How can I hide or remove the subject and description fields on the submit a request form in the help center?
You can hide the Subject from your request form. However, the Description field cannot be hidden by default.
To hide the subject field from the request form
- Go to Admin Center > Objects and rules > Tickets > Fields.
- Open the Subject field.
- Under Permissions, select Customers can view.
- Select Save.
Customers won't see the subject field in the request form, but the field is visible in the customer portal.
When you use the Customers can view permission, the description of the ticket becomes the subject of the ticket.
Vamshi R
Ifra Saqlain I used the same code which you shared with me, but still its asking for your email address field. Below is the code which i used.
Ifra Saqlain
Vamshi R,
You forgot to add '#' in:
and, you only added the number
Code should be :
Vamshi R
Ifra Saqlain Deployed the same code which you shared, but still i am getting same error.
var ticketForm ='ticket_form_id=')[1];
if(ticketForm == 10322663005972) {
$('.form-field.request_description').hide(); // Hide description
$('.form-field.request_anonymous_requester_email').hide(); // hide your email address
$('#request_description').val('Description of Incident Activity'); // autofill description
$('#request_anonymous_requester_email').keyup(function(e) {
var mailId = $(this).val();
If you have sometime can we connect through Zoom meeting to go through this code.
Dave Potts
All these tweaks are fine, except for the fact that if the customer forgets to fill in a mandatory field, the page resets to load the warning messages and you lose the ticket id in the url, rendering your custom script useless when trying to customise a specific ticket form ID.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
Ifra Saqlain
So you can try this snippet instead of form ID:
I simply tested it by console message.
Please try and let me know :)
This is not the way to give feedback, be humble PLEASE :)
Dave Potts
Many thanks Ifra!
That works much better than using ticket form numbers.
I see that this works because when the form id gets removed during the warning message refresh, the previously selected ticket name is still selected, so we use that as the hook and not the ticket id.
Here is my working code that allows you to change the '(optional)' label text on the attachment upload area to something else:
Is there a way to change an input field from optional to required? I was able to change the optional/required class names of input fields, but you don't get the warning messages if the fields are empty at time of submitting. What would be the code to setup a custom validator on a field, to check it is filled in and return a custom message if it isn't filled in?
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Dave Potts,
This is the solution:
and also, I'm sharing with you some screenshots below.
i). Select 'Admin Center' in the dropdown list .
ii). Go to the 'Objects and rules' Option in the left sidebar, click on 'Fields' option now you will have your all fields of tickets. Select you field which you want to make 'Required'.
iii). After reaching inside of your field, check the 'Required to solve a ticket' option.
Ifra Saqlain not sure if you can help with this one, or if this is the right place to ask. We have a field that is an urgency value. Is there any way to have the field selection populate at the beginning of the ticket subject? Basically, amend what the end user states for the subject to include this value.
Form: (ticket form)
Field ID: (ticket field)
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Nicole,
I tried to get the solution of your query but I think it's not possible by my side.
Ifra Saqlain thank you for trying! Back to the drawing board. :)
Marsy Franco (admin)
Hello, is there someone that can help me. I am trying to hide the attachments/upload ticket field box on one forms page and having trouble coding for this. I was able to add a document event listener to hide the description field box, but cannot get it to work for the attachments field id.
Here is the code I am using for the description field box:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
function hideDescriptionField(){
var descriptionWarpper = document.querySelector('.form-field.request_description');
var descriptionField = document.querySelector('#request_description');
descriptionField.innerHTML = 'PostSurvey'; "none";
Ifra Saqlain
Hey Marsy Franco (admin),
There was an extra curly bracket which I removed, now use the below code:
Ifra Saqlain
Below is a snippet of code that we use to hide the subject, but then also add a field on the form to the hidden subject line:
I'm trying to figure out how to add two additional fields to the subject line, in addition to the one already added, but can't seem to make it work. Would you happen to have any ideas? Ty!
