With the Real-Time Monitor, you can see an overview of key chat metrics, including queue size, customer wait times, and chat satisfaction, on a single screen. Customer service team leads can get an at-a-glance view of current Chat support demand and update agent assignments accordingly.
This article contains the following sections:
Understanding the default metrics
The Real-Time Monitor dashboard displays a number of constantly-updated metrics.

Metrics are organized into the following categories:
The top row of the dashboard displays information about the Queue. The information here refers to chats that have not been served by any agent. It is divided into three subcategories:
Queue: New chats that have not been served by any agent. This is the sum of
Incoming Chats (
)and Assigned Chats (
). Applicable only if chat routing mode is set to Assigned.
Wait Time: The longest and average times visitors have been
waiting for their requests to be served. Wait time is calculated as duration between
the first visitor message in the chat and the first agent message. Wait time will be 0
for agent-initiated or trigger-initiated chats.Note: If your agents are serving chats in the Agent Workspace, wait time ends some seconds after a chat is initially served.
- Missed Chats: The number of chats in the past 30 minutes where the agent does not answer the incoming chat request and the visitor subsequently leaves.
Chat Activity
- Currently Served Chats: The number of chats your agents are serving right now
- Chats Per Agent: Average number of chats per logged in agent, and per online agent.
- Response Time (Average and Longest): Average and longest time that visitors have been waiting for an agent reply, calculated from each interaction in a chat session. Response time is the duration between a message by a visitor and the next response by an agent. If multiple messages are left by a visitor before an agent responds, response time is measured from the time the visitor leaves the first message in the string.
- Chat Duration: Longest and average length a current ongoing chat. Chat duration is calculated as duration between first message in the chat (visitor message, agent message or message sent via triggers) and when the chat ends (visitor ends the chat, or last agent leaves the chat, or chat ends due to inactivity timeout).
Agent Activity
- Logged In Agents: The total number of agents currently logged in
Status: The number of logged in agents broken down by their current status:
- Online (
- Away (
- Invisible (
- Online (
- In the Chat dashboard, click the Monitor icon (
- Go to Agent Activity to view the online agents.
Customer Satisfaction
- Satisfaction (Overall): The percentage of chats rated Good over the past 30 minutes.
Ratings: Total ratings over the past 30 minutes, broken down by their
satisfaction choice:
- Good (
- Bad (
- Good (
Customizing available statistics
Admins can customize which of these statistics appear in Monitor for the whole account.
- In the Chat dashboard, click the Monitor icon (
- At the top of the Monitor edit page, click Settings.
- Select or clear check boxes next to each statistic to determine if it appears in Monitor.
- Click Save Changes.
Filtering by department
Both agents and admins viewing the dashboard can filter the statistics by department. Select one or more individual departments, All Departments, or No Department.
To filter by department
- In the Chat dashboard, click the Monitor icon (
- At the top of the Monitor edit page, click the Filter by Department drop-down menu.
- Select All Departments, No Department, or an individual department.
Accessing additional real-time activity data using the API
Get additional insight into your team's acitvity using the Real-Time Chat API. For details, see our API documentation.
Our average chat wait time seems to be around 80 to 90 seconds in Zendesk Explore, but our agents are actually answering almost immediately when they see a chat coming in. However we have a trigger set to automatically start an outbound chat at 120 seconds - does that in some way affect the chat wait time numbers? Otherwise, can you think of why these numbers would be so clearly inflated?
Taylor Bowser
Hi @...,
Chat wait time is defined as the following:
Is it possible that there are missed chats inflating this number? I always recommend creating a test query to break data down by individual Chat IDs/Ticket IDs. This will allow you to pinpoint which chats/tickets have a high wait time causing this average to be higher than expected.
The chat department filter is a bit limited. You can see all departments, no departments, or a single selected department. We have our departments segmented by language support. So our EMEA regional manager would want to view the dashboard by selecting multiple language departments. Right now, she has to open multiple Zendesk browser windows, select a single department in each browser window in order to monitor each of her departments. It would be awesome to be able to select multiple departments so that she doesn't have to be looking at multiple browser windows to get her information.
Israel Ramirez
How much does this cost?
Thank you!
Jeff C
Hello Israel,
Kindly refer to our pricing page here for more information regarding which Plan this feature is available to.
Aaron Hill
Is there anyway for a Lead to monitor an active chat for the Agents in their departments?
If you are pertaining to the currently served chats, the only way to do it is go to Chat > Visitors and access the currently served chats manually.
Retaking Trina's observation, I concur: the possibility to filter by multiple departments is very important. We have the same issue, with many departments divided per markets and sometimes we just want to select some of them without having to open multiple tabs. Is there any way to do that? Is it in the zendesk roadmap?
Thanks in advance!
Emil Susort
Is there a way to use this dashboard on a separate display/computer without having to log in to my own user on that computer/display? Some sort of dashboard display user that does not require a license.
As it turns out, the functionality that you have mentioned is not supported when it comes to the Chat Dashboard. You will still need to login with a Chat user to access it.
We have created two separate Zendesk profiles to be able to display the Chat Monitor dashboard on two separate monitors. It has been noticed that when we try to log in to these profiles, the Monitor tab appears ''as connecting'' until after few minutes the page will become inactive.
It is important to mention that this is happening only when trying to log in to these specific profiles, as the Monitor tab works fine when logging in from my user account.
Thank You!
Upon checking this issue was already resolved through a ticket you have submitted. For visibility I'll include the findings here.
The issue occurs due to Chat rate limits. More information can be found on Streaming API rate limits. Users are encouraged to make sure they close tabs with Monitor open before opening a new one, and to ensure they are not lot logged into chat on multiple devices.
Nate Schimmoller
Similar to Aaron Hill's message this is a critically needed function. While the visitors tab is useful the default data it shows is not. The online duration for a visitor shows the time that the visitor has been on our site not how long they've been on a chat.
For example we have a chat that has the online duration of 2 hours but they only joined the chat 24 minutes ago. What would be beneficial is to have either / or both the chat and engagement duration instead.
This would allow supervisors and Workforce Management teams to monitor the queues in real time and find chats that are taking a long time to resolve. Ideally this would help troubleshoot in the Chat Monitor page which chats are currently running longest and find agents that may need help wrapping that interaction.
I've provided this feedback on Ticket #11144522 but also want to put it out more publicly as it may show the widespread support this type of change would has.
Aside from the metrics, is there an option to actually view the current chat being served in Messaging?
In live chat, this is possible just by clicking the active chat, in Messaging I dont see any option.