Add-on | AI agents - Advanced |
We integrate natively with Salesforce which means the AI agent acts as an agent in Salesforce.
This article covers the steps to set up the integration to connect your AI agent to Salesforce and the information to be obtained in each step.
Step 1: Create a new user for the AI agent in Salesforce
Create a user to authenticate the AI agent in Salesforce.
The user needs administrative access to complete the installation.
Cases will be assigned to and responded to by this user so please ensure to create a user with details you want the brand identity to be.
To create a new user in Salesforce:
Login to Salesforce using a system administrator account
Go to Setup > Users > Users, click New User
Under General Information, fill in the fields of required information highlighted in red
Last name: Use the AI agent's name. e.g. AI agent EN.
Alias: Auto-filled by Salesforce once Last Name is entered
Email: Email account of the AI agent
Username: use the AI agent email
Nickname: Auto-filled by Salesforce once Username is entered
Role: Leave it as is
User License: Select Salesforce
Profile: System Administrator
Enable the settings below by checking the box:
Service Cloud User
Under Locale Settings, select Time Zone, Locale, and Language according to your needs.
Click Save
Ensure that under profile settings, the user is set to have their password ‘never expire'.
User Access
If not an admin user, please make sure that the user profile has the following permissions for a standard user:
Administrative Permissions
Modify metadata through metadata API functions MINIMIZED FLOW STANDARD FLOW
General User Permissions
Manage public lightning email templates STANDARD FLOW
Create Folders for Lightning Email Templates STANDARD FLOW
Standard Object Permissions
Case => Modify All
Step 2: User Authentication on AI agents - Advanced
In this step, you will be connecting the AI agents - Advanced dashboard to your Salesforce org.
To do so:
Open a new tab and login to your AI agents - Advanced dashboard
Select your AI agent and navigate to Settings > CRM Integration.
Select Salesforce
In the ‘Domain’ field enter your Salesforce org’s URL up until “.my.”
If the URL is the domain will be “ultimateai-demo”.
For a sandbox, enter the URL up until ".sandbox." (if the URL is, enter 'ultimateai-demo--barbara' in the domain field)
Click on ‘Authorize’.
Login into Salesforce using the account you would like to authenticate from. If prompted with an access request, click Allow.
Once the process is complete, the UI will show the user used for authentication along with their profile.
Step 3: Create Automation Flows
Once the authorization is completed, we will need to set up the Flows in Salesforce.
Click on ‘Create Automation Flow’. You will be prompted to select one of two options.
Standard: This flow is the expected version you would use. This installs the end to end process within Salesforce that will allow to AI agent to capture and respond to customer emails. Once installed, two flows will be created in setup
This flow is responsible for listening every time a case is created from origin Web or Email.
It creates a field titled ‘UltimateBotReply__c’. This field does not need to be added to the case layout for it to function but can be added for visibility.
This flow is responsible for sending the AI agent reply to the customer when the field ‘UltimateBotReply__c’ is updated.
It will create an email template that is referenced in the response sent to the customer. This template can be edited with content to ensure the customer facing email populates content the way you would want.
Minimized: This will create the flow in Salesforce only up until capturing the AI agent response in Salesforce. This will not send out any emails to customers. This option is only recommended for testing and data aggregation purposes. Once installed, one flow will be created in Salesforce.
This flow is responsible for listening every time a case is created from origin Web or Email.
It creates a field titled ‘UltimateBotReply__c’. This field does not need to be added to the case layout for it to function but can be added for visibility
If you select one of the flow options, the only way to change it is to delete the flow, select the new option and create again.
The flow process looks for an email created with the case origin 'email' to ensure we trigger the right process.
Step 4: Turn on Automation Engine
Scroll to the top to Connection Status and switch the automation engine on by clicking the toggle.
That's it! Now it's time to test your AI agent.