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Content tags are descriptive terms that you can assign to articles and posts to group them by a common attribute. If you've created content tags, you can edit, delete, or merge them as needed.
This article covers the following topics:
Editing content tags
You can edit content tags if you want to change the name of the tag. When updated, the new name will appear in all places where the content tag appears.
- In Guide admin, click the Arrange content (
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click Manage content tags to display a list of your current content tags.
- On the content tag you want to edit, click the options menu (
), then select Edit.
- If you want to view a list of articles and posts that use the content tag you are about to edit, click View tagged content.
- In the Name field, enter the name you want to assign to the content tag, then click Save.
All articles and posts that use that tag will be updated with the new tag name.
Deleting content tags
You can delete content tags if you no longer want them to appear in your help center. When you delete a content tag it is removed from all articles and posts to which it was applied. To view a list of content that will be affected prior to deletion, see Editing content tags.
To delete a content tag
- In Guide admin, click the Arrange content (
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click Manage content tags to display a list of your current content tags.
- On the content tag you want to delete, click the options menu (
), then select Delete.
- Review the warning message, then click Delete content tag.
The content tag is removed from all articles and posts on which it appeared.
To delete content tags in bulk
- In Guide admin, click the Arrange content (
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click Manage content tags to display a list of your current content tags.
- From the content tags list, select the content tags that you want to delete.
- At the bottom of the page, click Delete.
- Review the warning message, then click Delete content tags.
The content tags are removed from all articles and posts on which they appeared.
Merging content tags
You can merge content tags if you want to combine duplicate or related tags into a single tag without losing track of the content associated with each tag. When you merge content tags, you retain the name of the tag that you are merging to, and the tags that you merged from are deleted.
To merge a content tag
- In Guide admin, click the Arrange content (
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click Manage content tags to display a list of your current content tags.
- Click the options menu (
) on the tag that you want to merge into another tag, then select Merge.
- In Merge content tag, select the content tag into which you want to merge the tag.
- Click Merge content tag.
The content tag is merged. The original content tag is deleted and content associated with it is moved to the merged tag.
- In Guide admin, click the Arrange content (
) icon in the sidebar.
- Click Manage content tags to display a list of your current content tags.
- From the content tags list, select the tags that you want to merge into another tag.
- At the bottom of the page, click Merge.
- In Merge content tag, select the content tag into which you want to merge your selected tags.
- Click Merge content tags.
The content tags are merged. The original content tags are deleted and content associated with them is moved to the merged tag.
Ihor Tomilenko
How does one expose the content tags to the end users? I could not locate the relevant code in any theme. I also could not locate a corresponding helper to customize the theme and give the end users ability to see and click on the content tags.
There is a helper that is also related to the functionality of related articles,
. However, this helper is not the same as the content tags. I would expect to see something like Label object when it comes to content tags. Any ideas?0
Tetiana Gron
Hi Ihor Tomilenko,
Please check "Add content tags to articles and posts" section of Help center templating cookbook.
It might be a bit confusing but `related_articles` helper is not related to content tags.
Heather Rommel
Hi, we hit the 200 tags limit and want to consolidate but I don't see a way to export. Did I miss it?
Katerina Soumani
We intend to have our Help Center content available in Spanish and potentially other languages, too (English will remain the default language). So far, we manually create content tags in both EN and ES, and they indistinctively appear in both versions of the article, i.e., the English version shows the Spanish content tags and vice versa:
Is this the way it's supposed to be? Is there a way to match content tags to their respective language?
Thanks in advance!