Zendesk supports enterprise single sign-on access to Zendesk accounts via Secure Assertion Markup Language (SAML), JSON Web Token (JWT), and OpenID Connect (IODC). With SSO, users can sign in once using their company sign-in form to gain access to multiple systems and service providers, including Zendesk products.
As a Zendesk admin, your role consists of enabling the SSO options. This article describes how to enable multiple SAML single sign-on configurations that can be used to authenticate team members (admins and agents, including light agents and contributors), end users, or both.
This article contains the following topics:
- How SAML SSO for Zendesk works
- Requirements for enabling SAML SSO
- Enabling SAML SSO
- Assigning SAML SSO to users
- Managing users in Zendesk after enabling SAML SSO
- Switching authentication methods
The IT team in a company is usually responsible for setting up and managing the company's SAML authentication system. Their role is to implement SSO for Zendesk on the system. Refer the team to the following topic in this article:
Related articles:
How SAML SSO for Zendesk works
SAML for Zendesk works the way SAML does with all other service providers. A common use case is a company where all user authentication is managed by a corporate authentication system such as Active Directory or LDAP (generically referred to as an identity provider or IdP). Zendesk establishes a trust relationship with the identity provider and allows it to authenticate and sign in users to Zendesk accounts.
A common use case is a user who signs in to their corporate system at the beginning of the work day. Once signed in, they have access to other corporate applications and services (such as email or Zendesk Support) without having to sign in separately to those services.
If a user attempts to sign in directly to a Zendesk account, they are redirected to your SAML server or service for authentication. Once authenticated, the user is redirected back to your Zendesk account and automatically signed in.
Another supported workflow is giving users access to Zendesk after they sign in to your company's website. When a user signs in to the website using their website credentials, the website sends a request to the identity provider to validate the user. The website then sends the provider's response to the SAML server, which forwards it to your Zendesk account, which grants a session to the user.
Requirements for enabling SAML SSO
Meet with the team in your company responsible for the SAML authentication system (usually the IT team) to make sure your company meets the following requirements:
- The company has a SAML server with provisioned users or connected to an identity repository such as Microsoft Active Directory or LDAP. Options include using an in-house SAML server such as OpenAM, or a SAML service such as Okta, OneLogin, or PingIdentity.
- If using an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) server, forms-based authentication must be enabled. Zendesk does not support Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA). For more information, see Setting up single sign-on using Active Directory with ADFS and SAML.
- Zendesk-bound traffic is over HTTPS, not HTTP.
- The remote login URL for your SAML server (sometimes called SAML Single Sign-on URL)
- (Optional) The remote logout URL where Zendesk can redirect users after they sign out of Zendesk
- (Optional) A list of IP ranges to redirect users to the appropriate sign-in option. Users making requests from the specified IP ranges are routed to the remote SAML authentication sign-in form. Users making requests from IP addresses outside the ranges are routed to the normal Zendesk sign-in form. If you don't specify a range, all users are redirected to the remote authentication sign-in form.
- The SHA2 fingerprint of the SAML certificate from your SAML server. X.509 certificates are supported and should be in PEM or DER format, but you'll still need to provide a SHA2 fingerprint for the X.509 certificate. There is no upper limit on the size of the SHA fingerprint.
The IT team may require additional information from Zendesk to configure the SAML implementation. Refer them to the Technical implementation worksheet in this article.
After you've confirmed that you meet the requirements and have all of the necessary information, you're ready to enable SAML SSO.
Enabling SAML SSO
Admins can enable SAML single sign-on only for end users, only for team members (including light agents and contributors), or for both groups. You can create multiple SAML SSO configurations. Before you start, obtain the required information from your company's IT team. See Requirements for enabling SAML SSO.
To enable SAML single sign-on in Zendesk
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Security > Single sign-on.
- Click Create SSO configuration then select SAML.
- Enter a unique Configuration name.
- For SAML SSO URL, enter the remote login URL for your SAML server.
- Enter the SHA-256 Certificate fingerprint. This is required for us to communicate with your SAML server.
- (Optional) For Remote logout URL, enter a logout URL where users should be redirected after they sign out of Zendesk.
