The new version of the Explore dashboard builder makes it simpler and more intuitive to create dashboards that give you insights into your support and can help optimize your service channels.
When you start using the new dashboard builder, you’ll find that most of your legacy dashboards can be migrated to the new dashboard builder with a few clicks. However, some of your dashboards might need extra work before you can work with them in the new dashboard builder.
- Prebuilt dashboards: Ready to use dashboards provided with Explore displaying information in a easy-to-read format. These will be automatically migrated, but you'll need to recreate any shares or schedules you previously configured.
- Custom dashboards: These are dashboards created or customized by a Zendesk Explore admin or editor. You'll need to migrate these dashboards to the new builder using the importer tool.
See Migrating legacy Explore dashboards to the new dashboard builder.
In this article, you’ll learn how to discover which dashboards are ready to migrate to the new dashboard builder and how to prepare dashboards that need extra work.
This article contains the following topics:
Understanding the migration status of your dashboards
Explore helps you view which of your dashboards can immediately be used in the new dashboard builder and which need work before you can use them.
To view the migration status of your dashboards
- In Explore, click the Dashboards library icon (
) on the left sidebar.
In the list of dashboards, you can see the migration status of each dashboard in the Migration column.
For each dashboard, one of the following migration statuses is displayed:
- Migrate: You can click Migrate to immediately start migrating your dashboard. You'll receive a notification as soon as your migrated dashboard is ready.
- Migrate (limited): You can migrate this dashboard, but some functionality will be different or not available. You can review the limitations before you migrate the dashboard.
- Migrate (blocked): You won’t be able to migrate this dashboard to the new experience until you make some changes to it. In the next section, you’ll learn how to address blocking issues before migrating the dashboard.
If no migration status is shown, the dashboard is ready for you to use in the new dashboard builder.
Understanding why dashboards are blocked
Dashboards can be blocked for one of the following reasons:
- They contain more than 10 tabs.
- They contain more than 35 components on each tab. A component is any object you add to the dashboard, for example, a report or a filter.
- If a dashboard tab contains more than 10 tabs, consider cloning the dashboard to ensure that fewer than 10 tabs are on each dashboard.
- If the dashboard contains more than 35 components (reports or filters) on a tab, consider creating a new tab and moving some components to the new tab.
Migrating legacy dashboards
Dashboards are migrated from the dashboard library. The Views column in the library can help you decide which legacy dashboards to migrate.
To migrate a dashboard
- In Explore, click the Dashboards library icon (
) on the left sidebar.
- From the list of dashboards, choose a dashboard and click Migrate.
- If there are no issues with the dashboard, the migration will be completed.
If there are blocking issues or some parts of the dashboard won’t be migrated or will work differently, the review blockers page will be displayed.
- The migration creates a copy of the original dashboard. Once you’re ready, you can delete the original dashboard version.
Watch this short video for an overview of the dashboard migration tools:
Using the Explore dashboard importer tool (3:18)
Tina Yates
When will this be available for all accounts?
Walter Bellante
Hi Tina Yates , these features are now available to all accounts.
Scott D
Are there roles restrictions on who can use the migration tool? Are we able to permission this to only be available to admins?
Walter Bellante
Hi Scott D ,
editors and admins can migrate dashboards and it's not possible to restrict it to admin only.
However, since the migration tool creates a copy of the dashboard, the original dashboard remains unaffected.
Shinji Morishita
Does this update only affect the dashboard?
I'm wondering if this change will require me to modify my reports and datasets as well.Can I continue to use existing reports and datasets without modification?
Tom Gibson
Is there an article that addresses EACH and EVERY reason why the Migration is limited and how to fix the report/dashboard?
For example, initially my migration was blocked because my dashboard had more than 10 tabs. That is easy, delete tabs until you have 10 or less. Now, my migration is limited, but there is NO info on specifically what needs to be done to bring the report into compliance. For example, I have many of:
Component: Top/Bottom, Details: Won't be migrated. Add top/bottom as a result manipulation to your report.
What does that mean?
Next, I have Change attributes and all Details says is Won't be migrated. Well, I need everything to be migrated to the new dashboard. What are Change Attributes? What will I lose because they will not be migrated? What can I do to migrate them if anything?
Next, I have Global filters with filter names and what tab they are on with the detail: Will only be migrated to the original tab. That tells me they are on multiple tabs, but those tabs are not listed. What is the impact to only being migrated to the original tab? How do I mitigate this?
Next, I have Hidden filters component, Details says my hidden filter will no longer be hidden and to create a dashboard restriction. How??
Next, I have Hidden bookmarks, Details says they will not be migrated and I need to rebuild bookmarks by using filtered views. How??
There is a lot more documentation needed to help get these dashboard migrated without losing functionality. It would be nice if the details would take you to a specific help topic on how to migrate or mitigate that component.
