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How do I sync my Support users to my Sell contacts?

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Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Mar 28, 2023




Thanks for this @... - are there any plans to have Customer Contacts unified across Support and Sell so we have one source of truth for Customer information (Customer Master)?





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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Roland,

Apologies for the delayed response! 

This is definitely something the Sell team has plans for as part of their long term roadmap, however, we don't have an ETA of when this will be made available. 

We'll be sure to keep you posted when we have more information to share :) 


Brett Bowser any updates on this? it looks like a no brainer that zendesk profile should realtime sync with zendesk sell contact (bi-directional)...


This functionality is a must for us. with many customer on support and new from sell it MUST be bi-directional. When is the real time sync on ETA? 


As always, Zendesk never replies with updates.


Asking this very question and it is now Feb 2024... 



Following! This is soon a reason to change from Zendesk to something Else….


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JR Lausin

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Alison,
Upon checking on this on our end unfortunately the option given on the article is the only option as off the moment. I recomend posting a product feedback of your desired request on this link so our Dev team can check and review the request.


This is definitely a mission-critical feature. Zendesk should not call their suite of productions a unified solution if the solutions can't share information seamlessly.


I fully agree with Tone.

How the two are not actually sharing the same list of contacts is beyond me. We have been using Support for longer time than we have been using Sell but since many of our users are also our customers I want to make sure that the these contacts exists in both Support and Sell. If the two platforms cannot share the same contact list from the start, then it should at least be possible to import by the click of a button for anyone who need that.

I hope to see this feature sooner rather than later as it would help us a lot!


So to be clear: zendesk “state of the art” crm integration, after 3 years from the first request has no way to use the SUPPORT contacts in SELL crm ?!

So when we onboard a customer in the support app (for example creating a support request from a website), we have no way to open sell and use that contact to create a sell offer?!

We need to create again the contact and have it doubled?

And if we use different value from support than sell (for example the surname)  ? or a typo ? what happen here? We finally have 2 contacts in 2 place with same email (maybe, in fact i dont know wich field is “unique” and used to identify the contact, if any), and differnt data?

Really? O_o


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