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Teresa, try this code snippet:
Hi Ifra Saqlain! That looks like it's only one custom field added to the hidden subject, which is how we currently have it working. What I need is to have 2-3 custom fields added to the subject. Something along the lines of
var a = custom field 1
var b = custom field 2
var c = custom field 3
subject = .val(a + " " + b + " " + c + " Request")
I've tried a couple different pieces of coding and can't make it work.
Ifra Saqlain
Okay, so remove previous code and use this one, it's working as you wanna do:
Thanks, Ifra Saqlain! I just tried this code and it still only pulls in the first custom field into the subject. Custom field 2 and 3 are missing, but it does have the " hey" at the end of the subject line on the ticket. That was the same issue I was having. Puzzles me for sure!
Form link if you'd like to have a look.
Ifra Saqlain
@Teresa, I tried to open the form but it requires Microsoft account credential to sign-in, and I tested the code in my sandbox; that's working fine.
See this screenshot: Subject field pulls all three values of Custom Fields --
Teresa, do one thing, go to the preview mode of your theme and check the console, if there is any error, share that screenshot.
Not positive which way you wanted me to check, so I have screenshots of both. First, when logged in and looking at the form, there are no errors, but some warnings:
Then, when logged into Guide, go to the eye, then customize, I have the preview of the HC showing, I see this:
I hope one of these are what you were looking for. Thank you!!
Ifra Saqlain I just had a thought. Only one field is pulling in. That field is a text field. The other two are dropdowns and they don't add to the subject. Would the type affect anything?
Ifra Saqlain
Nicole, when I select an option in dropdown, subject field does not afftect even after clicking both dropdown field but when I write something in textfield (at the end), subject field does affect with the both dropdown's selected values.
I tried few ideas but but nothing is working.
Johnny J
Hi Brandon Tidd
The user can still see the hidden field when I try the following code, it doesn't seem to work for me. Please, could you help?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Johnny,
Happy to try and help here - what field are you trying to hide with this code?
I'm not sure I understand the functionality of el.reportValidity?
Johnny J
Hey Brandon Tidd
Thanks for your response.
I'm hiding a required field named "Request type" when users make a selection from a dropdown list. The problem arises when a user accidentally clicks the submit button on the ticket form without filling in this required field. Due to the use of
, the field reappears on the redirected page, prompting the user to select a request type before they can submit the form. How can I configure the field to be optional, but only when users select a specific value from the dropdown?Thanks
Brandon Tidd
Hey Johnny,
You might not have to do this through JavaScript at all, actually.
This article on conditional fields might point you in the right direction.
Hope this helps!
Johnny J
Hey Brandon Tidd
Sorry if I wasn't clear earlier. There's a dropdown labeled "A" with values 1, 2, 3, and 4. When users select 1, 2, or 3, we display an additional dropdown called "Request Type." However, when a user selects 4, the additional dropdown (Request Type) remains hidden.
The "Request Type" dropdown is a required field because we need users who choose 1, 2, or 3 to specify a request type when submitting a ticket.
Currently, I can hide the Request Type dropdown for users who select 4. However, when they submit the ticket, they encounter an error message stating that the "Request Type" field cannot be left blank, which inadvertently reveals the hidden field to them.
I hope it is clear now? How can I make the "Request Type" field optional when users select 4, so they don't receive an error message?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Johnny,
Yep that makes sense - though with Conditional Fields, you don't need to use JS to hide the field at all. First step is to add condition wherein if "A" = 1 then "Request Type" is shown (and Required always). Then copy that condition wherein "A" = 2 or "A" = 3. Since "Request Type" is now conditional on "A," it will natively suppress this field if "A" != 1,2, or 3.
Don't forget to copy Agent conditions to End-User conditions, save and refresh your browser!
David Jetter
Ifra Saqlain I see you've been awesome in helping get these resolved in that past, hoping you might be able to assist with this one as well! I am trying to add to this code to remove the attachments field in my help center's form, but anything I attempt to add doesn't work. If I attempt other code that was used here to remove the subject and description, it doesn't work either. Any assistance would be wonderful! - hc
Ifra Saqlain
Hi David Jetter,
Use this code and remove previous which you have been added:
If any bug let me know :)
David Jetter
Ifra Saqlain Looks like it still has the attachment field showing.