Glad we have a year. In reality only 9 months since the legacy dashboard cannot be edited after July 2025.
Walter Bellante
Hello Shinji Morishita ,
just dashboards are affected.
Datasets and reports are not impacted.
Walter Bellante
Hello Tom Gibson ,
thanks for your feedback about the importer tool.
Change attributes and global filters will be later supported from the dashboard builder.
You can check the full list of components supported here.
Here are a couple of articles that can help you create dashboard restrictions and filtered views:
- Dynamically adapting data based on the viewer
- Bookmarking dashboards states with filtered views
Martin Smith
Hi there. It seems that the new dashboards have a limitation on time/date filters compared to the older method.
In the old dashboards, a date based filter with ‘all history’ selected would allow returns of data where a date field is null. There appears to be no similar option in the new dashboard filters, therefore it's not possible to filter on data with an optional time or date type reliably.
Anything without that data item is filtered out by the sheer existence of the time/date filter. This is a massive limitation in my view.
Can you please confirm if there is something I'm missing or a workaround on this? I'm not able to migrate without resolving this. Thanks!
Walter Bellante
Hi Martin Smith,
thank you for your feedback regarding the dashboard builder.
You can achieve a behavior similar to “All history” in time filters by using either “Custom range” or “Rolling range” in the time filter options. You can then store these values and set them as default by using filtered views.
Martin Smith
Hi Walter
Unfortunately this isn't the case. Neither ‘custom’ or ‘rolling’ ranges allow for return of data items where the data is empty, whereas ‘All History’ was effectively removing any filtering allowing any dates in addition to empty/null entries.
We really need an option to make such date/time filters inactive on the dashboards, if null values can't be returned, as this prevents any reporting on custom date & time fields where they are optional
Does that help explain the issue further? I feel the ability to disable filters from a user perspective would resolve this.
Many thanks!
Eleanor Madison
I migrated my first dashboard (that had no errors) to test it and noticed the schedule/sharing didn't carry over. When I went to schedule it I found a few critical issues. 1) it has an end date- this means it will not deliver after a year so we have to manually recreate every year- not convenient 2) it only offers CSV or Excel. We get ours in PDF (or PNG). Please allow the other options or the scheduling is useless. I need to stop working on migrating until these are resolved. Thanks
Hrishikesh Narendra Pande
Agree with Eleanor Madison concerns and additionally in New dashboard builder, it doesn’t give any option to set Subject and body for the scheduled report delivery compared to legacy scheduling where we are able to set it. Are we going to see mentioned changes in the new dashboard builder or they being completely removed which is basically a downgrade in my opinion.
We've rebuilt some of our dashboards on the new editor, but it doesn't look like there is an option to share the dashboard via link & password protection as we could for the previous dashboards.
Am I missing this option or will it be added in the future?
Walter Bellante
Dear customers,
I am pleased to announce that schedules in PNG and PDF formats are now available.
You can learn more here.
The fact that we are not able to download individual reports/tables in this new dashboard is a big deal breaker :/ My team wants to keep using the old version until this issue is fixed.
Emile Eseigbe
With the New Migrated Dashboards, we seem to have also lost the functionality to drill into different reports - this used to enable us to see exactly which tickets our data was coming from but now the drill down feature does not even work half the time.
Can this be fixed as a priority please? Our team utilises this functionality to report to the wider business and it will mean a lot more time having to manually extract data…
Walter Bellante
Hi @Emile Eseigbe,
I’m sorry to hear that you experienced issues while using the Drill feature in the new dashboard builder.
The ability to drill into reports is available, but if you are encountering a problem with this feature, please submit a ticket.
Eleanor Madison
Data restrictions have a limit of 20, legacy does not have a limit so we cannot match data. (using ticket group) This is a showstopper.
It doesn't have exclude option, only include. This makes it more difficult.
When selecting from dropdown, you pick one, then you have to reopen dropdown and scroll to find the next. This is time consuming. Please make the dropdown multiselect.
Have to say this is very frustrating process. This was a “limited migration” - so far I am 4 hours in on one dashboard and not making much progress :(
Martin Smith
Hi. Is there any update on date filters and the ability to selectively turn off, or filter all history? The removal of 'all history' has been a serious breaking change to our dashboards. Whilst I get this from a performance perspective, this renders dashboards incorrect where a date field is optional as it's impossible to get them to report. Ideally the ability to make a date filter inactive would resolve this, or the all history option being restore.
Walter Bellante
Hi Martin Smith ,
thanks for your feedback about the dashboard builder.
You can configure reports so that they are excluded from filters.
You can learn more about it here.
Martin Smith
Hi Walter
Thanks for your reply. I'm afraid this feature doesn't really help our situation.
