What happens to tickets when the assignee is manually removed from a group?
There are several things to consider when removing an agent or admin from a group that impacts their assigned tickets. See the below to understand the different ways assigned tickets can be impacted.
Removing an agent from a group with assigned tickets
- When the ticket assignee is removed from a group, the ticket maintains the group value and automatically reassigns the agent's tickets.
Note: Agents who are downgraded to the End-user role are also removed from their groups.
- The tickets are reassigned to the team member who removed the agent if they are a member of the same group.
- If the team member who removed the assignee from the group isn't a member of the group, tickets are reassigned to the longest-standing active agent on the account within the group. This excludes light agents and agents with restricted permissions.
- If there are no other team members in the group, tickets are reassigned to the account owner.
- Tickets with a status of open, pending, and on-hold are reassigned to the group with a status of solved
- If you turned on solved ticket reassignment, you can choose what happens to solved tickets after the assigned agent is removed from the group.
Note: Tickets with a closed status cannot be changed so the assignee and group remain the same.
For more information on removing agents, see the articles:
Kathrin Lemberg
Clay County Minnesota
I agree with Kathrin Lemberg, that doesn't make sense. It should mark to a status of unassigned with Open or New.
Tom J
‘If you turned on solved ticket reassignment, you can choose what happens to solved tickets after the assigned agent is removed from the group.’
I wish there was a way to ‘Do nothing’ when an agent is removed from a group. If the ticket reopens, it will still be in the relevant teams inbox.
If I remove an agent from a group, they unassign from the ticket. Finding a workaround for this isn't easy, and I am in the process of working it out currently.
The issue is that is messes up ‘Assignee name’ on reporting, as it will change it to ‘Null’. The agent did do work in that group at the time, so I don't want it to unassign them. A workaround might be force closing the ticket - Also not an ideal solution.
Updates history dataset springs to mind, but there are certain metrics that I want to track that are not available there.