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Zendesk Support search reference

Edited Jan 13, 2025




Hi ZenDesk team!

Is it possible to search based on a satisfaction:bad and also the specific reasons that are set?  Would be super helpful!




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Zsa Trias

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Nikki,

Satisfaction rating searchable values are limited to those that are provided in this article. 

As a workaround, you can use triggers to tag tickets depending on the satisfaction reason that was selected. For reference: Applying satisfaction reasons to business rules

Then, you can use the tags property keyword to search for tickets that have the tag.


Hi team.

Is there a way to search for a hyperlink? Sometimes we paste scheduling links into text in a ticket but I can't figure out a way to return those in a search.


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Peter,

Searching for hyperlinks is not supported. You can however search for the Text with the hyperlink using Search terms and terminology.

Hope this helps.


Is there a way to look for Tags that are not there?


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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hey Zac Stanger

There's a section called Operators in this article that outlines that. I'll copy it here for convenience.

Minus sign. Excludes items containing a word (or property value) from the search results. For example, the following statement searches for any tickets with the status 'pending', but excludes any tickets containing the tag 'invoice' from the search results:

status:pending -tags:invoice 

Try that and let us know if it resolves your issue!


Hi Team.

Is it possible to search not related information from search API as part of a single request?
For example, a ticket by a custom field and a user by external_id, two different results.


Hi there,

Is there any way to use search to pull multiple ticket IDs, i.e. if I have a list of ten tickets I'd like to bulk action, can I use the search function to find all of these tickets at once?

Thank you!


Is there a way to search by length of subject?


Is it possible to search by several key words or phrases using such filters like "and", "or"? As an example if I'd like search to only return exact matches "email change" or "change email"


Is there any way to customise the search view


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Zac, if you are trying to search for tags that are not yet in the system, you will not be able to search for them as they have not been indexed yet. Once a tag is associated with a ticket, you should be able to search for it as needed.


Question on the search user endpoint(v2/users/search)

Is there a way to perform OR operation on query properties
name, email & phone? I want to search for a user that matched at least one of those three properties. Currently "?query=name:abc phone:1234567890" is using AND operation


Hi, I'm having troubles to retrieve all users with a valid phone number. I'm using the following query:


phone:* -phone:none role:end-user


But comparing with the UI, I can see that a lot of information is missing, any ideas what is the best approach to do this?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Oscar,
It could be that the keyword phone:* is causing an issue. * is a wildcard operator that is useful when you want to search various forms of a word. For example, searching for photo* returns results that would include photography, photographer, photograph, and any other words that began with 'photo'.
If you would like to search for all end users with a phone number on their profile, using the following keyword search should suffice as the minus sign will exclude users with no phone number.
-phone:none role:end-user


Why doesn't "recipient" work with the actual support addresses and only with the end destination?

I have to setup a view with "Received at" just to check which tickets came in through one of the normal support addresses that feed into the brand one of Zendesk?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sebastian, 
There is a pre-defined set of views provided for the essential day-to-day support workflow, one of which is the All unsolved tickets. This might have been deactivated. You can check this under the Inactive tab of your Views page. 
Alternatively, you can re-create this View by following this condition:
Status | Less than | Solved
More information can be found here


Hi Gab,

I think you might have misclicked with the answer macro since it's so unrelated.

"Recipient" is a condition in the search to filter tickets that came in through a certain support email address.

In views one would use the "received at" condition. This one works fine but for some reason it is not available in the normal Zendesk search. There you have only recipient.

And the bad thing about that filter is that you can search for a certain support address.

Like if you have a brand named company1 and a Zendesk support address and dedicated support addresses in that brand named and then the recipient filter can not be used to filter out all emails reaching via Only will work.

So there is not way to use the normal Zendesk search to find such tickets and I had to create a view for this search.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sebastian, 
Apologies for the confusion. 
There is a limitation to this specific keyword as the Recipient condition only works for Zendesk support addresses (the ultimate destination) of emails forwarded from external addresses as indicated in this article. 
Creating a View is a great workaround! That's a great suggestion! I encourage you to create a new post in the General Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar concerns where you can also discuss other possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are helpful for our product teams to understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions. We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the forums help influence future Zendesk functionality.


It would be nice to have an option to search for tickets by commenter and specify if we want to see tickets where the commenter used public or private comment. If I search for tickets by commenter - eg commenter:"john doe" then I have to go ticket by ticket to see which ones are public. Filtering this out would help. Thanks


I'm in a situation where I need to assign tickets to a new assignee due to a staffing change. It would be great to have a last_commenter or most_recent_commenter designation as a search field.


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Christine Diego

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Frank,
If the ticket has been assigned to a new agent, you have the option to utilize the assignee property in searching for tickets. Additionally, if you'd like to suggest this as a new feature, you can share your idea in the feedback forum. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning. 




Is there a one/two sheet cheat sheet for these to reference?


Hi, zendesk team,

I am a bit confused about searching by relative time. In the example of the document, to find tickets from the last 4 hours, the search condition is: created>4 hours. Isn't this meaning that the creation time is greater than 4 hours? Why exactly the opposite?


I tried to set up ticket search based on a keyWord in description or comment(s).
My string (base on this article) has this format:
"search.json?query=type:ticket  description:keyWord"
The problem is, I get more tickets than expected … I mean, some of them do NOT have the keyWord at all.
If I double quite keyWord, that is use this string:
“search.json?query=type:ticket  description:\”keyWord\""
then I got no tickets at all.
My keyWord is very simple “personinfo” (without quotes).
What do I do wrong?


Please add “Group” as dropdown filter option. Also “has attachement” would help as part of the filter options. I know both can be filtered by typing it into the search bar but not all our teamplayers are able to work with that. Thanks!


Do words with accented vowels negatively impact search results? Example word: café


What are the search KEYWORD options for all the advanced AI (Co-pilot) fields.  i.e. Sentiment>Negative or Intent:Login Issues?


Is there a query key for searching for the domain_names value on the organization object? This doesn't appear in the API reference but it is part of the organization schema. Is there a key for using domain_names in a query?


I've tried a few variations on “type:organization” but it comes back as null.


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Jimmy Rufo

Zendesk Luminary

Does anyone know the search syntax for organization that have a value in the “Domains” field?  Since wildcard searches don't really work anymore they used to, I'm struggling to find all organizations that are set up for org domain mapping based on a value existing in the “Domains” field.  Please advise.


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