- (Optional) For IP ranges, enter a list of IP
ranges if you want to redirect users to the
appropriate sign-in option.
Users making requests from the specified IP ranges are routed to the remote SAML authentication sign-in form. Users making requests from IP addresses outside the ranges are routed to the normal Zendesk sign-in form. Don't specify a range if you want all users to be redirected to the remote authentication sign-in form.
- Select Show button when users sign in to add a
Continue with SSO button to the Zendesk
You can customize the button label by entering a value in the Button name field. Custom button labels are useful if you add multiple SSO buttons to the sign-in page. See Adding "Continue with SSO" buttons to the Zendesk sign-in page for more information.
- Click Save.
By default, enterprise SSO configurations are inactive. You must assign the SSO configuration to users to activate it.
Assigning SAML SSO to users
After creating your SAML SSO configuration, you must activate it by assigning it to end users, team members, or both.
To assign an SSO configuration to team members or end users
- Open the Security settings for team members or end
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Security > Team member authentication.
- In Admin Center, click
Account in the sidebar, then select Security > End user authentication.
- In Admin Center, click
- Select External authentication to show the authentication options.
- Select the name(s) of the SSO configuration(s) you want to use.
Single sign-on might not cover all use cases, so Zendesk authentication remains active by default.
- Select how you'd like to allow users to sign in.
Let them choose allows users to sign in using any active authentication method. See Giving users different ways to sign into Zendesk.
Redirect to SSO only allows users to authenticate using the primary SSO configuration. Users don’t see additional sign-in options, even if those authentication options are active. When you select Redirect to SSO, the Primary SSO field appears for you to select the primary SSO configuration.
- Click Save.
Managing users in Zendesk after enabling SAML SSO
After enabling SAML single sign-on in Zendesk, changes made to users outside Zendesk don't automatically sync to your Zendesk account. Users are updated in Zendesk at the point of authentication. For example, if a user is added to your internal system, the user is added to your Zendesk account when they sign in to Zendesk. When changes are made to the user's data in your internal system (such as name or email address), any attributes shared in the payload of the SAML are updated in Zendesk. If a user is deleted from your internal system, the user will no longer be able to sign in to Zendesk. However, their account will still exist in Zendesk.
By default, the only user data stored in Zendesk when single sign-on is enabled is the user's name and email address. Zendesk does not store passwords. As a result, you should turn off any automated email notifications from Zendesk about passwords.
To provide a better customer experience, you might want to store more than just the user's name and email address in Zendesk. See Obtaining additional user data.
Turning off password notification emails from Zendesk
A Zendesk user profile is created for any new user who accesses your Zendesk account through SAML, JWT, or OpenID Connect (OIDC) single sign-on. Because users are authenticated through an IdP with a non-Zendesk password, the profile is created without a password because they don't need to sign in to Zendesk directly.
Because new users who sign in to Zendesk through SSO are verified through an IdP, they don't receive email notifications to verify their account. However, it is still recommended to turn off these automated email notifications to prevent them from being sent if the IdP does not successfully verify the user. In the case of SSO, user verification must always occur through the IdP.
To turn off password notification emails
- In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > End users.
- In the Account emails section, deselect Also send a welcome email when a new user is created by an agent or administrator.
- In Allow users to change their password, deselect this option.
Switching authentication methods
If you use a third-party SSO method to create and authenticate users in Zendesk and then switch to Zendesk authentication, these users will not have a password available for login. To gain access, ask these users to reset their passwords from the Zendesk sign-in page.
Technical implementation worksheet
This section is for the team in the company responsible for the company's SAML authentication system. It provides details about the Zendesk SAML SSO implementation.
Topics covered:
- Required user data to identify the user being authenticated
- Configuring the identity provider for Zendesk
- Configuring the SAML server for Zendesk
- Parameters returned to your remote sign-in and sign-out URLs
- Using RelayState to redirect users after authentication
- Troubleshooting the SAML configuration for Zendesk
Required user data to identify the user being authenticated
When you implement SAML SSO access to Zendesk accounts, you specify certain user data to identify the user being authenticated.
These topics describe the data you need to provide:
Specifying the user's email address in the SAML subject's NameID
Zendesk uses email addresses to uniquely identify users. You should specify the user's email address in the SAML subject's name ID.
