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Comparing features available in the dashboard builder

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Feb 25, 2025




Thanks for that Walter Bellante. Dynamic restriction is set up but I'm a little confused on what you mean by the Static Dashboard Restriction, as this isn't mentioned anywhere?


I agree with much of the comment above on missing features and note Export is not really discussed too much.  Is this still due for General Release?  When is General Release due?


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Paul! 

Thank you for your interest! Our Product Managers will update the article once an update is available


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Dear customers,
I am excited to share that we've just released "drill in" on the new dashboard builder.

You can learn more here


In the old version, you could choose "last week", "This month", "Last month", "All history" and many more. These options are missing in a new version and we have to always manually set the date. This is a big downgrade. I hope you will add these one day.

Old version:


New version. Missing options like today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month and all history - which were our most used options:


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Jiří Chovanec

Is it maybe possible to set those ranges by using the "Rolling range" option?

If we lose both the bookmarks and date flexibility for reporting, Explore becomes pretty much useless, and we would have to export all Zendesk data to our own data warehouse and use other tools with that to create usable dashboards.


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Jiří Chovanec,
thanks for your feedback.

The new time filter has been redesigned to show the most used options by default.
As Tom shared, it is indeed possible to customize time filters to any other setting by using the "Rolling range" option.

Tom Erik Skjønsberg we are still gathering interest to bring default time filters into the new experience. I see you've shared your feedback on the related post. That's valuable, thanks.



Hi, Walter Bellante, Tom Erik Skjønsberg.

The rolling range supports a start date of 20, 40, and 100 days ago and an end date of 2, 5, 10 days/weeks ago.

This means that it is not possible to make a "last month" report from this.

Let's make an example:

  • Today is 10.7., it is possible to set the end date 10 days ago so it is good. However, last month did not have 20, 40, or 100 days or weeks. It is not possible to make a "last month" report using the rolling range.

I need to use custom range option and set the date manually every time I use reporting. This means huge pain. 

As Tom Erik wrote, I checked and could not even find bookmarks! I did not notice that. Thank you, you just saved me a lot of wasted time!

As of now, the old builder's features overweigh the new features in the beta builder.



I agree with the recent comments on the date functionality in the new builder - the classic builder felt far more capable than what is currently available.


In regards to linking Filters across reports using the Beta Builder, how is that accomplished? Apologies if I am missing something obvious but I don't seem to be able to do it.




Hello, exporting dashboards is vital to me and I don't see any details on how and what is going to be exported.  I see export options is not available, what options are those, the document type such as pdf or .xls?  Can you please provide the details on exporting?  Same question for scheduling, what is this going to look like, can I request it as a pdf or xls.  Thank you


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Jed Hollander,
thanks for your feedback.

The ability to link filters will be available starting from the GA of the new dashboard builder and will work similarly to the classic builder.



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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Tina Yates,
thanks for your question about exports.

Similarly to the classic builder, Exports and Schedules will be available in CSV, PDF, and Excel formats.



Please consider to include Change Attribute feature in new Beta builder as that's the most key feature for a dashboard. That way we can merge multiple views into one and utilize the space wisely. Please share this feedback to your internal team.



Walter Bellante Hello Walter - did I read this correctly?   You will allow scheduling of dashboards and links on the professional version for external customers?


Rather short test as the main needed features to even create a dashboard are not there: 

  1. No Tabs 
  2. No Bookmarks

These two features are the main reason to use a dashboard and not a report. Means: Currently the Beta is of no practical use. 

As a side comment: I expect to be able to all filters to a dashboard that are available in the report. 


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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Desperately need a way to set relative dates in filters. Last 7d, Last 30d etc. don't work for us. We need to be able to set reports for timeframes like Last Month, This Quarter, This Year etc.

This regression compared to the current date filtering, combined with the lack of Bookmarks means I am unable to use the beta builder in any productive manner. 


I am in the same position as Dan R.   I am trying to use it but without the same features that Dan has mentioned along with tabs and Change Attribute I cannot share these dashboards or use them in my daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly reporting.

When we will the next iteration of the beta dashboards become available?


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Agnieszka Czajka

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kai Schmitte!

You can now add tabs to your dashboards in Beta Builder. You can learn more on how to do it here: Working with the dashboard builder (Beta)



Dear Agnieszka Czajka

thanks a lot for the notification!
Currently all planned developments will need Bookmarks to show data filtered to different teams, different languages or different products. And switch between them easily. 

Means: before I start to work with the Beta Builder, this ability need to be implemented. (Already added my feedback in the respective thread)

Best Regards



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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kai Schmitte,
thanks for sharing your feedback about bookmarks and tabs.

In case you are looking to show filtered data to different teams, I suggest you use Dashboard restrictions.

This feature allows you to share a filtered dashboard with a specific audience and dynamically adapt data based on the viewer.



Dear Walter Bellante

thanks for the quick answer. 

I need to be able to report for myself on different topics. Like: How does product x perform? Or how many tickets does my team b gets per week?

Dashboard restrictions don't help at all with this task. 

To be honest, the current bookmark feature is already not enough, I would like to be able (and enable viewers) to set their own bookmarks without the need to edit the dashboard. 



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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks to everyone who attended our PM Roundtable on Explore Dashboard Builder Transition, where the product team connected with community members to hear and address feedback. After hearing from you on what changes would be best, the product team drafted this response on key points raised during our roundtable. We’ve included below our summary, resources from the event, and a complete recording of our roundtable.


Hi, I'm pretty concerned with the status of "Change attribute" and whether or not it'll be included with the new dashboard builder. Nearly every dashboard I have for our organization utilizes this functionality. It makes it so much easier to build a simple dashboard that allows you to see a time-series report, and quickly view the data by date, week, month, quarter, hour, etc. I will typically build a report that uses a Date time attribute as the default, and then add a change-attribute that allows the user to change their date range and flexibly update the report to show a metric by those other divisions of time.

The change attribute is extremely useful in other ways. For exmaple, you can build group custom attributes that are sub-sets of longer lists of custom field values or agent names, and then change attributes can be used to update a set of reports to show a different portion of the data, or as a way to change your aspect perspective of the data (kind of like decomposing, but not drilling). I find this workflow to be a little more intuitive than simple filtering.


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hi Crawford, thanks so much for providing your feedback. I would love to point you in the direction of our product feedback forums where our PM's intake customer product feedback on the Zendesk suite as well as new product/feature ideas. If you are able, it would be wonderful to see this feedback in our forum for Explore so that it can me monitored more effectively. Thank you again for sharing your feedback. 



I have been using the beta builder a little bit more and it is coming along, but still missing features that I frequently use (some I know are coming - bookmarks, external sharing, linked filters). 

However, one feature I have not seen mentioned is cascading filters - is this a feature that is planned to be in the new builder?



Another one that jumps out to me on the list is tooltips - are these really being removed? Tooltips are still appearing on the Dashboards I have built in the beta builder.


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Stephen,
thanks for sharing your needs about the beta builder.

Can you share how you use cascading filters? While they aren't currently planned I would like to learn why they are important when you build dashboards.

As for tooltips, the beta builder supports them. The only difference is that you can set them up just with the report builder.

External link sharing is now available, while linked filters and the use cases to replace bookmarks will be shipped next year.



I just started using the new Beta Builder this week and wanted to update everybody that had mentioned it - it DOES have the date options like "last month" now!




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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Nikki Goodson

Happy to see those at least. But for me the 3 dealbreakers that are currently unavailable according to the overview are scheduling, exporting and a bookmark functionality. Unless all 3 are available, the dashboard builder is useless for my needs.


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