We know you find our Explore recipes helpful for learning Explore and discovering real-life scenarios. However, there are a lot of recipes, and finding the recipe you want can sometimes be challenging.
To help, we've listed the top 20 recipes based on page views so you can see what's popular. We'll refresh this article every month.
See a complete list of all Explore recipes.
- How to report on first reply time in Zendesk
- Declined and missed calls by ticket ID and agent leg
- Reporting on created and solved tickets
- Display all customer satisfaction comments
- Filtering reports by business hours
- Average ticket resolution time without pending or on-hold time
- Reporting on the duration of fields
- Finding tickets with a specific word in the subject
- Reporting on macros using tags
- Tracking ticket assigns across groups
- Reviewing SLA performance
- Getting to know dashboard filters
- One-touch tickets
- Reporting on customer satisfaction by agent
- Reporting on full resolution time
- Agent interactions on tickets
- Reporting on custom ticket fields
- Reporting on custom ticket statuses
- Time Tracking app - Measuring ticket handling time
- Time Tracking app - Measuring update handling time
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Do you have an idea or suggestion for a new Explore recipe? Please let us know in the comments below!