For example:
<saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified">stevejobs@yourdomain.com</saml:NameID>
<saml:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">
<saml:SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter="2014-04-23T21:42:47.412Z"/>
If the givenname and surname attributes aren't provided,
Zendesk will use the username of the email address
provided in the
element as the
name of the user. The first part of an email address
before the '@' symbol is the username.
If the email's username has a period character in it,
then we will use it to parse out a first name and
last name. If there is no period character, then the
whole username becomes the name of the user in
Zendesk. For example, if the email address
is stanley.yelnats@yourdomain.com, the user's
name in Zendesk would be stored as Stanley
Yelnats; however, if the email address is
stanleyyelnats@yourdomain.com, the user
name in Zendesk would be stored as
Specifying two required user attributes in the SAML assertion
If you specify the givenname and surname attributes, you must use the full namespace rather than the friendly names. For example: where the friendly name might be 'surname', the actual value you need to specify for the attribute is http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname
Concept | Attribute | Description | Example value |
first name | givenname | The given name of this user. You must specify the full namespace for this attribute. |
last name | surname | The surname of this user. A user in Zendesk is created or updated in accordance with this user's given name and surname. See example below. You must specify the full namespace for this attribute. |
Given name and surname example:
<saml:Attribute Name="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:anyType">James</saml:AttributeValue>
<saml:Attribute Name="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:anyType">Dietrich</saml:AttributeValue>
Zendesk supports additional user attributes. Talk to your Zendesk Support admin about their data requirements in Support.
Obtaining additional user data
The only user data required by Zendesk from your authentication system is the user's given name, surname, and email address. The given name and surname are the only attribute names you should use to capture information about a user's name. However, you can get more data by asking your IT team to add user attributes to the SAML assertions the identity provider sends to Zendesk when users sign in.
A SAML assertion contains one or more statements about the user. One statement is the authorization decision itself – whether or not the user was granted access. Another statement can consist of attributes describing the signed-in user.
Attribute | Description |
organization | Name or id of an organization to add the user to. The external_id attribute of an organization is not supported. If the organization doesn't exist in Zendesk, it won't be created. The user will still be created, but they won't be added to any organization. |
organizations | Comma separated values such as
org1 , org2 ,
organization_id |
The organization's external ID in the Zendesk API. If both organization and organization_id are supplied, organization is ignored. Example: If you'd like to pass multiple organization IDs at the same time, use the organization_ids attribute instead. The organization IDs must be passed in a string, separated by commas. |
organization_ids |
The organization's external IDs in the Zendesk API. Use this attribute when passing multiple organization IDs at the same time. If both organizations and organization_ids are supplied, organizations is ignored. Example: Comma separated values such as
phone | A phone number, specified as a string. |
tags | Tags to set on the user. The tags will replace any other tags that may exist in the user's profile. |
remote_photo_url | URL for a photo to set on the user profile. |
locale (for agents) locale_id (for end users) |
The locale in Zendesk, specified as a number. To get a list of valid numbers, see Locales in the API docs. |
role | The user's role. Can be set to end user, agent, or admin. Default is end user. |
custom_role_id | Applicable only if the value of the role attribute above is agent. You can get the ids of your custom roles with the Custom Roles API. |
external_id | A user id from your system if your users are identified by something other than an email address or if their email addresses are subject to change. Specified as a string. |
user_field_<key> | A value for a custom user field in
Zendesk Support. See Adding custom
fields to users. The <key> is the
field key assigned to the custom user field in
Zendesk Support. Example:
user_field_employee_number where
employee_number is the field key
in Zendesk. Sending a
null value or an empty string in the attribute
value will remove any custom field value set in
Zendesk Support.
Friendly name | SAML2 formal name |
ou (organization unit) | urn:oid: |
displayName | urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 |
Configuring the identity provider for Zendesk
Attribute | Value |
entityID | https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com |
AudienceRestriction | yoursubdomain.zendesk.com |
For both values, replace your_subdomain with the Zendesk Support subdomain. If you're unsure of the subdomain, ask your Zendesk admin.
