Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
This Explore recipe shows you how to report on the initial priority of a ticket. Even if the ticket's priority was later changed or downgraded, you can still report on the first priority value that was set on the ticket.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time required: 5 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving users access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Building your report
In the example report below, you'll create a standard calculated metric that returns tickets that have had an initial priority set. You'll then filter the results by the value of priority field to find tickets that originated in the Urgent priority.
This is helpful if you want to track the number of urgent tickets received in a given time period, regardless of whether an agent or end user downgraded the ticket later on.
To create the report
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support - Updates history, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
In the Calculations (
) menu, click Standard calculated metric.
- In the Name field, enter a name for your metric, such as Initial Priority.
In the Formula editor, enter or paste the following:
IF ([Changes - Field name]="priority" AND [Changes - Previous value]=NULL) THEN [Update ID] ENDIF
Your standard calculated metric will look like the following image: - Click Save.
- In the Metrics pane, add the standard calculated metric you just created and click Apply.
- Change the metric aggregator to D_COUNT. This shows you the number of tickets that have had an initial priority set.
- In the Filters pane, add Changes - Field name and filter that attribute by the priority value. This improves the load time of your report by limiting the results of the next step to the Priority field.
- In the Rows pane, add the following attributes:
- Ticket ID
- Changes - New value
- Click the Changes - New value attribute you just added and filter it by the urgent value.
- Add a metric filter and set it to 1.
The report is now complete and shows only the tickets that started in the urgent priority.
1 comment
John Aspinall
Hi Shannon Kertis - I want to show tickets from the past calendar month that have had a priority change, but I'd like it to show me what the original value was (i.e. low) and what it was changed to (i.e. high)
I ticked ‘Changes - Previous Value’ and ‘Changes - New value’ but only a few tickets show (we have hundreds logged each month) and none show any change to priority (i.e. the ‘changes - previous value’ is empty on the few tickets that show. I've otherwise followed the guidance above to the letter. If I change ‘Metrics’ to 'Su'm' then I get way more results but unsure (without checking them all!) if they're all from within the calendar month of July that I've selected