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Explore recipe: Auditing a random selection of tickets

Edited Mar 05, 2025




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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

This is great - how would we "delay" the random list of tickets? Every time i refresh the page, the tickets re-randomize. Could I bake in a time delay to only refresh once every hour?


Hi Bobby, 

It's not possible to "freeze" the results for a certain amount of time while refreshing.
Performing a refresh means that the function runs again, giving a new set of random data. 

One thing that I can advise here, is to export your query the first time you run it. By doing this you'll be able to have that results saved and go back to it whenever you want to. 

Hope that helps! :) 


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Hiya Maude! thanks for the reply - appreciate you. 

I think where this turns into an issue is with email deliverability. We have a group of team leads that are supposed to audit these tickets, but we need them to all receive the same tickets, without creating a group. right now, if I set a schedule to send to you and me (not tied to a group) it will generate two completely separate lists of tickets. Just some feedback as it would be nice to be able to randomize on a schedule to avoid inconsistencies. i am sure there is a counter argument as well! 


Cheers, Bobby


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Gerald J

Zendesk Luminary

Is there a way that I can extract or limit the number of random tickets? for example I want to only get 10% of the total solved for the week


This is great, thanks for the recipe!

Would it be also possible to add a column with the initial ticket text (first message from the requester)?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sarah,

I don't see an option at this since Explore doesn't capture the content of ticket comments you may include the ticket subject attribute. You may also check the lists of attributes that you can use in this article. Hope that helps!


Hi Elaine,

Thank you for your reply. I'm trying my luck with the json data export from the Admin Center now to get the ticket description text :-) 


I gave this a go and the report is working, except that the results don't refresh? I expected to see a new random sample each time I refreshed the report or the page. Anyone know how to fix this?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi there,
I think it might be related to the fact that reports do not refresh constantly. As this article mentions:
Data refresh intervals for Explore reporting
I hope this helps. If you want to check that further, you can reach out to our support.



How do we filter the random selection tickets by month or custom dates?

For example, I want to monitor tickets from the month of February 2024 (February 1-29, 2024) or the week of March 4-9, 2024.

I would like to check if it is possible to filter only closed or solved tickets.

I also want to see a few individuals only instead of getting all the assignees.

Thank you.


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi John,

You can add filter to the report like Ticket status (to filter the Solved/Closed tickets), Tickets created - date and Assignee name. This will make it that the random tickets that will appear will still adhere to the filter you have set.

Hope this helps.


Question, what's the difference between 0 & 1 in the ‘Random’ Column? 


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Denise,
I believe this is just the random selection so each ticket is randomly assigned a value of 0 or 1.


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