Zendesk enforces the AudienceRestriction
Configuring the SAML server for Zendesk
Some SAML servers may require the following information when configuring an integration with Zendesk:
- Access Consumer Service (ACS) URL: Specify https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/access/saml (case sensitive), where 'accountname' with your Support subdomain
- Redirects to SAML Single Sign-on URL: Use HTTP POST
- Hashing algorithm (ADFS): Zendesk supports the SHA-2 algorithm when using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
Parameters returned to your remote sign-in and sign-out URLs
When redirecting users to your authentication system, Zendesk appends the following parameters to the remote sign-in and remote sign-out URLs.
Attribute | Description |
brand_id | The brand of the Help Center the user was on when they attempted to sign in. For more information, see Creating a Help Center for one of your brands. |
Attribute | Description |
Email of the user signing out. | |
external_id | A unique identifier from your system stored in the Zendesk user profile. |
brand_id | The brand of the Help Center the user was on when they signed out. For more information, see Creating a Help Center for one of your brands. |
If you prefer not to receive email and external id information in the sign-out URL, ask your Zendesk admin to specify blank parameters in the Remote logout URL field in the admin interface. See Enabling SAML SSO. For example: https://www.yourdomain.com/user/signout/?email=&external_id=.
Using RelayState to redirect users after authentication
is a parameter used to maintain the
state of the originating request throughout the SSO process.
It specifies the original URL the user was trying to access
before the SSO process started. After completing the SSO
process, you can forward the user to the
URL to provide a
seamless user experience.
The RelayState
parameter is optional in SAML. If
you don’t include it in your request, the user will be
directed to the default location based on their user
- For agents, the default location is the agent dashboard in Zendesk Support.
- For end users, the default location is the home page of the help center for your default brand.
When a user accesses a Zendesk link that requires signing in, and
you are using SAML, Zendesk redirects the user to the SSO
configuration you set up and, along with that, sends the URL
the user came from in the RelayState
When constructing the SAML authentication request, add the
parameter and set its
value to the URL sent from Zendesk in the SAML response.
Example RelayState
parameter redirecting users
Troubleshooting the SAML configuration for Zendesk
Here is Zendesk's SAML 2.0 metadata:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<EntityDescriptor entityID="https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata">
<SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned="false" WantAssertionsSigned="true" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<AssertionConsumerService index="1" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/access/saml"/> <!-- Note: replace 'accountname' with your Zendesk subdomain -->
Zendesk expects a SAML assertion that looks as follows:
<samlp:Response xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" ID="s2202bbbb
afa9d270d1c15990b738f4ab36139d463" InResponseTo="_e4a78780-35da-012e-8ea7-005056
9200d8" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2011-03-21T11:22:02Z" Destination="https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/access/saml">
<saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">myidp.entity.id
<samlp:Status xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<samlp:StatusCode xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol"
Note: Replace 'accountname' in the
attribute with your
Zendesk subdomain.
Zendesk expects user attributes to be specified in an assertion's
attribute statement
as in the following example:
<saml:Attribute Name="organization">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">Acme Rockets</saml:AttributeValue>
<saml:Attribute Name="tags">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">tag1 tag2</saml:AttributeValue>
<saml:Attribute Name="phone">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">555-555-1234</saml:AttributeValue>
<saml:Attribute Name="role">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">agent</saml:AttributeValue>
<saml:Attribute Name="custom_role_id">
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string">12345</saml:AttributeValue>
For the names and descriptions of the user attributes supported by Zendesk, see the table in Obtaining additional user data above. Note that the full namespace isn't supported for optional user attributes.
Appsian ERP
Great post & thank you for sharing, one of the good blogs to read about enabling SAML single sign on
Hubert C
Thank you for this information!
James Balata
I have set up SAML SSO with my IdentityProvider4 and am able to sso in fine. Is there a way to use my system's GUID to identity a zendesk user, instead of email?
I see API PUT/POST calls to update/add User Identity type to email, twitter, etc., but nothing regarding a generic ID.
Possibly external_id, but how can I specify Zendesk to accept this?
Hi James,
Users in Zendesk are identified with email by default and email attribute is required when we talk about SSO authentication.
external_id will accept any values (numbers and characters) and you can pass this attribute in your SAML assertion payload (see above section of "Obtaining additional user data"), but it cannot be used as users primary identity.
