so important
I request to a calculator which connected in this now i requested retrieve verify to this gmail. Please give me the verify
Gabriel Manlapig
Can you please clarify your use case on what are you trying to accomplish? It seems you're looking for your calculator account to be able to verify it. However, we're not sure if this post was intended for us here in Zendesk. If so, can you tell me what are you trying to accomplish? Any additional information is helpful!
Thank you!
Gives Back Week Support
Is there a way to add a "submit a request" to article pages? like have it say "still have questions? Submit a request" at the bottom on article pages
Ifra Saqlain
@Gives Back Week Support
Use the given line of code at the bottom of article_page.hbs file:
But you have already this link on article page, why are you asking?
See article page screenshot :
Hello Team
This may be above I have not checked yet however
Can we also change the text (community) I want to change it (Support Community) or something of that nature
Ifra Saqlain
@Joe Anderson-McAulay,
You can do like this:
File: header.hbs
Let me know your further query :)
Chris Boyd
I notice in the latest Copenhagen theme (3.10) the document.addEventListener function seems to have been replaced with window.addEventListener which means that the below method of changing the 'Submit a request' everywhere no longer works - the submit a request in the header is changed but no longer a hyperlink. Does anyone have a workaround?
Thanks in advance!
Ifra Saqlain
Hey Chris Boyd,
When you set the textContent property, all child nodes are removed and replaced by only one new text node. (Reference)
So the anchor tag has been removed from the anchor tag of 'Submit a request' link and that's why it's not clickable.
Simple and easy way is, go to the templates and replace the string of 'Submit a request' with
{{#link class="submit-a-request"}} Contact Us {{/link}}
We use custom JS when there isn't a way to edit the code of the templates.
Hope it helps !
Sunil Wankhede
Hi Team,

I am able to update the "Submit the request", text with new one, using below code.
// translate 'submit a request' to 'Submit a Survey''a,h1,li'), function(a) {
if (a.textContent.includes("Submit a request")) {
a.textContent = 'Submit a Survey';
I am also able to update hyperlinks at the top. By adding the below in the header.hbs
{{#link 'new_request' class='submit-a-request'}}Submit the Survey{{/link}}
But when I check for the mobile version, I see an issue with clicking on the Submit the Survey option, or, we can say, I am even not able to click on it.
Kindly help on priority.
Ifra Saqlain
You have to change code for the mobile and desktop versions in the same file. See the given screenshots:
For the Desktop version - line no. 17
For the Mobile version - line no. 86
Replace both lines with the given code -
For the Desktop - line no. 17
For the mobile - line no. 86
If any issues feel free to ask :)