See last month's What's New for an overview of what was new in September.
Web Widget (Classic and Messaging)
- [Messaging] Timestamps and receipts displaying inconsistently for RTL languages.
- [Classic] Prevent Widget from initializing on chat popout URL when chat popout is disabled.
Guide & Gather
- New Guide search settings experience: the new layout brings a clean and well-structured admin space for constructing a rich help center search. Besides redesigning existing functionalities, now customers can also include content from communities within each selected help center in their search results.
- Added the ability to display custom fields in the New request list Open Beta.
- Increased alternate templates and custom pages product limit to 100 article templates, 100 section templates, 100 category templates, and 100 custom pages.
App Marketplace
- WooCommerce Integration Pro by AMS (Support) (Chat) (Sell) (paid)
- WooCommerce Integration Pro by AMS lets you open a ticket and directly see the customer's last order details and metrics at a glance. See important Metrics like Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV), Avg. Order Amount, Customer Since, Number of Reviews, and more. This app is also available for Zendesk Chat and Zendesk Sell.
- Auto Merge Duplicate Tickets (Support) (paid)
- Auto Merge Duplicate Tickets allows you to see all open tickets from the same user and merge duplicates with one click. If a customer writes multiple tickets in a short period, you will get notified in the sidebar. By clicking “Merge” you will be able to automatically merge the duplicates.
- Decision Tree for WooCommerce by AMS (Support) (Chat) (paid)
- Decision Tree for WooCommerce by AMS lets you create decision trees for your most common requests. When opening a ticket, the Customer Service Guide for Zendesk will automatically open. You can search for your current case and click through the decision tree. This app is also available for Zendesk Chat.
- GDPR Tickets and Users Auto-Deletion (Support) (Chat) (paid)
- GDPR Tickets and Users Auto-Deletion automatically deletes tickets and users that were last updated more than X months. By default, tickets will be soft-deleted after the specified period (calculated from the date of the last ticket update) and you can restore them within 30 days. Optionally, there is a setting, that will delete the tickets immediately (hard delete). This app is also available for Zendesk Chat.
- Select Email Sender Address (Support) (paid)
- Select Email Sender Address allows you to select the sender mail, restrict it by agent group or automatically add tags. Automatically use the correct email sender, depending on the agent's user group. Based on your sender address, specific tags will automatically be added. Warn the user when submitting a ticket with the default address, if the default address is not allowed for his group.
- Record (Support)
- Record lets your users share their problems visually with all the data needed like console logs and networks, to reduce the average handle time per ticket, and increase overall user satisfaction. It will help you understand your users better, and it will help your user to communicate better. Now you can ask your users to create a record directly from the Zendesk ticket, and get the recording back to the ticket without leaving your main support OS. More than that, users can start the support journey by recording their issues using Record and it will automatically open a new ticket in your Zendesk account.
- MobiKOM af Proventic (Support) (paid)
- MobiKOM af Proventic integrates your MobiKOM calls with Zendesk to improve agent response time. With the MobiKOM app, your support agents save valuable time by having a quick and clear overview of every incoming and outgoing call. The top bar app will automatically open incoming and outgoing calls, showing the caller name, organization, and phone number of existing users in your Zendesk Support - as well as their tickets. Click on a ticket to add an internal note with call details including the customer phone number, time of the call, employee's local number, and a "MobiKOM"-tag. Or create a new ticket and profile for new customers with a single click!
No updates this week
- Support
- Zendesk Chat & Messaging
- Talk
- Explore
- Sell
- Mobile SDKs
- Admin Center
- Sunshine Conversations
- Answer Bot