In a ticket, the ticket properties panel appears to the left of the ticket conversation and shows all the fields associated with the ticket, including the ticket requester and the ticket assignee.
In some cases, you may want to change the width of the ticket properties panel to give you a better view of ticket fields. This feature is particularly useful if you’re working on tickets with a lot of fields.
To resize the ticket properties panel
- In a ticket, hover your mouse pointer over the shared border between the ticket properties panel and the ticket comments.
A resize icon (
) appears and the panel border turns blue.
- Drag the border to the left or right to change the width of the ticket properties panel.
When you’ve reached the desired width, stop dragging. Your adjustments are maintained across tickets, until you do a hard refresh of your browser.
To quickly hide or show the panel, click the Hide panel (<) icon or Show panel (>) icon that appears when you hover your mouse pointer over the panel border.
Malach Mochache
Will this feature be available on accounts that have not enabled Zendesk Agent Workspace?
Lisa Kelly
Hi Malach,
Thanks for asking. There are no plans at this time to include this feature for the standard agent interface. You must have the Zendesk Agent Workspace enabled.
Hi! Is it a bug or feature that the macro drop-down is been moved to the left? It's a bit uncomfortable to use it since the update. I guess this element is connected to the ticket input panel rather than the properties one.
Lisa Kelly
Hi Tahr
Expanded ticket footers are required to make the ticket properties panel resizable. See this Announcement for details.
Nathan B
Hi Lisa,
No, it's not required. You choose to make it. It's barely usable today..
You can at leat fix the macro drop-down under the text field, or something like that.
(and, for the team product, you can make some tests before deliver thoses features)
The position of the apply macro button is not good. It would be nice to have it returned to the way where that apply macro button was.
A lot of same feedback from the others, I can see.
Andrew Schreiner
I agree on the macro placement. This is much more of a hassle now than it was. Also should have the ability to keep the background gray or change the color to set it apart from the rest of window area that is also white.
Daniel Heard
As others have said, the new position of the Macro selection is not good. I've posted on the announcemnt post also about this too:
Lisa Kelly
Hi Folks,
I have forwarded your comments along to our product management team.
Please move the Apply Macro button back to where it was. There's no reason why it can't be centered under the text reply box.
Yay! I had requested the ability to hide it. Thank you so much!
For those with concerns about Apply Macro - I don't know if this will help, but I like to use the keyboard shortcuts:
Control-alt-M or Control-option-M
I am not sure if I am asking a question in the correct article.
I would like to add the Property Panel to show like attached.
The order ID field is to be in all tickets. (agents can add or can be empty)
How can I change this property panel view?
Thank you!
Lisa Kelly
Hi Moe, Zendesk admins in your account can create custom ticket fields that appear in the ticket properties panel. See Adding custom fields to your tickets.
Matt Davis
Starting sometime in February or March 2023, there is some unexpected interaction which can frequently lead to the Ticket Properties Panel (and the Apps panel) being expanded to fill the majority of the screen whenever the window is resized or moved between monitors.
I wrote into Zendesk Support who insist this is "this is not a bug but an expected behavior." Surely this isn't the case? I have multiple Agents experiencing this issue on both Firefox and Chrome browsers.
Hey Matthew! I want to apologize on behalf of my colleague who provided information that this was expected behavior. We've are actually working on a fix for this issue and hope to have the fix released in Q3. Thank you for reporting this!
Jay Scott
How do we ADD fields to the Agent View Properties Panel?
Lisa Kelly
Hi Jay,
To add new fields in the ticket properties panel, admins can add custom ticket fields. See Adding custom fields to your tickets.
Salokya Mathur
HI, We are working on very complex requirement where every task is custom. Now we need to provide ticket resolution via custom application which we have done but we want to hide the standard Submit as <Status> button from the Agent View. Is this even possible in Zendesk Ecosystem ??

Lisa Kelly
Hi Salokya-Mathur,
This article is not related to the question you are asking. Contact Zendesk Customer Support so they can help you with your question.
Sabra Lisa Kelly
Is there an update to the bug that Matt was experiencing? We currently have some users experiencing this.
Lisa Kelly
Holly. If you are having a problem with this feature, contact Zendesk Customer Support so they can help you with your issue.
Hi, Lisa Kelly - I have a question about the ticket properties panel. Are sizing changes global or per user? I had assumed it was per user, but a member of my team is experiencing an issue where the ticket properties panel has changed size nearly every time he logs in, which is easy to explain if the change to the size propagates across all users.
Lisa Kelly
Hi Emily,
Changes to the ticket properties panel should be "per user" See this sentence from the article: "When you’ve reached the desired width, stop dragging. Your adjustments are maintained across tickets, until you do a hard refresh of your browser."
If your team member isn't seeing this behavior, they should contact Zendesk Customer Support so they can help them with this issue.