We have reports where we have multiple time filters (start, end dates for example) and open cases would not have an end date. Without the ability for a USER to disable a specific filter (previously achieved by selecting 'all history'), we have data that cannot be rendered in a report as it has no date. This was previously made possible by the ‘all history’ option, effectively rendering the date filter as disabled.
Without such, all our reporting would have to be duplicated (one with filters enabled, one with filters disabled) which would make maintenance much harder and laborious and user experience more complex.
Is there any official backlog for such feature requests please? This is really going to cause problems come the mandated switch over, which really should as a minimum provide feature parity.
Jay Krishnan
Hi Walter Bellante This is with respect to your comment above on Nov 13,
We have a legacy dashboard that I just checked for migration and it popped up tons of components that either won't be migrated or work differently. Most of them are related to the Change attributes and global filters. Now, considering the comment above, how do we kick-off the dashboard migration if those features are not still available as on date?
We are being shown that we are able to edit this dashboard only until sometime in Jun-Jul 2025; so bit concerned on how to go about migrating the essential dashboard before that deadline.
Frits van Dee
We do use the reports to send to our customers, adding logo, backgrounds on a first page of the report is missing functionality with the new reporting functionality. This will cause our reports to look less professional.
I would like to be able to create reports for the previous 12 months. This can be done using the the legacy version. In the new version I can do previous month (1), Last 12 months (which shows data for broken months), not 12 previous months which would show me 12 full months and no data of the current month.
The already mentioned scheduling limit for a year is something I do foresee issues with as well.
I'm also quite concerned about the number of features that aren't replicable in the new dashboard builder.
In our Agent Performance dashboards, we report on tickets updated and on CSAT. This means we need to filter the Tickets Updated report by Updater and filter CSAT by Update Assignee (as the end user is the updater in this case).
It's not possible to exclude reports from Dashboard Restrictions, which means some reports simply won't function if we apply multiple restrictions.
The alternative is to apply multiple filters and exclude the reports from the filters. However, as these filters are not hideable, there's nothing stopping agents from updating the filters to view the data of their colleagues.
Seems like a pretty big oversight that is going to prevent us from continuing to use Zendesk for reporting on our agents' performance.
As requested above, is there any kind of feature request backlog that we can add to to try and get the new dashboard builder in a usable state before launch?
Bastiaan Huijgen
It is all rather complicated and many many factors are affected.
Could you please organise a WEBINAR with Q&A?
Not all people learn the same way, for those of us that learn by hearing and seeing and interacting as opposed to by reading, that would be a great help.
I looked at that video Using the Explore dashboard builder importer tool - and it assumes you are already a super experienced user who has been building dashboards for years and know all the terminology, half of the clicks and displayed elements are not explained. I watched the video a few times, and still don´t understand what restrictions actually restrict. It took me watching the video 3 times before I noticed the warning was not in colour but line of text that wasn´t pointed out. Overall it goes way too fast and ignores a lot of the variables and elements and doesn´t give explanations of what they are.
In reality, for example for the standard support dashboard, it says 82 elements will not be migrated with 5 different options from simply “won´t be migrated” or “only to original tab” or “rebuild bookmarks by using filtered views”, that´s a lot and pretty unclear about the how and how to manage those.
Make a video and pretend you´re explaining it to your mother step by step, explaining everything that happens. Why does it only say 1 of 12 tabs, will it only migrate one? What are we restricting? dynamically adapted to the user, sounds nice but what does that actually do? etc. etc. Also I don´t want to sound disrespectful, but a few words are hard to understand with the heavy accent, speaking a little slower might help.
Tina Yates
The Date filters are still lacking some of the options I currently use. The rolling dates are for days and weeks only. I like to do yearly comparisons and like to be able to change the dates. There is no Today option only last 24hrs which is not the same as Today.
Julia DiGregorio
This is not ready for prime time. When you migrate all scheduling is lost, you can not longer hide filters, you can't change font size on the dashboard report names, you can't change shapes, there is no save option, the manage data restrictions are only good while in the dashboard but are lost on scheduling, the report names on the dashboard show the filters, and the PDF quality is horrible
Walter Bellante
Hi @Jay Krishnan,
Thank you for your feedback regarding the new dashboard builder.
While the additional components will be available in the future, I recommend you consider one of the following options:
1. Migrate the dashboard now: You can migrate the dashboard and then add the new components once they are available. The importer tool creates a copy of the dashboard, so your original dashboard will not be affected.
2. Wait for the components to be released and migrate it later: We plan to support global filters in the importer tool; however, we are not yet certain if the change attributes will be transferable through the tool.
Walter Bellante
Hi @D.Fitz,
Thank you for sharing how you use hidden filters to create different views.
I recommend creating two separate dashboard restrictions: one that displays reports at a higher level, such as the group level, and another that is based on the Updater and Update Assignee.
Keep in mind that when using dashboard restrictions, viewers cannot interact with filters outside of the rules you have established.
I hope this information is helpful.