Viktor Hristovski
Hello. We are using okta to sign-in into Zendesk. I also wanted to pass on 3 fields from okta profile onto Zendesk profile for users (manager, manager email, department) so i made 3 user fields with those names. When setting up in Okta admin, do i need to map manager to manager, or manager to user_field_manager (as per this passage :
is the field key in Zendesk. Sending a null value or an empty string in the attribute value will remove any custom field value set in Zendesk Support.0
Hey Victor! You'll want to map manager to user_field_manager assuming that manager is the key associated with the user field.
Viktor Hristovski
Hi SAbra, so we are doing provisioning from okta and we are running into a problem. Okta is trying to push Role , Custom Role and Ticket Restriction to Zendesk and its not passing on (we are getting error). Is there a way to turn this off (is is needed to edit the saml insertion for this)?
I wonder is it possible to arrange a video call with Zendesk and Okta support to help us figure this out?
Cheeny Aban
I suggest that you capture a har file with timestamp and initiate a conversation with us so we can further check your SSO set up.
Hi, We need to update our SSO SAML config/Cert. Do you know if saving an update to the config will negatively impact anyone logged in currently?
For example would it kick agents out of the system and force them to re-authenticate?
Web User 85859c77aa12bf1bc9bf51f3
Does Zendesk support multiple sites from a Single Federation?
It seems that you have already contacted us through Messaging and the value has already been provided. Please check the ticket #10173395 for more information.
Cheeny Aban
Error AADSTS650056 is a Misconfigured application as per this Microsoft documentation. I would suggest that you follow the suggested solution from the said article
Allirah Rehac
We have followed the guides to enable SSO into Zendesk from our application. We have an additional requirement to allow SSO from another application with a different user store to SSO into Zendesk. Is this currently possible ? We may also have a third. Wondering how we can support multiple SSO
It is advisable to use just one SSO for your Zendesk login. However, you can follow the workaround discussed in How can I set up two Zendesk SSO integrations? to have a maximum of 2.
Carmelo LoPresti
1 - Does Zendesk support using the UPN instead of the email address as the unique identifier? Sometimes user's email address doesn't match their username (UPN), and can make SSO logins confusing for them. We're using Azure AD for SSO.
2- If it does not support UPN as the unique identifier, when configuring the App in Azure AD, the Name ID defaults to user.userprincipalname (UPN). Should this be changed on the Azure AD side to user.mail instead? Seems like this should default to user.mail in Azure AD if Zendesk is using email address as the unique Identifier.
John Koehn
I have the assertion http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/organization: "someCompany" in my SAML however users are not being added to the organization. What am I doing wrong?
Also, what does "Note that Zendesk only recognizes these additional user attributes if the attribute names outlined in the table below are used in the assertion's attribute statement; if you try to use the full namespace for these attributes, they'll be ignored." mean? What is a full namespace attribute versus user attribute?
Carmelo LoPresti
I have found this statement to be incorrect under #3 of heading "Assigning SAML SSO to users"
Please confirm and update documentation.
"For end users, selecting the SSO option automatically deselects the Zendesk Authentication option if enabled."
This is incorrect - I have enabled SSO for end users in my Sandbox, and Zendesk Auth remains checked off (it does not auto disable). I have also confirmed I'm able to log into Zendesk as a regular end user with SSO (primary) and with Zendesk Auth by going to the backdoor URL https://domain.zendesk.com/access/normal.
SSO is the primary method, since when going to our Zendesk URL and clicking "Sign In" it auto redirects to SSO (we use Azure AD). So basically, the "Sign In" no longer provides a pop up for the user to log in whether it's a regular user or Agent. But, Zendesk auth is still enabled and can be logged into if the end user (or agent) knows the backdoor URL.
Sam Larson
Are we able to delete a SSO configuration? I am not seeing that option. It's not assigned to any users making it inactive, but there is no option to delete.
Barkha Bhatia
Sam Larson
We currently don't allow Deletion of SSO configurations, we want to allow that in future combined with logs and restoration feature to deal with accidental deletes.