How can I add the ticket ID to the ticket subject?
Adding the ticket ID to the subject of a ticket can be done through the use of business rules.
Although it is not possible to completely modify the subject of a ticket via business rules, it is possible to add information to the email subject sent to users for ticket updates through email. This can be done by adding the placeholder {{}}
in the subject line of a trigger or automation. The placeholder adds the ticket ID to outgoing email subjects for ticket updates sent to end users.
For more information on placeholders, see the article: Zendesk Support placeholders reference.
What is the reference for ticket custom field? I want to add it to the subject. I see above that ticket.requester.custom_fields is for the requester custom field. I want the ticket custom field. ticket.custom_fields?
Tod Brown
My name is Tod, and I am with the Zendesk Customer Advocacy Team! In order to add the ticket ID to anything, including the subject, you'd want to use this placeholder(minus any of the spaces): 6434138.
Also, here's our Placeholder Reference Guide link:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
I think I was able to figure it out. I set up a macro with {{ticket.title}} {{ticket.ticket_field_ticketID}}. Unfortunately, it looks like I can't do this with a trigger. I want to fire a trigger if the custom field has a value and insert it into the subject.
Alan Sanders
Somehow it is setting a formatted subject automatically, because it shows a subject when a ticket is created from a customer contact. Here is a screen shot of the events when a ticket was created...
I did not set that up, but I would like to change it...Please show me where I go to set this myself :-)
Seems like many people would like this to be available.
I also asked the question here: and received a reply, but still would require human interaction to work.
Hi Alan,
I believe there is no native way to change the format of ticket subjects. However, there is a workaround to automatically update the ticket subject. It's going to be a combination of the following functionalities:
Update Ticket API
HTTP Target that points to the Update Ticket API
Triggers to call the HTTP Target
This custom workflow is described in detail here - Support Tip: How to change the ticket Subject using a trigger
What you'll have to do in addition to the steps in the community post is to either modify your current Triggers to add that action, or create new Triggers to set your conditions.