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Creating custom omnichannel routing queues

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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Sep 16, 2024




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Rafael Santos

User Group Leader

Hey team, could you please update the API Reference documentation to include Queues?

I guess it could be on Omnichannel, Ticketing, or Betas and EAPs.

FYI Jacquelyn Brewer, Barry Neary

List queues:

GET /api/v2/queues

Create queue:

POST /api/v2/queues

List queue definitions:

GET /api/v2/queues/definitions

Show queue:

GET /api/v2/queues/:queue_id

Update queue:

PUT /api/v2/queues/:queue_id

Delete queue:

DELETE /api/v2/queues/:queue_id


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Steve Lacoss

Zendesk Luminary

This will not assign to a group until an agent  in that group becomes available for the related channel (email/messaging).  You will also either have a trigger to still assign to the group so you can see volume or have a view to monitor unassigned tickets. 


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Jacquelyn Brewer

Zendesk Documentation Team

Rafael Santos I've confirmed with Barry Neary that the team is currently working on the public-facing APIs for omnichannel routing queues.


Any updates? I saw the new spec on the oas.yaml file.

List queues is working, but create queue still not


My account has 3 types of skills: 
Brands (only agent with the skill can work on the ticket). 

Topics (custom ticket fields: only agent with the skill can work on the ticket). 
Language The ticket should be first pushed to an agent with the skills but if no one is available in the next X minutes then assign the ticket to someone else with brand/topic skills. 

There's the option to turn on skills timeout, but we can't select the type of skills. 
We can use secondary groups under queue, but there's no delay. So if the Arabic agent has reach is ticket capacity the ticket will be directly routed to someone else; 

Do you have any workaround please? 



What is the process for the Secondary Group kicking in? Will it happen immediately? Is there an in-built delay? Is it tied to skills timeout? 


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

HI Support Petiscope 


We are currently working on a feature to allow you to do this - release likely Sept 2024. No clear workaround at present - although if its an email ticket potentially you could use an automation which fires if the ticket is still New (unassigned ) after x hours and adds a tag which causes a trigger to remove a skill


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi D.Fitz


Secondary group overflow happens immediately if primary group not available. Not linked to skills timeout


Hi Barry, 


Hope you're well. Is there a way to add a tag to a ticket when it enters a queue, so that we can report on it? I know there is the live omnichannel reporting but we want to be able to report on historical trends as well. 


Many thanks, 



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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Steven Hampson 

You could have a trigger with the same condition as the queue  add a tag  - then report on tickets with this tag?



Thanks Barry! I'm not sure if that will give me exactly what I need because I want to know if something looks like it should match but was not routed correctly - ideally I'd want it to tag after it enters the queue so I can check performance. But I'll give that a try, it might be enough. Thanks for the suggestion. Steven. 


Is there a condition in queues which can work like “if SLA is close to be breached”?


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Vitaliia Paniuta (External) 

No, not currently. There is the ability to move a message from one routing queue to another if that message goes inactive - see here



Does primary group mean that the ticket is moved to this specific group or is it really just a group of agents that nothing has to do with the group of the ticket?


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