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Release Notes Through 2022-08-12

Edited Aug 15, 2022




I struggle to understand why changes and feature releases for Support that I see posted on the forums in comments, don't get included in these weekly emails. Here's an example of a pretty major change that was not captured in this weekly release documentation: 

This is actually an issue I've been waiting close to a full year for resolution on. If I hadn't by chance been subscribed to a random community posting, I would never had known about this change to the UI in the Agent Workspace interface.

I've got close to 100 bugs I've been told to wait and watch the release notes for when Zendesk fixes it. If you are not posting in the release notes when you fix things, then I have no way to know when these issues are resolved. Some of these are nearly 2 years old.  These range from minor issues, to extremely major.  If I can't rely on the Release Notes to actually contain updates on these issues, I have no avenues whatsoever.


Same for us, we see EAPs, Feature Changes, Design changes (Macro Button) whatever, but this notes lacking extreme for Support changes or hidden roll outs.


Cool, how do we sort tickets by subject?


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