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About SLA policies and how they work

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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 03, 2025




In our Org we generally move the cases back and forth between teams. The group SLA seems to be resetting when the case is moved to the group again.


Group 1 =  Group SLA starts (Eg: 15 mins).

Case moved to Group 2 after 10 mins.

Case moved again to Group 1 = The Group SLA runs again from 15 mins (And not from where it was left; 5 mins).


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi karankuwarbidxb!

A group SLA starts when a group is assigned a ticket and ends when the ticket is reassigned or solved. Please see Defining group SLAs for more information.

Edit: To clarify a bit more, the group SLA always resets if a ticket gets assigned back to a group it was previously assigned to. Group SLA policies aren't cumulative.


Colleen Hall - any comment on my inquiry?

Since it was 10 days ago that I posted the question with no answer, I've decided to move away from that format, and now I have individual SLA policies that all have standard next-reply time values.

Does the quoted text mean *only* "The first policy whose conditions are satisfied by the ticket is applied to the ticket?" Thereby, subsequent policies whose conditions are satisfied are ignored?


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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Stephen Lee,

I apologize for the delay in my response! 

Yes, the quoted text means that the first SLA policy whose conditions are satisfied is applied to the ticket and subsequent policies are ignored. Only one SLA policy can apply to a ticket at a time. You can create a single SLA policy with all the metrics (such as "Next reply time" and "Agent work time") that you want to measure. Please see the Ordering SLA policies and Understanding which metrics you can measure articles for more information. I hope that helps!



Good day,

Would like to ask if SLA count is being reset if we assign ticket to another group? Regardless if SLA policy is changed or not?

Example scenario:

Ticket created yesterday at 12noon and was assigned to me using SLA policy no 2 (90 mins SLA)

Upon checking, ticket needs to be endorsed to another group. I assigned to group A today with SLA policy 3 (3 days SLA)

Is the ticket SLA will be reset to zero upon assigning to group A or continuous count of SLA, meaning my assistance time from yesterday until today will be counted already on Group A's  3- day SLA?

Thank you in advance



Hi Julie,
It looks like the SLA counter is not reset, regardless if the SLA policy is changed or not. If another SLA policy applies to the ticket after changing the group, the counter looks after the whole ticket cycle. Applied to your example, the time of your assistance until you changed the group is counted as well. I hope this helps!


This is well noted and thank you Cristian


Hi all,

I am struggling to set up SLAs in relation to business days, let me expand:

If I set up a specific SLA's duration, my goal is to always solve the ticket at 11:59 PM (23:59) the day when SLA is supposed to finish.

I.E.: considering a 24 hrs SLA - opening a ticket at 4 pm (triggering the 24 hrs SLA) - my SLA is not supposed to finish the day after at 4 pm, but at 11:59 pm (23:59).

Anybody can help me with that? Is there a way to adjust my SLAs according to the above settings?

Many thanks in advance.


Leonardo Lenk


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Leo,
If you have set your SLA in Business hours, you need to align it with your schedule as well. If 11:59 PM is outside your Business hours, the SLA will not apply. Make sure that 11:59 PM is set as within your Business hours for the SLA to work. Sharing these articles for more information:
Setting your schedule with business hours and holidays
Setting up SLA policies
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk 


Hi Paolo,

Thanks for your prompt reply, will look into the articles provided.

Best regards

Leonardo Lenk




Hi Paolo, all,

Sorry for getting back regarding this matter, apparently I still have the same issue, unfortunately my zen is in italian but I hope you guys manage to understand my settings:

As you can see my Group SLA (in sandbox) is as per image below (I really hope you understand Italian)

While on the schedule I've just set from 00:00 to 00:00

But with the above set up my SLA end just witin 24 hrs

Funny thing is: I forgot to delete a "holiday test" set for today and the first ticket was exactly how I wanted it to be, because it totally skips today and starts counting right after midnight

So I realized: what I really need is the SLA to start always "next business day".

Do I have to use an automation to have a SLA to work like so?

Side Note: I ma using Group SLA because we needed it to start with a specific condition aside from ticket status.

Sorry for bothering regarding this matter, this community has always been a very precious help for a rookie like me.

As usual, thanks in advance.


Leonardo Lenk


Hey! When a ticket is reassigned to another agent from the same Ticket Group, does the SLA Metric Agent Work Time starts again?


Thanks in advance!


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi there,
the Agent work time is defined as:

Agent work time is the combined total time spent in the New and Open ticket statuses.


This metric pauses when the ticket has an On-hold or Pending status.

So I believe it shouldn't reset on reassignment. More info can be found on this article.


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

Is there any advice for how to work with Group transfers, specifically around FRT?

We have scenarios where tickets end up in our community forum, and need to be transferred to Support. this then causes our FRT on these tickets to miss our target, and be a lot higher than Support thinks it should be. 

I don't think adding a group SLA to support is the right move, but I could be wrong. Any ideas?


Hello, hoping you can help.

We have 2 different SLA policies depending on the type of “form” used. 

Sometimes agents manually change the form if the customer submits via direct email.  We also might change the priority of a ticket if something is escalated.

In both of these cases, I noticed that the SLA counter seems to re-apply from the point the ticket is updated i.e. moving from P3 to P1 gives them the SLA time from the point of priority update rather than the original ticket creation which doesn't seem right?


We are on a professional plan and I am setting up different SLAs depending on whether open tickets get assigned to our 1st or 2nd line support. That is of course possible by basing the SLA rules on groups or assignees and that works fine, however while our 1st line support works 7 days a week, our 2nd line support only works Mon-Fri. 
Since we cannot set multiple business schedules in our current plan, am I right to assume that it is simply impossible to have the SLAs for 2nd line exclude the weekend?
I want SLAs to apply to weekends for 1st line but not for 2nd line. It seems this is impossible?


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